
wsdm 2013 论文列表

Sixth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, WSDM 2013, Rome, Italy, February 4-8, 2013.

Search and exploration of X-Rated information (SEXI 2013).
Workshop on semantic personalized information management (SPIM'13).
Workshop on large-scale and distributed systems for information retrieval (LSDS-IR 2013).
3rd workshop on context-awareness in retrieval and recommendation.
WSCD2013: workshop on web search click data 2013.
Econometric analysis and digital marketing: how tomeasure the effectiveness of an ad.
(big) usage data in web search.
Temporal web dynamics and its application to information retrieval.
Exploring structure and content on the web: extraction and integration of the semi-structured web.
Data-driven political science.
Models and algorithms for social influence analysis.
Anomaly, event, and fraud detection in large network datasets.
Advanced graph mining for community evaluation in social networks and the web.
Web usage mining for enhancing search-result delivery and helping users to find interesting web content.
Building user profiles to improve user experience in recommender systems.
Towards web-scale structured web data extraction.
On the quest of discovering cultural trails in social media.
On the prediction of popularity of trends and hits for user generated videos.
Sponsored search auctions.
Maguro, a system for indexing and searching over very large text collections.
Learning to rank for spatiotemporal search.
Characterizing and supporting cross-device search tasks.
Optimizing budget constrained spend in search advertising.
Learning query and document similarities from click-through bipartite graph with metadata.
On the streaming complexity of computing local clustering coefficients.
Modeling dynamic behavior in large evolving graphs.
Influence diffusion dynamics and influence maximization in social networks with friend and foe relationships.
Collective inference for network data with copula latent markov networks.
Modeling the impact of lifestyle on health at scale.
Distinguishing topical and social groups based on common identity and bond theory.
Online community detection in social sensing.
A peek into the future: predicting the evolution of popularity in user generated content.
LaFT-tree: perceiving the expansion trace of one's circle of friends in online social networks.
Overlapping community detection at scale: a nonnegative matrix factorization approach.
Retweet or not?: personalized tweet re-ranking.
Wikipedia entity expansion and attribute extraction from the web using semi-supervised learning.
Co-factorization machines: modeling user interests and predicting individual decisions in Twitter.
Connecting comments and tags: improved modeling of social tagging systems.
Exploiting social relations for sentiment analysis in microblogging.
Towards Twitter context summarization with user influence models.
GOP primary season on twitter: "popular" political sentiment in social media.
Balanced label propagation for partitioning massive graphs.
Big data, lifelong machine learning and transfer learning.
What's in a name?: an unsupervised approach to link users across communities.
Translating related words to videos and back through latent topics.
Estimating content concreteness for finding comprehensible documents.
Unsupervised graph-based topic labelling using dbpedia.
Online multi-modal distance learning for scalable multimedia retrieval.
Learning multiple-question decision trees for cold-start recommendation.
Have you done anything like that?: predicting performance using inter-category reputation.
Triplex transfer learning: exploiting both shared and distinct concepts for text classification.
Predicting content change on the web.
Threading machine generated email.
App recommendation: a contest between satisfaction and temptation.
Latent factor models with additive and hierarchically-smoothed user preferences.
Geo topic model: joint modeling of user's activity area and interests for location recommendation.
Using early view patterns to predict the popularity of youtube videos.
Crawling deep web entity pages.
Wiki3C: exploiting wikipedia for context-aware concept categorization.
Robust query rewriting using anchor data.
TYPiMatch: type-specific unsupervised learning of keys and key values for heterogeneous web data integration.
Group sparse topical coding: from code to topic.
News recommendation via hypergraph learning: encapsulation of user behavior and news content.
Expediting search trend detection via prediction of query counts.
Personalizing atypical web search sessions.
From machu_picchu to "rafting the urubamba river": anticipating information needs via the entity-query graph.
Studying inter-national mobility through IP geolocation.
Mining the web to predict future events.
Optimized interleaving for online retrieval evaluation.
Three findings regarding privacy online.
Arrival and departure dynamics in social networks.
Sharding social networks.
Bursty subgraphs in social networks.
Optimizing parallel algorithms for all pairs similarity search.
Pairwise ranking aggregation in a crowdsourced setting.
Reusing historical interaction data for faster online learning to rank for IR.
Absence time and user engagement: evaluating ranking functions.
Time-sensitive web image ranking and retrieval via dynamic multi-task regression.
Rank quantization.
NCDawareRank: a novel ranking method that exploits the decomposable structure of the web.
Playing by the rules: mining query associations to predict search performance.
Improving the sensitivity of online controlled experiments by utilizing pre-experiment data.
Optimizing top-k document retrieval strategies for block-max indexes.
Differences in search engine evaluations between query owners and non-owners.
Identifying users' topical tasks in web search.
Quasi-succinct indices.
Document selection for tiered indexing in commerce search.
Efficient and effective retrieval using selective pruning.
Exploiting homophily effect for trust prediction.
Patent partner recommendation in enterprise social networks.
Cascade-based community detection.
Structure and dynamics of information pathways in online media.
Characterizing and curating conversation threads: expansion, focus, volume, re-entry.
Information-theoretic measures of influence based on content dynamics.
The virtual lab.