
cikm 2007 论文列表

Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, November 6-10, 2007.

Learning to join everything.
Management of data with uncertainties.
Web search: from information retrieval to microeconomic modeling.
A segment-based hidden markov model for real-setting pinyin-to-chinese conversion.
An efficient algorithm for approximate biased quantile computation in data streams.
A constraint-based probabilistic framework for name disambiguation.
Ranking very many typed entities on wikipedia.
Link analysis using time series of web graphs.
Efficient LCA based keyword search in xml data.
Using social annotations to improve language model for information retrieval.
Mining redundancy in candidate-bearing snippets to improve web question answering.
Translating topics to words for image annotation.
Improve retrieval accuracy for difficult queries using negative feedback.
Dynamic index pruning for effective caching.
Sigma encoded inverted files.
A novel scheme for domain-transfer problem in the context of sentiment analysis.
Ranking with semi-supervised distance metric learning and its application to housing potential estimation.
Identifying opinion leaders in the blogosphere.
Probabilistic correlation-based similarity measure of unstructured records.
An on-line interactive method for finding association rules data streams.
"More like these": growing entity classes from seeds.
Computing explanations for unlively queries in databases.
Towards efficient search on unstructured data: an intelligent-storage approach.
Satisfaction balanced mediation.
Using word similarity to eradicate junk emails.
A dual-view approach to interactive network visualization.
High-performance distributed inverted files.
CTO: concept tree based semantic overlay for pure peer-to-peer information retrieval.
Ensembling Bayesian network structure learning on limited data.
Selective user interaction.
Discovering authorities in question answer communities by using link analysis.
Indexing multiversion databases.
"I know what you did last summer": query logs and user privacy.
Ix-cubes: iceberg cubes for data warehousing and olap on xml data.
Comments-oriented blog summarization by sentence extraction.
A correlation-based model for unsupervised feature selection.
Combination of evidences in relevance feedback for xml retrieval.
Genre identification and goal-focused summarization.
Ntjfsatnot: a novel method for query with not-predicates on xml data.
A CDD-based formal model for expert finding.
Improving the classification of newsgroup messages through social network analysis.
Semiautomatic evaluation of retrieval systems using document similarities.
Communities in graphs and hypergraphs.
Conceptual modeling by analogy and metaphor.
Structure and semantics for expressive text kernels.
Efficient interactive query expansion with complete search.
Language models, probability of relevance and relevance likelihood.
An automatic approach to construct domain-specific web portals.
Evaluation of phrasal query suggestions.
Opinion retrieval from blogs.
Finding and linking incidents in news.
Detecting distance-based outliers in streams of data.
Grid-based subspace clustering over data streams.
Very efficient mining of distance-based outliers.
Generating concise association rules.
Effective top-k computation in retrieving structured documents with term-proximity support.
Index compression is good, especially for random access.
Efficient on-line index maintenance for dynamic text collections by using dynamic balancing tree.
Regularized locality preserving indexing via spectral regression.
Proximity-based document representation for named entity retrieval.
Generalizing from relevance feedback using named entity wildcards.
Recognition and classification of noun phrases in queries for effective retrieval.
Type nanotheories: a framework for term comparison.
Leveraging context in user-centric entity detection systems.
Weakly-supervised discovery of named entities using web search queries.
Efficient evaluation of high-selective xml twig patterns with parent child edges in tree-unaware rdbms.
Optimal proactive caching in peer-to-peer network: analysis and application.
External perfect hashing for very large key sets.
Hypothesis testing with incomplete relevance judgments.
Inferring document relevance from incomplete information.
A comparison of statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation.
Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph.
Nugget discovery in visual exploration environments by query consolidation.
Reasoning about vague topological information.
Shine: search heterogeneous interrelated entities.
Dex: high-performance exploration on large graphs for information retrieval.
Efficient search ranking in social networks.
Learning query-biased web page summarization.
Mining web multi-resolution community-based popularity for information retrieval.
Designing clustering-based web crawling policies for search engine crawlers.
Web search personalization with ontological user profiles.
Predicting individual priorities of shared activities using support vector machines.
An experimental study of the impact of information extraction accuracy on semantic search performance.
Domain knowledge conceptual inter-media indexing: application to multilingual multimedia medical reports.
The role of documents vs. queries in extracting class attributes from text.
Rk-hist: an r-tree based histogram for multi-dimensional selectivity estimation.
Mapgraph: efficient methods for complex olap hierarchies.
A method for online analytical processing of text data.
A knowledge-based search engine powered by wikipedia.
Latent semantic fusion model for image retrieval and annotation.
Semantic components enhance retrieval of domain-specific documents.
Merging distributed database summaries.
Clustering for unsupervised relation identification.
A two-stage approach to domain adaptation for statistical classifiers.
Optimizing parallel itineraries for knn query processing in wireless sensor networks.
Towards practically feasible answering of regular path queries in lav data integration.
A fast unified optimal route query evaluation algorithm.
Query expansion using probabilistic local feedback with application to multimedia retrieval.
Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models.
Expertise drift and query expansion in expert search.
Just-in-time contextual advertising.
Hybrid results merging.
Spam filtering for short messages.
A strategy for allowing meaningful and comparable scores in approximate matching.
Structure-based inference of xml similarity for fuzzy duplicate detection.
Parallel linkage.
Utilizing a geometry of context for enhanced implicit feedback.
Parameter sensitivity in the probabilistic model for ad-hoc retrieval.
Automatic feature selection in the markov random field model for information retrieval.
Measuring article quality in wikipedia: models and evaluation.
Wikify!: linking documents to encyclopedic knowledge.
Ontology evaluation using wikipedia categories for browsing.
Discovering interesting usage patterns in text collections: integrating text mining with visualization.
Boolean representation based data-adaptive correlation analysis over time series streams.
The t4sql temporal query language.
Modeling historical and future movements of spatio-temporal objects in moving objects databases.
Predictive user click models based on click-through history.
Computing block importance for searching on web sites.
Comparing the effectiveness of hits and salsa.
Diva: a variance-based clustering approach for multi-type relational data.
Reconstructing ddc for interactive classification.
Learning on the border: active learning in imbalanced data classification.
Automatic call section segmentation for contact-center calls.
Quickmig: automatic schema matching for data migration projects.
Just in time indexing for up to the second search.
Lightweight web-based fact repositories for textual question answering.
Developing learning strategies for topic-based summarization.
Semantic verification in an online fact seeking environment.
Ontology module extraction for ontology reuse: an ontology engineering perspective.
Randomized metric induction and evolutionary conceptual clustering for semantic knowledge bases.
Autonomously semantifying wikipedia.
Effective keyword search for valuable lcas over xml documents.
Evaluation of partial path queries on xml data.
Self-correcting queries for xml.