icdm 2018 论文列表
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDM Workshops, Singapore, Singapore, November 17-20, 2018.
A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Start Reading Location of eBooks.
Localized Multiple Kernel Support Vector Data Description.
Extracting Addresses from Unstructured Text Using Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Networks.
Attend2trend: Attention Model for Real-Time Detecting and Forecasting of Trending Topics.
AirCalypse: Revealing Fine-Grained Air Quality from Social Media.
Improving Knowledge Tracing Model by Integrating Problem Difficulty.
Automatic Mining of Large IoT Sensor Tensor.
Congressional Vote Analysis Using Signed Networks.
SysEvoRecomd: Graph Evolution and Change Learning Based System Evolution Recommender.
Understanding Urban Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns Using Matrix Tensor Factorization.
On Using Clustering for the Optimization of Hydrological Simulations.
Development of Mental Model in Understanding Users' Thought Processes for the Evaluation and Functional Enhancement of Clinical Decision Support Systems.
Castor: Contextual IoT Time Series Data and Model Management at Scale.
Clubmark: A Parallel Isolation Framework for Benchmarking and Profiling Clustering Algorithms on NUMA Architectures.
NetDriller Version 2: A Powerful Social Network Analysis Tool.
BiVA: Bitcoin Network Visualization & Analysis.
Ask George Washington on Negotiated Texts with Quill Q&A.
PPSF: An Open-Source Privacy-Preserving and Security Mining Framework.
Linky: Visualizing User Identity Linkage Results for Multiple Online Social Networks.
Designing and Analyzing A/B Tests in an Online Marketplace.
Interactive Higher-Order Network Analysis.
EXAD: A System for Explainable Anomaly Detection on Big Data Traces.
River: A Real-Time Influence Monitoring System on Social Media Streams.
Isa: Intuit Smart Agent, A Neural-Based Agent-Assist Chatbot.
IDDAT: An Ontology-Driven Decision Support System for Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Therapy.
JobSense: A Data-Driven Career Knowledge Exploration Framework and System.
From Geolocation-Based Only to Semantically-Aware Digital Advertising: A Neural Embedding Approach.
Machine Learning Approaches for Slum Detection Using Very High Resolution Satellite Images.
Matching Heterogeneous Textual Data Using Spatial Features.
Supervised Classification of Satellite Images with Spatially Inaccurate Training Field Data.
Stock Market Prediction Analysis by Incorporating Social and News Opinion and Sentiment.
Semi-Supervised Psychometric Scoring of Document Collections.
Overlapping Toxic Sentiment Classification Using Deep Neural Architectures.
Spatio-Temporal Trend Analysis of the Brazilian Elections Based on Twitter Data.
Investigating Timing and Impact of News on the Stock Market.
Sentiment Prediction in Social Networks.
A Novel Differential Privacy Recommendation Method Based on a Distributed Framework.
Recommendation with Hybrid Interest Model.
Why You Should Listen to This Song: Reason Generation for Explainable Recommendation.
DS4A: Deep Search System for Algorithms from Full-Text Scholarly Big Data.
A Novel Learning Approach to Improve Mobile Application Recommendation Diversity.
Leveraging Reconstructive Profiles of Users and Items for Tag-Aware Recommendation.
Is Simple Better? Revisiting Non-Linear Matrix Factorization for Learning Incomplete Ratings.
A Scalable Clustering Algorithm for Serendipity in Recommender Systems.
Elastic Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
Robust Binary Classification via ℓ0-SVM.
Intrinsic or Extrinsic Evaluation: An Overview of Word Embedding Evaluation.
Compact Deep Neural Networks with ℓ1, 1 and ℓ1, 2 Regularization.
A Study on Customer Churn of Commercial Banks Based on Learning from Label Proportions.
A Survey on Semantic Segmentation.
Closed Frequent Itemset Mining with Arbitrary Side Constraints.
Smoothed Hinge Loss and ℓ1 Support Vector Machines.
An Efficient ADMM-Based Algorithm to Nonconvex Penalized Support Vector Machines.
Event Detection in Twitter: A Keyword Volume Approach.
Location, Occupation, and Semantics Based Socioeconomic Status Inference on Twitter.
TCENR: A Hybrid Neural Recommender for Location Based Social Networks.
When and Where?: Behavior Dominant Location Forecasting with Micro-Blog Streams.
The Propagation of Counteracting Information in Online Social Networks: A Case Study.
An Empirical Study on Sentiments in Twitter Communities.
Spatio-Temporal Frequent Itemset Mining on Web Data.
Tracking Aspects in News Documents.
Multidimensional Data Mining Based on Tensor.
Large Scale Classification in Deep Neural Network with Label Mapping.
BOFE: Anomaly Detection in Linear Time Based on Feature Estimation.
Clustering Approach for Multidimensional Recommender Systems.
HILLS: Hierarchical Indoor Localization for Large-Scale Architectural Complex.
High Dimensional Clustering: A Strongly Connected Component Clustering Solution (SCCC).
Maximally Consistent Sampling and the Jaccard Index of Probability Distributions.
Mining Connections Between Domains through Latent Space Mapping.
Dimension Reduction on Open Data Using Variational Autoencoder.
Predictors Extraction in Time Series Using Authorities-Hubs Ranking.
Hubness as a Case of Technical Algorithmic Bias in Music Recommendation.
Multimapper: Data Density Sensitive Topological Visualization.
Constructing Graph Node Embeddings via Discrimination of Similarity Distributions.
Analyzing Centralities of Embedded Nodes.
Learning Network Representations with Neighboring Affinity.
Learning Node Embeddings for Influence Set Completion.
Large Margin Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Learning.
Event2vec: Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Event Data.
Semantically Enhanced Models for Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition.
Multi-view Network Embedding via Graph Factorization Clustering and Co-regularized Multi-view Agreement.
Review of Graph Processing Frameworks.
SparkFSM: A Highly Scalable Frequent Subgraph Mining Approach using Apache Spark.
PP-DBLP: Modeling and Generating Attributed Public-Private Networks with DBLP.
Online and Semi-Online Vector Scheduling on A Single Machine with Rejection.
Outlier Detection Based on Low Density Models.
An Extension of Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Incorporating Statistical Tests.
SVD for Very Large Matrices: An Approach with Polar Decomposition and Polynomial Approximation.
Modifying Hamming Spaces for Efficient Search.
Contextual Bandit with Adaptive Feature Extraction.
Path Reasoning over Knowledge Graph: A Multi-agent and Reinforcement Learning Based Method.
Pareto Optimization of Parameter Selection Speeds Up and Improves Quality of Motion Computation: Applying Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization to Randomized-Subspace Robust PCA.
Analyzing Correlation Between Air and Noise Pollution with Influence on Air Quality Prediction.
Improving the Interpretability of Deep Neural Networks with Knowledge Distillation.
Understanding the Impact of Label Granularity on CNN-Based Image Classification.
User-Device Authentication in Mobile Banking Using APHEN for Paratuck2 Tensor Decomposition.
Concept Drift Detection in Histogram-Based Straightforward Data Stream Prediction.
Ensemble Cross-Conformal Prediction.
Deep Neural Models for Chronic Disease Status Detection in Free Text Clinical Records.
Joint Classification Model of Topic and Polarity: Finding Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Factors from Airport Service Review.
How Game Users Consume Virtual Currency: The Relationship Between Consumed Quantity, Inventory, and Elapsed Time Since Last Consumption in the Mobile Game World.
Effects of Negative Customer Reviews on Sales: Evidence Based on Text Data Mining.
Effective Steering of Customer Journey via Order-Aware Recommendation.
Generating Realistic Sequences of Customer-Level Transactions for Retail Datasets.
Multivariate Arrival Times with Recurrent Neural Networks for Personalized Demand Forecasting.
Small-Scale Demographic Sequences Projection Based on Time Series Clustering and LSTM-RNN.
A Residual Convolution Neural Network for Sea Ice Classification with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery.
Parallel k-Means Clustering of Geospatial Data Sets Using Manycore CPU Architectures.
Detecting Outliers in Streaming Time Series Data from ARM Distributed Sensors.
Wildfire Mapping in Interior Alaska Using Deep Neural Networks on Imbalanced Datasets.
Progressively Growing Generative Adversarial Networks for High Resolution Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images.
Extreme Values from Spatiotemporal Chaos: Precipitation Extremes and Climate Variability.
Predicting Non-invasive Ventilation in ALS Patients Using Stratified Disease Progression Groups.
Robust Computational Method for Identification of miRNA-mRNA Modules in Cervical Cancer.
Automatic Structuring of Breast Cancer Radiology Reports for Quality Assurance.
Inter-Sentence Relation Extraction for Associating Biological Context with Events in Biomedical Texts.
Identifying Patients with Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction using Machine Learning.
Explainable Predictions of Adverse Drug Events from Electronic Health Records Via Oracle Coaching.
Detecting and Characterizing Trends in Online Mental Health Discussions.
Learning the Group Structure of Deep Neural Networks with an Expectation Maximization Method.
Sequential Variational Learning of Dynamic Factor Mixtures.
Grading Tumor Malignancy via Deep Bidirectional LSTM on Graph Manifold Encoded Histopathological Image.
Context Learning Network for Object Detection.
AutoClustering: A Feed-Forward Neural Network Based Clustering Algorithm.
TripDecoder: Inferring Routes of Passengers of Mass Rapid Transit Systems by Smart Card Transaction Data.
Road Speed Profiling for Upfront Travel Time Estimation.
Robust Commuter Movement Inference from Connected Mobile Devices.
Predicting MRT Trips in Singapore by Creating a Mobility Behavior Model Based on GSM Data.
Twitter-Informed Crowd Flow Prediction.
Stitching Aerial Images for Vehicle Positioning and Tracking.
A Smartphone-Based Probe Data Platform for Road Management and Safety in Developing Countries.
Online Vehicle Dispatch: from Assignment to Scheduling.
Anomaly Detection in Car-Booking Graphs.
LiSense: Monitoring City Street Lighting During Night using Smartphone Sensors.
Passenger-Centric Metrics for Air Transportation Leveraging Mobile Phone and Twitter Data.
Interpreting Traffic Congestion Using Fundamental Diagrams and Probabilistic Graphical Modeling.
A Comparative Study of Urban Mobility Patterns Using Large-Scale Spatio-Temporal Data.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Light Optimization.
Optimal Routing for Autonomous Taxis using Distributed Reinforcement Learning.
Incremental Clustering on Linked Data.
Large Database Schema Matching using Data Mining Techniques.
Hardening Encrypted Patient Names Against Cryptographic Attacks Using Cellular Automata.
Record Linkage and Matching Problems in Forensics.
Exploring the Effect of Household Structure in Historical Record Linkage of Early 1900s Ireland Census Records.
GenERes: A Genealogical Entity Resolution System.
A Multi-granular Hierarchical Evaluation Model for Multiple Criteria Three Sorting.
Concept Analysis Based on Granular Formal Contexts.
DGCC: A Case for Integration of Brain Cognition and Intelligence Computation.
Construction of Clinical Pathway Generation from Nursing Records and Discharge Summaries.
Granular Games in Real-Time Environment.
Multi-granularity Network Representation Learning Based on Game Theory.
A Model of Rule Generation Handling Granules Defined by Implications in Table Data Sets.
NEARM: Natural Language Enhanced Association Rules Mining.
A Novel Approach for Influence Maximization Based on Clonal Selection Theory in Social Networks.
Utilizing Hybrid Information Sources to Learn Representations of Cards in Collectible Card Video Games.
Finding Multi-granularity Community Structures in Social Networks Based on Significance of Community Partition.
Supervised Image Classification with Self-Paced Regularization.
User Feedback and Uncertainty in User Guided Binarization.
Growing Deep Forests Efficiently with Soft Routing and Learned Connectivity.
Learning via Social Preference: A Coarse-to-Fine Training Strategy for Style Transfer Systems.
Defect Detection from UAV Images Based on Region-Based CNNs.
Graph Regularized Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Graph Clustering.
Weighted Quantization and Hamming Search for Fast Image Super-Resolution.
Detecting Student at Risk of Failure: A Case Study of Conceptualizing Mining from Internet Access Log Files.
Human-Assisted Computation for Auto-Grading.
Khan Academy: A Social Networking and Community Question Answering Perspective.
A Graph-Based Approach for Learner-Tailored Teaching of Korean Grammar Constructions.
Neural Educational Recommendation Engine (NERE).
End-to-End Deep Knowledge Tracing by Learning Binary Question-Embedding.
Generating Unified Candidate Skill Graph for Career Path Recommendation.
A Domain-Independent Text Segmentation Method for Educational Course Content.
Medical Image De-noising Using Deep Networks.
Learning Connectivity Patterns via Graph Kernels for fMRI-Based Depression Diagnostics.
Voxelwise 3D Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Epilepsy and Depression Diagnostics from Structural and Functional MRI Data.
Functional Brain Areas Mapping in Patients with Glioma Based on Resting-State fMRI Data Decomposition.
Finding Tenuous Groups in Social Networks.
Motif-Level Robustness Analysis of Power Grids.
A Network-Based Approach to Enhance Electricity Load Forecasting.
Parallel Contextual Bandits in Wireless Handover Optimization.
Query of Marine Big Data Based on Graph Compression and Views.
EGRET: Extortion Graph Exploration Techniques in the Bitcoin Network.
Drug Vector Minimization in Cancer Therapy Based on Boolean Logic Model of Gene Regulatory Network.
Within-Network Classification in Temporal Graphs.
MinerLSD: Efficient Local Pattern Mining on Attributed Graphs.
Requirements Definition with Extended Goal Graph.
How to Determine the Necessary Knowledge in the Conflicting Situation?
Quantification and Analysis of Scientific Language Variation Across Research Fields.
Selection of Related Stocks using Financial Text Mining.
Cross-Platform Modeling of Users' Behavior on Social Media.
Realization of Data Exchange and Utilization Society by Blockchain and Data Jacket: Merit of Consortium to Accelerate Co-Creation.
Preliminary Case Study on Data Utilization and Collaboration on the Web.
A New Forecasting Framework for Bitcoin Price with LSTM.
A Cooperative Architecture for Blockchain Federated Mediators from Industry Perspective.
A Scalable and Extensible Blockchain Architecture.
A Preliminary Approach of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain System.
Time Series Analysis for Bitcoin Transactions: The Case of Pirate@40's HYIP Scheme.
A Decentralized Approach for Negative Link Prediction in Large Graphs.
A Biometric Security Model for Wearable Healthcare.
Design Pattern as a Service for Blockchain Applications.
Collaborative Anomaly Detection on Blockchain from Noisy Sensor Data.
Country Interest Analysis Based on Long-Term Short-Term Memory(LSTM) In Decentralized System.
BlockPKI: An Automated, Resilient, and Transparent Public-Key Infrastructure.
Geofences on the Blockchain: Enabling Decentralized Location-Based Services.
On the Sustainability of Blockchain Funding.
On Enabling Machine Learning Tasks atop Public Blockchains: A Crowdsourcing Approach.
Certificate Transparency Using Blockchain.
Airdrops and Privacy: A Case Study in Cross-Blockchain Analysis.
Characterizing Entities in the Bitcoin Blockchain.
Selective Graph Attention Networks for Account Takeover Detection.
Anomaly-Based Insider Threat Detection Using Deep Autoencoders.
Unsupervised Scanning Behavior Detection Based on Distribution of Network Traffic Features Using Robust Autoencoders.
Preserving Differential Privacy and Utility of Non-stationary Data Streams.
Python Source Code De-anonymization Using Nested Bigrams.
Performance Evaluation of Features and Clustering Algorithms for Malware.
Phishing Email Detection Using Robust NLP Techniques.
Time is of the Essence: Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in Industrial Time Series Data.