icdm 2020 论文列表
20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2020, Sorrento, Italy, November 17-20, 2020.
Robust Meta Network Embedding against Adversarial Attacks.
FreqST: Exploiting Frequency Information in Spatiotemporal Modeling for Traffic Prediction.
FilCorr: Filtered and Lagged Correlation on Streaming Time Series.
Opinion Dynamics Incorporating Higher-Order Interactions.
HexCNN: A Framework for Native Hexagonal Convolutional Neural Networks.
cST-ML: Continuous Spatial-Temporal Meta-Learning for Traffic Dynamics Prediction.
Generalizing Universal Adversarial Attacks Beyond Additive Perturbations.
Robust Multi-Target Regression for Correlated Data Corruption.
Community Preserved Social Graph Publishing with Node Differential Privacy.
Learning Periods from Incomplete Multivariate Time Series.
T2-Net: A Semi-supervised Deep Model for Turbulence Forecasting.
Community Attention Network for Semi-supervised Node Classification.
Extremely Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform: From Theory to Algorithm.
Multi-typed Objects Multi-view Multi-instance Multi-label Learning.
Confidence Calibration on Multiclass Classification in Medical Imaging.
Toward Unsupervised Graph Neural Network: Interactive Clustering and Embedding via Optimal Transport.
Robust Product Rating Rules Against Herding Effects: Theory and Applications.
LPV: A Log Parser Based on Vectorization for Offline and Online Log Parsing.
TADO: Time-varying Attention with Dual-Optimizer Model.
Meta-path Hierarchical Heterogeneous Graph Convolution Network for High Potential Scholar Recognition.
Graph Sparsification with Generative Adversarial Network.
CorDEL: A Contrastive Deep Learning Approach for Entity Linkage.
Learning from Incomplete Labeled Data via Adversarial Data Generation.
Learning Node Representations from Noisy Graph Structures.
Fast Distance Metrics in Low-dimensional Space for Neighbor Search Problems.
Exploiting Knowledge Hierarchy for Finding Similar Exercises in Online Education Systems.
Learning Personal Conscientiousness from Footprints in E-Learning Systems.
Effects of Model Misspecification on Bayesian Bandits Case Studies in UX Optimization.
A Hybrid Model for Learning Embeddings and Logical Rules Simultaneously from Knowledge Graphs.
Robust Collaborative Learning with Noisy Labels.
EWS-GCN: Edge Weight-Shared Graph Convolutional Network for Transactional Banking Data.
TopicOcean: An Ever-Increasing Topic Model With Meta-learning.
Learning from Multi-Class Positive and Unlabeled Data.
ErGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Entity Resolution.
NF-VGA: Incorporating Normalizing Flows into Graph Variational Autoencoder for Embedding Attribute Networks.
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Multisensory Data from Honey Bee Colonies.
The Necessity of Geometrical Representation for Deep Graph Analysis.
Random Histogram Forest for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection.
AutoClust: A Framework for Automated Clustering based on Cluster Validity Indices.
Pruning Deep Neural Networks with $\ell_{0}$-constrained Optimization.
J-Recs: Principled and Scalable Recommendation Justification.
Finding Teams of Maximum Mutual Respect.
Self-Attentive Classification-Based Anomaly Detection in Unstructured Logs.
MERLIN: Parameter-Free Discovery of Arbitrary Length Anomalies in Massive Time Series Archives.
Bottom-Up and Top-Down: Predicting Personality with Psycholinguistic and Language Model Features.
Fairness Perception from a Network-Centric Perspective.
Bandits Under the Influence.
A mixed integer linear programming approach for soft graph clustering.
Multi-Attention 3D Residual Neural Network for Origin-Destination Crowd Flow Prediction.
Deep Semantic Network Representation.
AGSTN: Learning Attention-adjusted Graph Spatio-Temporal Networks for Short-term Urban Sensor Value Forecasting.
Technical Phrase Extraction for Patent Mining: A Multi-level Approach.
Exploratory Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks.
A Goal-Prioritized Algorithm for Additional Route Deployment on Existing Mass Transportation System.
Learning Space-Time-Frequency Representation with Two-Stream Attention Based 3D Network for Motor Imagery Classification.
COPOD: Copula-Based Outlier Detection.
A Generalized-Momentum-Accelerated Hessian-Vector Algorithm for High-Dimensional and Sparse Data.
Predicting Parkinson's Disease with Multimodal Irregularly Collected Longitudinal Smartphone Data.
Exploiting Inconsistency Problem in Multi-label Classification via Metric Learning.
Ensemble Learning for Spectral Clustering.
Heterogeneous Transfer Learning on Power Systems: A Merged Multi-Modal Gaussian Graphical Model.
MixBoost: Synthetic Oversampling using Boosted Mixup for Handling Extreme Imbalance.
Interpretable Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Model for Traffic Flow Prediction based on Potential Energy Fields.
Semi-Supervised Abductive Learning and Its Application to Theft Judicial Sentencing.
Soft policy optimization using dual-track advantage estimator.
Active Learning with Multi-Granular Graph Auto-Encoder.
STGCN: A Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Learning Method for POI Recommendation.
Enhancing Mixup-based Semi-Supervised Learning with Explicit Lipschitz Regularization.
Data-Agnostic Local Neighborhood Generation.
A Heterogeneous Spatiotemporal Network for Lightning Prediction.
Detecting Hierarchical Changes in Latent Variable Models.
An Interpretable Data Embedding under Uncertain Distance Information.
Dynamic Connected Neural Decision Classifier and Regressor with Dynamic Softing Pruning.
AutoFS: Automated Feature Selection via Diversity-aware Interactive Reinforcement Learning.
AANE: Anomaly Aware Network Embedding For Anomalous Link Detection.
Your Best Guess When You Know Nothing: Identification and Mitigation of Selection Bias.
Null-Labelling: A Generic Approach for Learning in the Presence of Class Noise.
Mining Recurring Patterns in Real-Valued Time Series using the Radius Profile.
The Relaxed Maximum Entropy Distribution and its Application to Pattern Discovery.
Inductive Granger Causal Modeling for Multivariate Time Series.
Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Bipartite Graph with Burstiness.
LFGCN: Levitating over Graphs with Levy Flights.
TSSRGCN: Temporal Spectral Spatial Retrieval Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting.
Fast and Accurate Time Series Classification Through Supervised Interval Search.
Optimal Probabilistic Classification in Active Class Selection.
Dissimilarity Random Forest Clustering.
Rethinking Local Community Detection: Query Nodes Replacement.
Hide and Mine in Strings: Hardness and Algorithms.
Dual-Side Auto-Encoder for High-Dimensional Time Series Segmentation.
Cold Item Recommendations via Hierarchical Item2vec.
Fast Automatic Feature Selection for Multi-Period Sliding Window Aggregate in Time Series.
Matrix Profile XXII: Exact Discovery of Time Series Motifs under DTW.
Heterogeneous Mini-Graph Neural Network and Its Application to Fraud Invitation Detection.
Online AUC Optimization for Sparse High-Dimensional Datasets.
Simplifying Reinforced Feature Selection via Restructured Choice Strategy of Single Agent.
Interactive Attention Networks for Semantic Text Matching.
Rethinking Dice Loss for Medical Image Segmentation.
Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Network.
A Hidden Challenge of Link Prediction: Which Pairs to Check?
A Primal-Dual Subgradient Approach for Fair Meta Learning.
MDPL-net: Multi-layer Dictionary Learning Network with Added Skip Dense Connections.
TrajGAIL: Trajectory Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning for Long-term Decision Analysis.
Adversarial Label-Flipping Attack and Defense for Graph Neural Networks.
DoubleEnsemble: A New Ensemble Method Based on Sample Reweighting and Feature Selection for Financial Data Analysis.
Meta-AAD: Active Anomaly Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Partial Multi-label Learning using Label Compression.
Autonomous Graph Mining Algorithm Search with Best Speed/Accuracy Trade-off.
Stochastic Hard Thresholding Algorithms for AUC Maximization.
FeatureNorm: L2 Feature Normalization for Dynamic Graph Embedding.
Co-Embedding Network Nodes and Hierarchical Labels with Taxonomy Based Generative Adversarial Networks.
Order-Preserving Metric Learning for Mining Multivariate Time Series.
Global Context Enhanced Social Recommendation with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks.
Semi-Supervised Partial Multi-Label Learning.
OpenWGL: Open-World Graph Learning.
PMLF: Prediction-Sampling-based Multilayer-Structured Latent Factor Analysis.
Fast Adaptation for Cold-start Collaborative Filtering with Meta-learning.
Deep Incomplete Multi-View Multiple Clusterings.
Learn-Prune-Share for Lifelong Learning.
Open-World Class Discovery with Kernel Networks.
Provably Robust Node Classification via Low-Pass Message Passing.
Integrating Group Homophily and Individual Personality of Topics Can Better Model Network Communities.
AtNE-Trust: Attributed Trust Network Embedding for Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks.
Toward Model Parallelism for Deep Neural Network based on Gradient-free ADMM Framework.
A Weighted Overlook Graph Representation of EEG Data for Absence Epilepsy Detection.
Cross-Graph: Robust and Unsupervised Embedding for Attributed Graphs with Corrupted Structure.
Deep-HOSeq: Deep Higher Order Sequence Fusion for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis.
GRosSo: Mining Statistically Robust Patterns from a Sequence of Datasets.
Structure-based Knowledge Tracing: An Influence Propagation View.
Probabilistic Neural-Kernel Tensor Decomposition.
Adversarial Precision Sensing with Healthcare Applications.
Pairwise Learning for Name Disambiguation in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Academic Networks.
Perfect: A Hyperbolic Embedding for Joint User and Community Alignment.
Heterogeneous Molecular Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Molecule Properties.
Spatiotemporal Hypergraph Convolution Network for Stock Movement Forecasting.
Beyond Localized Graph Neural Networks: An Attributed Motif Regularization Framework.
Prescriptive Learning for Air-Cargo Revenue Management.
Adversarial Active Learning based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Fake News Detection.
Force2Vec: Parallel force-directed graph embedding.
Tree Structure-Aware Graph Representation Learning via Integrated Hierarchical Aggregation and Relational Metric Learning.
LineaRE: Simple but Powerful Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction.
BiteNet: Bidirectional Temporal Encoder Network to Predict Medical Outcomes.
Efficient Top-k Temporal Closeness Calculation in Temporal Networks.
Context-aware Deep Representation Learning for Geo-spatiotemporal Analysis.
Estimating Individual Treatment Effects with Time-Varying Confounders.
LP-Explain: Local Pictorial Explanation for Outliers.
Online Optimized Product Quantization.
Building Autocorrelation-Aware Representations for Fine-Scale Spatiotemporal Prediction.
Effective Proximal Methods for Non-convex Non-smooth Regularized Learning.
Hybrid Context-Aware Word Sense Disambiguation in Topic Modeling based Document Representation.
Dynamic Graph Collaborative Filtering.
Community Detection with Local Metric Learning.
Graph Pooling with Representativeness.
Semantics-assisted Wasserstein Learning for Topic and Word Embeddings.
MALCOM: Generating Malicious Comments to Attack Neural Fake News Detection Models.
Evolution of Real-world Hypergraphs: Patterns and Models without Oracles.
Soft Graph Matching: Submodular Relaxation and Lovász Extension.
Ordinal-Content VAE: Isolating Ordinal-Valued Content Factors in Deep Latent Variable Models.
Dynamic Similarity Search on Integer Sketches.
Fast Sparse Connectivity Network Adaption via Meta-Learning.
Sub-graph Contrast for Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning.
BERT2DNN: BERT Distillation with Massive Unlabeled Data for Online E-Commerce Search.
CITIES: Contextual Inference of Tail-item Embeddings for Sequential Recommendation.
Interest Sustainability-Aware Recommender System.
Metric-Free Individual Fairness with Cooperative Contextual Bandits.
The Phantom Steering Effect in Q&A Websites.
Towards Inspecting and Eliminating Trojan Backdoors in Deep Neural Networks.
Mining Text Outliers in Document Directories.
Online Bayesian Sparse Learning with Spike and Slab Priors.
Metagraph Aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Illicit Traded Product Identification in Underground Market.
MARLINE: Multi-Source Mapping Transfer Learning for Non-Stationary Environments.
Modeling Personalized Out-of-Town Distances in Location Recommendation.
Classifier Invariant Approach to Learn from Positive-Unlabeled Data.
NAG: Neural feature aggregation framework for credit card fraud detection.
Just Wait For It... Mining Sequential Patterns with Reliable Prediction Delays.
Learning to Undersampling for Class Imbalanced Credit Risk Forecasting.
GraphEBM: Energy-based Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Learning.
Improving Object Detection with Relation Mining Network.
Quality meets Diversity: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Computerized Adaptive Testing.
Defending Water Treatment Networks: Exploiting Spatio-temporal Effects for Cyber Attack Detection.
ViVA: Semi-supervised Visualization via Variational Autoencoders.
Fast Spatial Autocorrelation.
Approximation algorithms for probabilistic $k$-center clustering.