
aaai 1999 论文列表

Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Eleventh Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 18-22, 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Game Playing: The Next Moves.
Word Sense Disambiguation for Information Retrieval.
Learning rewrite rules to improve plan quality.
Learning to Handle Inconsistency for Multi-Source Integration.
Investigating the Effect of Relevance and Reachability Constraints on SAT Encodings of Planning.
Learning State Features from Policies to Bias Exploration in Reinforcement Learning.
Comparison of Second-order Polynomial Model Selection Methods: an Experimental Survey.
Minimal Cost Complexity Pruning of Meta-Classifiers.
A representation reducing approach to scientific discovery.
Learning of Compositional Hierarchies By Data-Driven Chunking.
Decision-Theoretic Layered Robotic Control Architecture.
Active Learning for Hierarchical Wrapper Induction.
Interacting with a Pet Robot using Hand Gestures.
Causal Discovery from Population-Based Infant Birth and Death Records.
Hybrid Propositional Encodings of Planning.
Externalizing Internal State.
Text Compression as a Test for Artificial Intelligence.
Learning in Broker Agent.
Autonomous Discovery In Empirical Domains.
Knowledge Base Revision through Exception-driven Discovery and Learning.
Comparison of Clustering Metrics and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms on Genome-Wide Gene Expression Level Data.
Robot Navigation with a Polar Neural Map.
A Framework for Problem Solving Activities in Multi-Agent Systems.
Expectation-based Learning in Design.
OBDD-Based Planning with Real-Valued Variables in Non-Deterministic Environments.
Using Neural Networks in Agent Teams to Speed Up Solution Discovery for Hard Multi-Criteria Problems.
Learning Design Guidelines by Theory Refinement.
Structural Knowledge Discovery in Chemical and Spatio-Temporal Databases.
Automatic Sample-by-sample Model Selection Between Two Off-the-shelf Classifiers.
Applying Genetic Algorithms to Pronoun Resolution.
Reasoning about Sensing Actions and Reactivity.
Over-Constrained Systems.
A Bayesian approach to object identification.
Modeling Prosody Automatically in Concept-to-Speech Generation.
Applying Supervised Learning to Real-World Problems.
Planning Under Uncertainty via Stochastic Statisfiability.
Data Driven Profiling of Dynamic System Behavior using Hidden Markov Model based Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Classification.
Corpus-Based Induction of Lexical Representation and Meaning.
Execution Monitoring and Diagnosis in Multi-Agent Environments.
Towards Bounded Optimal Meta-Level Control: A Case Study.
Development of a Methodology and Software Shell for the Automatic Generation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems from Existing Generic Task-based Expert Systems.
Learning form-meaning mappings for language.
Modelling Higher Cognitive Functions with Hebbian Cell Assemblies.
Using Formal Meta-Data Descriptions for Automated Ecological Modeling.
Approximation Algorithms for Solving Cost Observable Markov Decision Processes.
Elaboration Tolerance of Logical Theories.
Web-Based Mobile Robot Simulator.
Kansas State Robotics.
A Natural Interface and Unified Skills for a Mobile Robot.
Sensor Based Coverage of Unknown Environments for Land Mine Detection.
Intelligent Agents in Computer Games.
HIKE (HPKB Integrated Knowledge Environment) - A Query Interface and Integrated Knowledge Environment for HPKB.
MailCat: An Intelligent Assistant for Organizing E-Mail.
eMediator: a Next Generation Electronic Commerce Server.
Automated Team Analysis.
Demonstration of Rational Communicative Behavior in Coordinated Defense.
Authoring New Material in a Reading Tutor that Listens.
Worldwide Aeronautical Route Planner.
Solving Crosswords with PROVERB.
DIPLOMAT: Compiling Prioritized Default Rules into Ordinary Logic Programs, for E-Commerce Applications.
A System for the Semantic Interpretation of Unrestricted Domains using WordNet.
A Natural-Language Speech Interface Constructed Entirely as a Set of Executable Specifications.
TRIPS: The Rochester Interactive Planning System.
Knowledge Base Discovery Tool.
SMILE: Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine and GeNIE: A Development Environment for Graphical Decision-Theoretic Models.
The Disciple Integrated Shell and Methodology for Rapid Development of Knowledge-Based Agents.
Sensible Agents: Demonstration of Dynamic Configuration of Agent Organizations for Responsive Planning Operations.
CMUnited-98: A Team of Robotic Soccer Agents.
A Multi-Agent System for Meting Out Influence in an Intelligent Environment.
Automated Capture of Rationale for the Detailed Design Process.
HICAP: An Interactive Case-Based Planning Architecture and its Application to Noncombatant Evacuation Operations.
In-Time Agent-Based Vehicle Routing with a Stochastic Improvement Heuristic.
Using Artificial Intelligence Planning to Generate Antenna Tracking Plans.
The Use of Word Sense Disambiguation in an Information Extraction System.
The Wasabi Personal Shopper: A Case-Based Recommender System.
Nurse Scheduling using Constraint Logic Programming.
Using Intelligent Agents in Military Simulation or "Using Agents Intelligently".
DLMS: Ten Years of AI for Vehicle Assembly Process Planning.
Using Iterative Repair to Automate Planning and Scheduling of Shuttle Payload Operations.
Ramp Activity Expert System for Scheduling and Co-ordination at an Airport.
A New Basis for Spreadsheet Computing: Interval Solver for Microsoft Excel.
Last Minute Travel Application.
HKIA SAS: A Constraint-Based Airport Stand Allocation System Developed with Software Components.
Automated Instructor Assistant for Ship Damage Control.
Using Vision to Improve Sound Source Separation.
Content-Based Retrieval from Medical Image Databases: A Synergy of Human Interaction, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Polarity Guided Tractable Reasoning.
Querying Temporal Constraint Networks in PTIME.
Point-Based Approaches to Qualitative Temporal Reasoning.
A sequential reversible belief revision method based on polynomials.
Transposition Table Driven Work Scheduling in Distributed Search.
Value-Update Rules for Real-Time Search.
PROVERB: The Probabilistic Cruciverbalist.
A Space-Time Tradeoff for Memory-Based Heuristics.
Using Probabilistic Knowledge and Simulation to Play Poker.
Algorithm Performance and Problem Structure for Flow-shop Scheduling.
Scheduling Alternative Activities.
Trap Escaping Strategies in Discrete Lagrangian Methods for Solving Hard Satisfiability and Maximum Satisfiability Problems.
Initial Experiments in Stochastic Satisfiability.
On the Run-time Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for SAT.
Morphing: Combining Structure and Randomness.
Beyond NP: the QSAT phase transition.
DISTANCE-SAT: Complexity and Algorithms.
Continuous Categories For a Mobile Robot.
Gesture-Based Interaction with a Pet Robot.
Integrated Natural Spoken Dialogue System of Jijo-2 Mobile Robot for Office Services.
An Integrated System for Multi-Rover Scientific Exploration.
Exploiting Symmetry in the Planning graph via Explanation-Guided Search.
Cooperative Plan Identification: Constructing Concise and Effective Plan Descriptions.
Total Order Planning is More Efficient than we Thought.
CPlan: A Constraint Programming Approach to Planning.
Conditional, Probabilistic Planning: A Unifying Algorithm and Effective Search Control Mechanisms.
Generating qualitatively Different Plans througt Metatheoretic Biases.
Anytime Coordination for Progressive Planning Agents.
On the utility of Plan-space (Causal) Encodings.
Contingent Planning Under Uncertainty via Stochastic Satisfiability.
On the Undecidability of Probabilistic Planning and Infinite-Horizon Partially Observable Markov Decision Problems.
Using Planning Graphs for Solving HTN Planning Problems.
State-space Planning by Integer Optimization.
A Framework for Recognizing Multi-Agent Action from Visual Evidence.
Control Knowledge in Planning: Benefits and Tradeoffs.
Fast Planning through Greedy Action Graphs.
Theory for Coordinating Concurrent Hierarchical Planning Agents Using Summary Information.
Automatic Construction of Semantic Lexicons for Learning Natural Language Interfaces.
Feature Selection in SVM Text Categorization.
Learning Dictionaries for Information Extraction by Multi-Level Bootstrapping.
Selecting Text Spans for Document Summaries: Heuristics and Metrics.
An Automatic Method for Generating Sense Tagged Corpora.
Towards Multidocument Summarization by Reformulation: Progress and Prospects.
Application-Embedded Retrieval from Distributed Free-Text Collections.
Combining Collaborative Filtering with Personal Agents for Better Recommendations.
Two Dimensional Generalization in Information Extraction.
The Role of Lexicalization and Pruning for Base Noun Phrase Grammars.
Qualifying the Expressivity/Efficiency Tradeoff: Reformation-Based Diagnosis.
Model-based Support for Mutable Parametric Design Optimization.
Influence-Based Model Decomposition.
Towards Diagram Processing: A Diagrammatic Information System.
Efficient exploration for optimizing immediate reward.
Feature Selection for Ensembles.
Toward a Theoretical Understanding of Why and When Decision Tree Pruning Algorithms Fail.
Selective Sampling for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers.
Simulation-based inference for plan monitoring.
Detecting Feature Interactions from Accuracies of Random Feature Subsets.
Monte Carlo Localization: Efficient Position Estimation for Mobile Robots.
A Simple, Fast, and Effictive Rule Learner.
Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction.
Estimating Generalization Error Using Out-of-Bag Estimates.
Exploiting the Architecture of Dynamic Systems.
Sacre: a Constraint Satisfaction Problem Based Theorem Prover.
A Semantic Decomposition of Defeasible Logics.
A Policy Description Language.
On Criteria for Formal Theory Building: Applying Logic and Automated Reasoning Tools to the Social Sciences.
Verbalization of High-Level Formal Proofs.
Partonomic Reasoning as Taxonomic Reasoning in Medicine.
Constraint-based integrity checking in abductive and non-monotonic extensions of constraint logic programming.
A New Method for Consequence Finding and Compilation in Restricted Languages.
An Integrated Shell and Methodology for Rapid Development of Knowledge-Based Agents.
Designing Scripts to Guide Users in Modifying Knowledge-based Systems.
Deriving Expectations to Guide Knowledge Base Creation.
Representing Problem-Solving for Knowledge Refinement.
Does Prior Knowledge Facilitate the Development of Knowledge-based Systems?
Implicative and conjunctive fuzzy rules - A tool for reasoning from knowledge and examples.
ARGUS: An Automated Multi-Agent Visitor Identification System.
What's in a Fuzzy Set?
A Neural Network Model of Dynamically Fluctuating Perception of Necker Cube as well as Dot Patterns.
Initializing RBF-Networks with Small Subsets of Training Examples.
An Evolvable Hardware Chip and Its Application as a Multi-Function Prosthetic Hand Controller.
Functional Elimination and 0/1/All Constraints.
A Generic Customizable Framework for Inverse Local Consistency.
Encodings of Non-Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Solving Crossword Puzzles as Probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction.
A Constraint-Based Model for Cooperative Response Generation in Information Dialogues.
Hierarchical Constraint Satisfaction in Spatial Databases.
On Integrating Constraint Propagation and Linear Programming for Combinatorial Optimization.
Delivering Hints in a Dialogue-Based Intelligent Tutoring System.
Moving Right Along: A Computational Model of Metaphoric Reasoning about Events.
Student-Sensitive Multimodal Explanation Generation for 3D Learning Environments.
What are contentful mental states? Dretske's theory of mental content viewed in the light of robot learning and planning algortihms.
Cognitive Classification.
Hybrid Neural Plausibility Networks for News Agents.
A Limitation of the Generalized Vickrey Auction in Electronic Commerce: Robustness against False-name Bids.
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Organizing Retrieved Documents.
Regression testing for wrapper maintenance.
Navigational Plans For Data Integration.
Recognizing Structure in Web Pages using Similarity Queries.
Verifying that Agents Implement a Communication Language.
Bargaining with Deadlines.
Evolutionary Economic Agents.
Distributed Games: From Mechanisms to Protocols.
Learning Quantitative Knowledge for Multiagent Coordination.
Combatting Maelstroms in Networks of Communicating Agents.
Power, Dependence and Stability in Multiagent Plans.
Time-Quality Tradeoffs in Reallocative Negotiation with Combinatorial Contract Types.