SIGGRAPH 1989 论文列表

Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1989, Boston, MA, USA, July 31 - August 4, 1989.

An efficient algorithm for hidden surface removal.
Separable image warping with spatial lookup tables.
A characterization of ten rasterization techniques.
Incremental computation of planar maps.
A general two-pass method integrating specular and diffuse reflection.
Improving radiosity solutions through the use of analytically determined form-factors.
A Ray tracing algorithm for progressive radiosity.
Parameterized Ray-tracing.
Guaranteed ray intersections with implicit surfaces.
Ray tracing deterministic 3-D fractals.
Antialiased ray tracing by adaptive progressive refinement.
Rendering fur with three dimensional textures.
Algorithms for solid noise synthesis.
Layered construction for deformable animated characters.
Goal-directed, dynamic animation of human walking.
Analytical methods for dynamic simulation of non-penetrating rigid bodies.
Good vibrations: model dynamics for graphics and animation.
Three dimensional Terrain modeling and display for environmental assessment.
Computer graphics visualization for acoustic simulation.
An efficient 3-D visualization technique for finite element models and other coarse volumes.
Voxel space automata: modeling with stochastic growth processes in voxel space.
Curve-to-curve associations in spline-based inbetweening and sweeping.
Rendering cubic curves and surfaces with integer adaptive forward differencing.
Scan line display of algebraic surfaces.
A two-view approach to constructing user interfaces.
Metamouse: specifying graphical procedures by example.
Accurate color reproduction for computer graphics applications.
Real-time rendering of trimmed surfaces.
Near real-time shadow generation using BSP trees.
Illumination networks: fast realistic rendering with general reflectance functions.
Pixel-planes 5: a heterogeneous multiprocessor graphics system using processor-enhanced memories.
The pixel machine: a parallel image computer.
Hardware acceleration for Window systems.
From splines to fractals.
The synthesis and rendering of eroded fractal terrains.
Combinatorial analysis of ramified patterns and computer imagery of trees.
Simulation of object and human skin formations in a grasping task.