
acl 2015 论文列表

Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, ACL 2015, July 26-31, 2015, Beijing, China, Volume 1: Long Papers.

Improving Evaluation of Machine Translation Quality Estimation.
AutoExtend: Extending Word Embeddings to Embeddings for Synsets and Lexemes.
Coupled Sequence Labeling on Heterogeneous Annotations: POS Tagging as a Case Study.
Inducing Word and Part-of-Speech with Pitman-Yor Hidden Semi-Markov Models.
Tracking unbounded Topic Streams.
An analysis of the user occupational class through Twitter content.
Gated Recursive Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation.
Accurate Linear-Time Chinese Word Segmentation via Embedding Matching.
Multi-Task Learning for Multiple Language Translation.
Inverted indexing for cross-lingual NLP.
Text Categorization as a Graph Classification Problem.
SOLAR: Scalable Online Learning Algorithms for Ranking.
Deep Unordered Composition Rivals Syntactic Methods for Text Classification.
Weakly Supervised Role Identification in Teamwork Interactions.
Who caught a cold ? - Identifying the subject of a symptom.
Linguistic Harbingers of Betrayal: A Case Study on an Online Strategy Game.
Why discourse affects speakers' choice of referring expressions.
A Frame of Mind: Using Statistical Models for Detection of Framing and Agenda Setting Campaigns.
Unsupervised Prediction of Acceptability Judgements.
Predicting Salient Updates for Disaster Summarization.
Joint Graphical Models for Date Selection in Timeline Summarization.
Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging.
Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation.
genCNN: A Convolutional Architecture for Word Sequence Prediction.
Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks.
A Data-Driven, Factorization Parser for CCG Dependency Structures.
Optimal Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing with Structured Perceptron.
Parsing as Reduction.
Adding Semantics to Data-Driven Paraphrasing.
Learning Semantic Word Embeddings based on Ordinal Knowledge Constraints.
Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations.
Graph parsing with s-graph grammars.
Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables.
A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Learning Topical Collocation Models.
KB-LDA: Jointly Learning a Knowledge Base of Hierarchy, Relations, and Facts.
Tea Party in the House: A Hierarchical Ideal Point Topic Model and Its Application to Republican Legislators in the 112th Congress.
Transferring Coreference Resolvers with Posterior Regularization.
Learning Anaphoricity and Antecedent Ranking Features for Coreference Resolution.
Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution with Model Stacking.
Probing the Linguistic Strengths and Limitations of Unsupervised Grammar Induction.
Parse Imputation for Dependency Annotations.
A convex and feature-rich discriminative approach to dependency grammar induction.
Learning Tag Embeddings and Tag-specific Composition Functions in Recursive Neural Network.
Topic Modeling based Sentiment Analysis on Social Media for Stock Market Prediction.
Predicting Polarities of Tweets by Composing Word Embeddings with Long Short-Term Memory.
Building a Semantic Parser Overnight.
Semantic Parsing via Staged Query Graph Generation: Question Answering with Knowledge Base.
Scalable Semantic Parsing with Partial Ontologies.
Orthogonality of Syntax and Semantics within Distributional Spaces.
Entity Hierarchy Embedding.
Model-based Word Embeddings from Decompositions of Count Matrices.
Discourse-sensitive Automatic Identification of Generic Expressions.
Implicit Role Linking on Chinese Discourse: Exploiting Explicit Roles and Frame-to-Frame Relations.
Machine Comprehension with Discourse Relations.
Can Natural Language Processing Become Natural Language Coaching?
Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing Based on Distributed Representations.
Parsing Paraphrases with Joint Inference.
A Neural Probabilistic Structured-Prediction Model for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing.
Discontinuous Incremental Shift-reduce Parsing.
Semantic Role Labeling Improves Incremental Parsing.
Feature Selection in Kernel Space: A Case Study on Dependency Parsing.
Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing.
A Re-ranking Model for Dependency Parser with Recursive Convolutional Neural Network.
Identifying Cascading Errors using Constraints in Dependency Parsing.
Feature Optimization for Constituent Parsing via Neural Networks.
End-to-end learning of semantic role labeling using recurrent neural networks.
Joint Dependency Parsing and Multiword Expression Tokenization.
A Hierarchical Neural Autoencoder for Paragraphs and Documents.
Driving ROVER with Segment-based ASR Quality Estimation.
Automatic Spontaneous Speech Grading: A Novel Feature Derivation Technique using the Crowd.
Learning Word Representations from Scarce and Noisy Data with Embedding Subspaces.
Improving social relationships in face-to-face human-agent interactions: when the agent wants to know user's likes and dislikes.
Co-training for Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification Based on Dual-view Bags-of-words Representation.
Sentence-level Emotion Classification with Label and Context Dependence.
Sparse, Contextually Informed Models for Irony Detection: Exploiting User Communities, Entities and Sentiment.
Towards Debugging Sentiment Lexicons.
Learning Semantic Representations of Users and Products for Document Level Sentiment Classification.
Structural Representations for Learning Relations between Pairs of Texts.
Environment-Driven Lexicon Induction for High-Level Instructions.
Robust Subgraph Generation Improves Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing.
Jointly optimizing word representations for lexical and sentential tasks with the C-PHRASE model.
Joint Case Argument Identification for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis.
Perceptually Grounded Selectional Preferences.
A Unified Kernel Approach for Learning Typed Sentence Rewritings.
Improving Named Entity Recognition in Tweets via Detecting Non-Standard Words.
Tweet Normalization with Syllables.
Multiple Many-to-Many Sequence Alignment for Combining String-Valued Variables: A G2P Experiment.
The NL2KR Platform for building Natural Language Translation Systems.
Deep Questions without Deep Understanding.
Language to Code: Learning Semantic Parsers for If-This-Then-That Recipes.
WikiKreator: Improving Wikipedia Stubs Automatically.
Detecting Deceptive Groups Using Conversations and Network Analysis.
Non-projective Dependency-based Pre-Reordering with Recurrent Neural Network for Machine Translation.
Unifying Bayesian Inference and Vector Space Models for Improved Decipherment.
Non-linear Learning for Statistical Machine Translation.
String-to-Tree Multi Bottom-up Tree Transducers.
Pairwise Neural Machine Translation Evaluation.
Gaussian LDA for Topic Models with Word Embeddings.
Trans-dimensional Random Fields for Language Modeling.
Efficient Methods for Inferring Large Sparse Topic Hierarchies.
Vector-space calculation of semantic surprisal for predicting word pronunciation duration.
Demographic Factors Improve Classification Performance.
A Unified Multilingual Semantic Representation of Concepts.
Unsupervised Cross-Domain Word Representation Learning.
Automatic disambiguation of English puns.
Knowledge Portability with Semantic Expansion of Ontology Labels.
How Far are We from Fully Automatic High Quality Grammatical Error Correction?
Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix.
Learning the Semantics of Manipulation Action.
Learning Relational Features with Backward Random Walks.
Negation and Speculation Identification in Chinese Language.
Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit: Connecting Past with Present by Finding Corresponding Terms across Time.
Semantic Representations for Domain Adaptation: A Case Study on the Tree Kernel-based Method for Relation Extraction.
Classifying Relations by Ranking with Convolutional Neural Networks.
Sentiment-Aspect Extraction based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines.
Building a Scientific Concept Hierarchy Database (SCHBase).
Multi-Objective Optimization for the Joint Disambiguation of Nouns and Named Entities.
Context-aware Entity Morph Decoding.
Bring you to the past: Automatic Generation of Topically Relevant Event Chronicles.
Learning to Explain Entity Relationships in Knowledge Graphs.
Summarization of Multi-Document Topic Hierarchies using Submodular Mixtures.
Modeling Argument Strength in Student Essays.
A Strategic Reasoning Model for Generating Alternative Answers.
Encoding Distributional Semantics into Triple-Based Knowledge Ranking for Document Enrichment.
Entity Retrieval via Entity Factoid Hierarchy.
S-MART: Novel Tree-based Structured Learning Algorithms Applied to Tweet Entity Linking.
Efficient Disfluency Detection with Transition-based Parsing.
Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding.
New Transfer Learning Techniques for Disparate Label Sets.
Event-Driven Headline Generation.
Training a Natural Language Generator From Unaligned Data.
Content Models for Survey Generation: A Factoid-Based Evaluation.
Learning Bilingual Sentiment Word Embeddings for Cross-language Sentiment Classification.
Learning to Adapt Credible Knowledge in Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis.
Aligning Opinions: Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining with Dependencies.
Generating High Quality Proposition Banks for Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling.
It Depends: Dependency Parser Comparison Using A Web-based Evaluation Tool.
A Convolution Kernel Approach to Identifying Comparisons in Text.
A Knowledge-Intensive Model for Prepositional Phrase Attachment.
Joint Information Extraction and Reasoning: A Scalable Statistical Relational Learning Approach.
Leveraging Linguistic Structure For Open Domain Information Extraction.
Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Stack Long Short-Term Memory.
Structured Training for Neural Network Transition-Based Parsing.
An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing.
Neural CRF Parsing.
Simple Learning and Compositional Application of Perceptually Grounded Word Meanings for Incremental Reference Resolution.
A Generalisation of Lexical Functions for Composition in Distributional Semantics.
Hubness and Pollution: Delving into Cross-Space Mapping for Zero-Shot Learning.
Question Answering over Freebase with Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Networks.
Learning Continuous Word Embedding with Metadata for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering.
Learning Answer-Entailing Structures for Machine Comprehension.
A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation.
Online Multitask Learning for Machine Translation Quality Estimation.
Efficient Top-Down BTG Parsing for Machine Translation Preordering.
Syntax-based Simultaneous Translation through Prediction of Unseen Syntactic Constituents.
Generative Event Schema Induction with Entity Disambiguation.
Stacked Ensembles of Information Extractors for Knowledge-Base Population.
Event Extraction via Dynamic Multi-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks.
Compositional Vector Space Models for Knowledge Base Completion.
Learning Dynamic Feature Selection for Fast Sequential Prediction.
Learning Word Representations by Jointly Modeling Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations.
Low-Rank Regularization for Sparse Conjunctive Feature Spaces: An Application to Named Entity Classification.
Joint Models of Disagreement and Stance in Online Debate.
Revisiting Word Embedding for Contrasting Meaning.
SensEmbed: Learning Sense Embeddings for Word and Relational Similarity.
Semantically Smooth Knowledge Graph Embedding.
Weakly Supervised Models of Aspect-Sentiment for Online Course Discussion Forums.
MultiGranCNN: An Architecture for General Matching of Text Chunks on Multiple Levels of Granularity.
Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding.
Describing Images using Inferred Visual Dependency Representations.
Statistical Machine Translation Features with Multitask Tensor Networks.
Encoding Source Language with Convolutional Neural Network for Machine Translation.
Addressing the Rare Word Problem in Neural Machine Translation.
On Using Very Large Target Vocabulary for Neural Machine Translation.