
acl 1998 论文列表

36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING-ACL '98, August 10-14, 1998, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Proceedings of the Conference.

Predicting Part-of-Speech Information about Unknown Words using Statistical Methods.
Tree-based Analysis of Simple Recurrent Network Learning.
A Cognitive Model of Coherence-Driven Story Comprehension.
Target Word Selection as Proximity in Semantic Space.
Detecting Verbal Participation in Diathesis Alternations.
Neural Network Recognition of Spelling Errors.
Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus.
Optimal Multi-Paragraph Text Segmentation by Dynamic Programming.
How to Thematically Segemt Texts by Using Lexical Cohesion?
Embedding New Information into Referring Expressions.
A Preliminary Model of Centering in Dialog.
Discovering Phonotactic Finite-State Automata by Generic Search.
Word Association and MI-TRigger-based Language Modeling.
Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin.
Using Chunk Based Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains for Reducing Word Error Rate in Speech Recognition.
Automatic Construction of Frame Representations for Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains.
Evaluation of Importance of Sentences based on Connectivity to Title.
Some Properties of Preposition and Subordinate Conjunction Attachments.
Feasibility Study for Ellipsis Resultion in Dialogues by Machine-Learning Technique.
Combination of an Automatic and an Interactive Disambiguation Method.
Structural Disambiguation Based on Reliable Estimation of Strength of Association.
Machine Translation with a Stochastic Grammatical Channel.
A Model for Robust Processing of Spontaneous Speech by Integrating Viable Fragments.
Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources.
Head-Driven Generation with HPSG.
Translating Idioms.
Aligning Articles in TV Newscasts and Newspapers.
Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information.
A Pattern-Based Machine Translation System Extended by Example-Based Processing.
Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications.
Modeling with Structures in Statistical Machine Translation.
Automatic English-Chinese Name Transliteration for Development of Multilingual Resources.
Learning Optimal Dialogue Strategies: A Case Study of a Spoken Dialogue Agent for Email.
Project for Production of Closed-Caption TV Programs for the Hearing Impaired.
A Tabular Interpretation of a Class of 2-Stack Automata.
The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Relations.
Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action: The WYSINNWYG Approach to NLP.
General-to-Specific Model Selection for Subcategorization Preference.
A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting.
Automatically Creating Bilingual Lexicons for Machine Translation from Bilingual Text.
Coherence in Spoken Discourse.
Idiomatic Object Usage and Support Verbs.
Reactive Content Selection in the Generation of Real-time Soccer Commentary.
Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints.
Keyword Extraction using Term-Domain Interdependence for Dictation of Radio News.
Chinese Work Segmentation without Using Lexicon and Hand-crafted Training Data.
Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval.
Never Look Back: An Alternative to Centering.
Spontaneous Lexicon Change.
DiMLex: A Lexicon of Discorse Markers for Text Generation and Understanding.
A Connectionist Approach to Propositional Phrase Attachment for Real World Texts.
Similarity Metrics for Aligning Children's Articulation Data.
Segregatory Coordination and Ellipsis in Text Generation.
Locating Noun Phrases with Finite State Transducers.
Transforming Lattices into Non-deterministic Automata with Optional Null Arcs.
Recognizing Syntactic Errors in the Writing of Second Language Learners.
Natural Language Access to Software Applications.
An Underspecified Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (USDRT).
Learning Tense Translation from Bilingual Corpora.
Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages.
Maximum Entropy Model Learning of the Translation Rules.
Conditions on Consistency of Probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars.
Ranking Text Units According to Textual Saliency, Connectivity and Topic Aptness.
Dialogue Act Tagging with Transformation-Based Learning.
A Generative Lexicon Perspective for Adjectival Modification.
Part of Speech Tagging Using a Network of Linear Separators.
An Interactive Domain Independent Approach to Robust Dialogue Interpretation.
How Verb Subcategorization Frequencies Are Affected By Corpus Choice.
A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages (Project Note).
Noun-Phrase Co-Occurence Statistics for Semi-Automatic Semantic Lexicon Construction.
Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs.
MindNet: Acquiring and Structuring Semantic Information from Text.
Generating the Structure of Argument.
JaBot: A Multilingual Java-Based Intelligent Agent for Web Sites.
Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachement.
Learning Correlations between Linguistic Indicators and Semantic Constraints: Reuse of Context-Dependent Decsriptions of Entities.
An Intelligent Multi-Dictionary Environment.
Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tining.
Multilingual Authoring Using Feedback Texts.
Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application.
From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonological Interface for Concept-to-Speech.
A Procedure for Multi-Class Discrimination and some Linguistic Applications.
Parametric Types for Typed Attribute-Value Logic.
A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions.
Machine Aided Error-Correction Environment for Korean Morphological Analysis and Part-of-Speech Tagging.
Possissive Pronominal Anaphor Resolution in Portuguese Written Texts.
Learning Intonation Rules for Concept to Speech Generation.
On the Evaluation and Comparison of Taggers: the Effect of Noise in Testing Corpora.
Recognition of the Coherence Relation between Te-linked Clauses.
Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules.
Integration of Large-Scale Linguistic Resources in a Natural Language Understanding System.
Universal Grammar and Lexis for Quick Ramp-Up of MT.
An Efficient Parallel Substrate tor Typed Feature Structures on Shared Memory Parallel Machines.
A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation.
Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Tree Adjoining Grammars.
An Alternative LR Algorithm for TAGs.
Constituent-based Accent Prediction.
Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints.
Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals.
Japanese OCR Error Correction using Character Shape Similarity and Statistical Language Model.
Automatic Text Summarization Based on the Global Document Annotation.
An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences.
Dealing with Distinguishing Descriptions in a Guided Composition System.
A Stochastic Language Model using Dependency and Its Improvement by Word Clustering.
Dynamic Compilation of Weighted Context-Free Grammars.
Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French.
Text Segmentation with Multiple Surface Linguistic Cues.
HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage.
Robust Pronoun Resolution with Limited Knowledge.
Integrated Control of Chart Items for Error Repair.
Simultaneous Interpretation Utilizing Example-based Incremental Transfer.
Feature Lattices for Maximum Entropy Modelling.
Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments.
Combining Trigram and Winnow in Thai OCR Error Correction.
Babel: A Testbed for Research in Origins of Language.
Confirmation in Multimodal Systems.
Discourse Cues for Broadcast News Segmentation.
Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up.
LiLFes - Towards a Practical HPSG Parser.
A Multi-Neuro Tagger Using Variable Lenghts of Contexts.
An Architecture for Dialogue Management, Context Tracking, and Pragmatic Adaptation in Spoken Dialogue Systems.
Formal Aspects and Parsing Issues of Dependency Theory.
Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent.
Learning Constraint Grammar-style Disambiguation Rules using Inductive Logic Programming.
Automatic Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words.
A Test Environment for Natural Language Understanding Systems.
Identifying Syntactic Role of Antecedent in Korean Relative Clause Using Corpus and Thesaurus Information.
Word Clustering and Disambiguation Based on Co-occurence Data.
A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer, Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German.
Characterizing and Recognizing Spoken Corrections in Human-Computer Dialogue.
Solving Analogies on Words: An Algorithm.
Automatic Acquisition of Language Model based on Head-Dependent Relation between Words.
A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations.
Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques.
Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge.
Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar.
Large Scale Collocation Data and Their Application to Japanese Word Processor Technology.
A Flexible Example-Based Parser Based on the SSTC.
Role of Verbs in Document Analysis.
Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS.
Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurence Vectors.
Know When to Hold 'Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Nonconcatenative Grammars.
Use of Mutual Information Based Character Clusters in Dictionary-less Morphological Analysis of Japanese.
A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurence.
Pseudo-Projectivity: A Polynomially Parsable Non-Projective Dependency Grammar.
A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology.
Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems.
Unification-based Multimodal Parsing.
Finite-state Approximation of Constraint-based Grammars using Left-corner Grammar Transforms.
Text Segmentation Using Reiteration and Collocation.
Combining Multiple, Large-Scale Resources in a Reusable Lexicon for Natural Language Generation.
Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary.
Improving Automatic Indexing through Concept Combination and Term Enrichment.
Robust Interaction through Partial Interpretation and Dialogue Management.
Exploring the Characteristics of Multi-Party Dialogues.
A Concurrent Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Subsegmental Primes and Phonological Constituents from Speech.
Information Classification and Navigation Based on 5W1H of the Target Information.
Terminological Variation, a Means of Identifying Research Topics from Texts.
An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars.
Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus.
Parsing Parallel Grammatical Representation.
Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing.
A Connectionist Architecture for Learning to Parse.
Eliminative Parsing with Graded Constraints.
Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases.
Integrating Text Plans for Conciseness and Coherence.
Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser.
A Step towards the Detection of Semantic Variants of Terms in Technical Documents.
Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination.
Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich, Structured Tagset.
A Text Understander that Learns.
Separable Verbs in a Reusable Morphological Dictionary for German.
Efficient Linear Logic Meaning Assembly.
One Tokenization per Source.
Growing Semantic Grammars.
Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora.
Vers l'utilisation des méthodes formelles pour le développement de linguiciels.
Semantic-Head Based Resolution of Scopal Ambiguities.
Automatic Extraction of Subcorpora based on Subcategorization Frames from a Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus.
Splitting Long or Ill-formed Input for Robust Spoken-language Translation.
An IR Approach for Translating New Words from Nonparallel, Comparable Texts.
Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurence -JTAG.
Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction.
A Layered Approach to NLP-Based Information Retrieval.
Thematic Segmentation of Texts: Two Methods for Two Kinds of Text.
Anaphor Resolution in Unrestricted Texts with Partial Parsing.
Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages.
A Structure-Sharing Parser for Lexicalized Grammars.
Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations.
Spelling Correction Using Context.
Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification.
Group Theory and Linguistic Processing.
Syntactic and Semantic Transfer with F-Structures.
A Text Input Front-end Processor as an Information Access Platform.
Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets.
An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues.
Error Driven Word Sense Disambiguation.
Multext-East: Parallel and Comparable Corpora and Lexicons for Six Central and Eastern European Languages.
Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics.
Learning a Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Structure from Language Data with a Bi-Multigram Model.
Investigating Regular Sense Extensions Based on Intersective Levin Classes.
Automatic Semantic Tagging of Unknown Proper Names.
Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence.
Alignment of Multiple Languages for Historical Comparison.
An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment.
Machine Translation versus Dictionary Term Translation - A Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment.
Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing.
Hybrid Approaches to Improvement of Translation Quality in Web-based English-Korean Machine Translation.
PAT-Trees with the Deletion Function as the Learning Device for Linguistic Patterns.
A Concept-based Adaptive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation.
Proper Name Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling.
Error-Driven Pruning of Treebank Grammars for Base Noun Phrase Identification.
Building Parallel LTAG for French and Italian.
Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique.
Named Entity Scoring for Speech Input.
Terminology Finite-State Preprocessing for Computational LFG.
Classifier Combination for Improved Lexical Disambiguation.
Beyond N-Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling?
The Logical Structure of Binding.
Separating Surface Order and Syntactic Relations in a Dependency Grammar.
Deriving the Predicate-Argument Structure for a Free Word Order Language.
Managing Information at Linguistic Interfaces.
Anchoring Floating Quantifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Transltion.
A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis.
Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model.
Trigger-Pair Predictors in Parsing and Tagging.
Parsing Ambiguous Structures using Controlled Disjunctions and Unary Quasi-Trees.
Consonant Spreading in Arabic Stems.
An Efficient Kernel for Multilingual Generation in Speech-to-Speech Dialogue Translation.
Redundancy: Helping Semantic Disambiguation.
Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships.
Processing Unknown Words in HPSG.
The Berkeley FrameNet Project.
Entity-Based Cross-Document Coreferencing Using the Vector Space Model.
Evaluating a Focus-Based Approach to Anaphora Resolution.
A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns.
Trainable, Scalable Summarization Using Robust NLP and Machine Learning.
Time Mapping with Hypergraphs.
Tense and Connective Constraints on the Expression of Causality.
Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation.
Parole et Traduction Automatique: Le Module de Reconnaissance RAPHAEL.
A Simple Hybrid Aligner for Generating Lexical Correspondences in Parallel Texts.
Towards a Single Proposal in Spelling Correction.
The Production of Code-Mixed Discourse.
A Quasi-Dependency Model for Structural Analysis of Chinese BaseNPs.