
acl 2013 论文列表

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation, HyTra@ACL 2013, August 8, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Language-independent hybrid MT with PRESEMT.
Uses of Monolingual In-Domain Corpora for Cross-Domain Adaptation with Hybrid MT Approaches.
Two Approaches to Correcting Homophone Confusions in a Hybrid Machine Translation System.
Lexical Selection for Hybrid MT with Sequence Labeling.
A Hybrid Word Alignment Model for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation.
Building bilingual lexicon to create Dialect Tunisian corpora and adapt language model.
Experiments with POS-based restructuring and alignment-based reordering for statistical machine translation.
Integrating morpho-syntactic features in English-Arabic statistical machine translation.
Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction via Minimum Description Length.
Controlled Ascent: Imbuing Statistical MT with Linguistic Knowledge.
English to Hungarian Morpheme-based Statistical Machine Translation System with Reordering Rules.
Reordering rules for English-Hindi SMT.
Using unlabeled dependency parsing for pre-reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese statistical machine translation.
Improvements to Syntax-based Machine Translation using Ensemble Dependency Parsers.
Machine Learning Disambiguation of Quechua Verb Morphology.
Hybrid Selection of Language Model Training Data Using Linguistic Information and Perplexity.
Statistical MT Systems Revisited: How much Hybridity do they have?
Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation: Overview and Developments.