
coling 1973 论文列表

Computational And Mathematical Linguistics: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 1973, Pisa, Italy, August 27 - September 1, 1973.

Ideals versus Practicalities in Linguistic Data Processing.
Communication pour le Centro del Lessico Intellettuale Europeo.
How Quantitative Information on Words, Forms, and Lemmas is Presented in the Index Thomisticus.
Text Comparison: Verbal Correspondence as a Measure of Affiliation.
Quill - A Programming Language for Literary Text Analysis.
Le Recensement des Thèmes dans des Textes Littéraires.
A New Age for The Old Man and The Sea.
Beyond the Feasibility Study: Syntax and Semantics.
A Universal Braille Translator.
Junction Grammar and Machine Assisted Translation.
Les Filtres et le Métalangage de leur Description.
A Review of the Cardiff Machine Translation Project.
Towards an Adaptative and Interactive System in Automatic Translation.
Idioms in Automatic Language Processing.
Une Analyse Automatique Linéaire de Textes Scientifiques Slaves.
Analyse Automatique du Discours (AAD) et Processus Psycho-Sociologiques de la Lecture et de la Mémoire.
An Information-Structure Based Method for Extracting Meaning from Input Sentence.
Cires (Conversational Information Retrieval System on Documents), Its Keyword and its Associated Word.
Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, and Meaning ⇔ Text Type Models.
Le Spectre Sémantique des Textes Scientifiques Slaves et ses Conséquences dans une Analyse Automatique du Contenu.
On the Relation between Content Analysis and Text Analysis.
Analyse Sémantique d'un Champ Lexicologique se Rapportant à des Objets en Vue d'une Traduction Automatique dans un Langage Formalisé.
Firl (Facetted Information Retrieved for Linguistics).
Rapport sur l'Étude d'un Langage Documentaire Destiné à Représenter des Informations sur les Problèmes de Pollution de l'Environnement.
Lextractor, an Operational Computer Program for Automatic Extraction of Case Summaries and Dispositions from Court Decisions.
Problémes d'Analyse Syntactico-Sémantique de Constructions Interrogatives en Français dans le Cadre du Traitement Automatique de Questions.
Sémantique Différemielle Automatique.
The Automatically Built up Homograph Dictionary a Component of a Dynamic Lexical System.
From numbers to Numerals and Vice Versa.
On using Semantic Data in Automatic Syntactic Analysis.
Analyse automatique de textes par un Systeme d'etats finis.
Transformational Grammar and Transformational Parsing in the Request System.
Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
Computer-Assisted Morphological Analysis of Ancient Greek.
An Application du Systeme a.T.E.F. A L'analyse morphologique de textes Russes.
An Interactive System for Stem-Suffix Discrimination in Italian Words.
Segmentation of French Sentences.
Morphological Analysis as a Step in Automated Syntactic Analysis of a Text.
Automatic Analysis of the German Noun Group and some Problems.
An Algorithm of Limited Syntax Based on Language Universals.
Morphological Analysis.
Un analyseur Syntaxique interactif pour la Communication homme-Machine.
Traduction automatique en utilisant a une grammaire en Chaine.
The Automatic Syntactic Analysis as an Aid in Dictionary Making.
Towards Computer Systems for conversing in Polish.
Algorithmes de Generation automatique Experience de Generation des Phrases simples du Francais.
Experience de Constitution d'un Programme d'apprentissage pour le traitement automatique du langage.
Automatic Pattern Recognition Applied to Semantic Problems.
Determinations Dialinguistiques de Genre Litteraire.
Proportion between Number of Words and Number of Forms in the Works of the "Index Thomisticus".
Le projet Hippo: recherche en Automatisation de donnees Stylometriques a partir de L'oeuvre d'hippocrate.
The Quantitative Syntagmatic Analysis of the Russian and Polish phonological Systems.
Computational Description of the Kazakh Language.
Verbal Behaviour of the Psychotic and Psychoneurotic patients: an Approach According to the Methodology of Computational Linguistics.
Working on the Italian Machine Dictionary: a Semantic Approach.
A Computational Investigation on the Perception and Acquisition of aspiration.
A Mechanism of the Analyticity Development in a Language. Elements of the Theory and the Computer Experiment.
The frequency Distribution of English Syntagms.
Frequency and Age as Characteristics of a Word.
Meaning and Machines.
An Intelligent Analyser and Generator for Natural Language.
Speech Understanding, Computational Linguistics, and Artificial Intelligence.
The Genotype Language as a Means of Semantic Representation.
Some Theoretical Problems of Computational Linguistics.
Inference and Conceptual Memory.
Expectation as a Basic Mechanism of Language Comprehension.
Topic Analysis.
Semantic Interpretation in the REQUEST System.
Modalities in Russian and in a Language of Semantic Representations.
Automatic Inference of Semantic Deep Structure Rules in Generative Semantic Grammars.
The REL System and REL English.
Types of Processes on Cognitive Networks.
A Semantic Representation of Topic and Focus.
Operational Semantic Models in Soviet Linguistics.
Sentence Paraphrasing from a Conceptual Base.
The Mechanics of the Inner Form of the Derivative Word and its Description in the Two-level Theory of Language.
An Encyclopedic View of Understanding Natural Language.
Étude formelle de l'opposition situation]propriété et des phénomènes de voix et de thématisation.
From Semantic Features of a Word to its Surface Syntactic Features.
Le Projet Altan ("Analisi Linguistica dei Testi Assiri e Nuziani").
The Computer Archive of Modern English Texts.
Syntax Archives of Finnish Dialects for Computer Work.
The Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project: Goals, Procedures and First Results.
Polemon 1: A program of automatic construction of indexes for the V volume of Corpus Inscriptionun Latinarum.
La formalisation des graphies dans le domaine de la rime.
Refinements in Tabular Models of variation in Regional American English.
Bilingual Lexicography: Computer-Aided Editing.
Beyond the Feasibility Study: Lexicographic Progress.
An English Dictionary for Computerized Syntactic and Semantic Processing Systems.
A la recherche d'un modele de Derivation en Italien.
Travaux de mise au Point d'un Lexique en vue de la transcription francaise automatique ou Semi-automatique du Texte GREC d'aristote.
Automatic Analysis of Hungarian Texts and Linguistic Data.
The American Heritage Intermediate Corpus.
Cooperative File Improvement and Use of a Computer-Based Chinese/English Dictionary.
Reconstructing Prehistoric Languages on the Computer: the triumph of the Electronic Neogrammarian.
Dictionnaire automatique et dictionnaire-Machine: une Hypothese.
Une Procedure de Classification des Consonnes Destinee a la Description de leurs combinaisons.
Results obtained with a New Method for the Automatic Analysis of Sentence Structures.
Deciphering Methods as a Means of Linguistic Research.
A Treatment of Independent Semantic Components.
Towards a phonological Algorithm.
Unique Decipherability of Codes with Constraints with Application to Syllabification of Turkish Words.
Computational Methods in the Analysis of Verbal Behaviour.
Problems in-Computerized Historical Linguistics: the Old Cornish Lexicon.
Algorithmisation of Linguistic Research using the Structural-Probabilistic Properties of Language Units.
Computer Testing of a Generative Grammar.
Obling: a Tester for Transformational Grammars.
Working with the Interactive Version of the T.G.T.-System of Joyce Friedman.
On Logical Formulation of the Computation Process in Semantical Systems.
Formal Metalanguage and Formal Theory as Two Aspects of Generative Grammar.
A Class of Transformational Recognition Grammars.
Constructible Representations for Two Semantic Relations.
Un modele Mathematique d'analyse transformationnelle selon Z. S. Harris.
Morphological Analysis (a Formal Approach).
Neighbourhood Description of Formal Languages.