
aaai 2016 论文列表

AI for Smart Grids and Smart Buildings, Papers from the 2016 AAAI Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 12, 2016.

Planning under Uncertainty for Aggregated Electric Vehicle Charging Using Markov Decision Processes.
Automatic Label Correction and Appliance Prioritization in Single Household Electricity Disaggregation.
An MDP-Based Winning Approach to Autonomous Power Trading: Formalization and Empirical Analysis.
Efficient Inference in Dual-Emission FHMM for Energy Disaggregation.
Active Inference and Dynamic Gaussian Bayesian Networks for Battery Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Proactive Dynamic DCOPs.
Cost-Effective Feature Selection and Ordering for Personalized Energy Estimates.
Identifying Contributing Factors of Occupant Thermal Discomfort in a Smart Building.
Scalable Causal Learning for Predicting Adverse Events in Smart Buildings.
Learning to REDUCE: A Reduced Electricity Consumption Prediction Ensemble.