
aaai 2011 论文列表

Human Computation, Papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop, San Francisco, California, USA, August 8, 2011.

MobileWorks: A Mobile Crowdsourcing Platform for Workers at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
MuSweeper: An Extensive Game for Collecting Mutual Exclusions.
Beyond Independent Agreement: A Tournament Selection Approach for Quality Assurance of Human Computation Tasks.
CollabMap: Augmenting Maps Using the Wisdom of Crowds.
PulaCloud: Using Human Computation to Enable Development at the Bottom of the Economic Ladder.
CrowdLang - First Steps Towards Programmable Human Computers for General Computation.
On Quality Control and Machine Learning in Crowdsourcing.
Turkomatic: Automatic, Recursive Task and Workflow Design for Mechanical Turk.
Improving Consensus Accuracy via Z-Score and Weighted Voting.
Making Searchable Melodies: Human versus Machine.
Developing Scripts to Teach Social Skills: Can the Crowd Assist the Author?
Towards Task Recommendation in Micro-Task Markets.
Robust Active Learning Using Crowdsourced Annotations for Activity Recognition.
Human Intelligence Needs Artificial Intelligence.
Honesty in an Online Labor Market.
Pricing Tasks in Online Labor Markets.
CrowdSight: Rapidly Prototyping Intelligent Visual Processing Apps.
Programmatic Gold: Targeted and Scalable Quality Assurance in Crowdsourcing.
An Iterative Dual Pathway Structure for Speech-to-Text Transcription.
Error Identification and Correction in Human Computation: Lessons from the WPA.
What's the Right Price? Pricing Tasks for Finishing on Time.
Digitalkoot: Making Old Archives Accessible Using Crowdsourcing.
Labor Allocation in Paid Crowdsourcing: Experimental Evidence on Positioning, Nudges and Prices.
An Extendable Toolkit for Managing Quality of Human-Based Electronic Services.
Beat the Machine: Challenging Workers to Find the Unknown Unknowns.