ijcai 1989 论文列表
Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Detroit, MI, USA, August 1989.
(How) Is AI Impacting Manufacturing?
Artificial Intelligence and Space Exploration.
High-Impact Future Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence.
Robot Navigation.
The Challenge of Neural Darwinism.
A Region-Based Stereo Algorithm.
Using Line Correspondence Stereo to Measure Surface Orientation.
Chromatic Stereopsis.
Using Generic Knowledge in Analysis of Aerial Scenes: A Case Study.
Reference Frames for Animate Vision.
Building a World Model for a Mobile Robot Using Dynamic Semantic Constraints.
Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine.
Visual Reasoning in Geometry Theorem Proving.
Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Quadrilaterals.
Some Experiments in Applying Inductive Inference Principles to Surface Reconstruction.
Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination.
Can Early Stage Vision Detect Topology.
A "Small Leakage" Model for Diffusion Smoothing of Image Data.
A Homogeneous Framework for Visual Recognition.
The Complexity of Perceptual Search Tasks.
Perception of Non-Rigid Motion: Inference of Shape, Material and Force.
Lexicon Acquisition: Learning from Corpus by Capitalizing on Lexical Categories.
Computer-Aided Grammar Acquisition in the Chinese Understanding System CUSAGA.
Layering Predictions: Flexible Use of Dialog Expectation in Speech Recognition.
A Parallel Parser for Spoken Natural Language.
On the Generalization Capability of Multi-Layered Networks in the Extraction of Speech Properties.
Controlling a Language Generation Planner.
POPEL-HOW: A Distributed Parallel Model for Incremental Natural Language Production with Feedback.
Phrasing a Text in Terms the User Can Understand.
A Reactive Approach to Explanation.
Computing Pronoun Antecedents in an English Query System.
Bidirectional Use of Knowledge in the Multi-modal NL Access System XTRA.
Integration of Semantic and Syntactic Constraints for Structural Noun Phrase Disambiguation.
Formal Properties and Implementation of Bidirectional Charts.
Semantics of Perspectival Utterances.
Semantic Interpretation Based on the Multi-World Model.
A Schema-Based Approach to Understanding Subjunctive Conditionals.
Extending the Constraint Propagation of Intervals.
Automating the Construction of Patchers That Satisfy Global Constraints.
Tuning a Knowledge Base of Refinement Rules To Create Good Circuit Designs.
Reasoning About Assumptions in Graphs of Models.
Storing and Generalizing Multiple Instances While Maintaining Knowledge-Level Parallelism.
Plausible Inferencing Using Extended Composition.
A Unified View of Propositional Knowledge Base Updates.
Design Optimization Using Dynamic Evaluation.
A Case-Based Mechanical Redesign System.
Towards a Generic Model of Configuraton Tasks.
Functional Representation of Designs and Redesign Problem Solving.
On the Semantics of Counterfactuals.
An Analysis of First-Order Logics of Probability.
An Integrated Knowledge Based Assembly Control System for Automobile Manufacturing.
Candidate Ordering and Elimination in Model-Based Fault Diagnosis.
Experience Learning in Model-Based Diagnostic Systems.
A Diagnostic Algorithm based on Models at Different Level of Abstraction.
Reasoning About Hidden Mechanisms.
Simplification and Abstraction of Kinematic Behaviors.
Reasoning about Kinematic Topology.
Diagnosis with Behavioral Modes.
"Physical Negation" Integrating Fault Models into the General Diagnostic Engine.
A Theory of Diagnosis for Incomplete Causal Models.
Normality and Faults in Logic-Based Diagnosis.
Managing Efficiently Temporal Relations Through Indexed Spanning Trees.
Approximation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning.
The Logic of Time Structures: Temporal and Nonmonotonic Features.
The Thought Experiment Approach to Qualitative Physics.
Introducing Actions into Qualitative Simulation.
Processes at Discontinuities.
The Orders of Magnitude Models as Qualitative Algebras.
Temporal Matching: Recognizing Dynamic Situations from Discrete Measurements.
ANASTASIL: A Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Document Layout Analysis.
Approximation of Indistinct Concepts.
Model-Based Monitoring of Dynamic Systems.
A Focused, Context-Sensitive Approach to Monitoring.
Automated Physical Modeling.
Using a Feature Algebra for Reasoning about Geometric Feature Interactions.
On the Relation Between Autoepistem ic Logic and Circumscription.
On the Relation Between Truth Maintenance and Autoepistemic Logic.
Relating the TMS to Autoepistemic Logic.
Constraint Reasoning Based on Interval Arithmetic.
Stochastic Analysis of Qualitative Dynamics.
Perturbation Analysis with Qualitative Models.
Using Global Properties for Qualitative Reasoning: A Qualitative System Theory.
Belief as Defeasible Knowledge.
Uncertainty, Belief, and Probability.
Skeptical Inheritance: Computing the Intersection of Credulous Extensions.
Vivid Knowledge and Tractable Reasoning.
The Tractability of Path-Based Inheritance.
A Semantical Approach to Stable Inheritance Reasoning.
Qualitative Reasoning of Bayesian Belief Using Meta-knowledge.
Reflection and Action Under Scarce Resources: Theoretical Principles and Empirical Study.
An Analysis of ATMS-Based Techniques for Computing Dempster-Shafer Belief Functions.
Measure-Free Conditioning, Probability and Non-Monotonic Reasoning.
A Modest, but Semantically Well Founded, Inheritance Reasoner.
On the Declarative Semantics of Inheritance Networks.
An Evidence-based Framework for a Theory of Inheritance.
Negative Reasoning Using Inheritance.
HUGIN - A Shell for Building Bayesian Belief Universes for Expert Systems.
A Semantics for Probabilistic Quantifier-Free First-Order Languages, with Particular Application to Story Understanding.
Outline of a Naive Semantics for Reasoning with Qualitative Linguistic Information.
A Knowledge-Level Account of Abduction.
Prediction is Deduction but Explanation is Abduction.
A Correct Non-Monotonic ATMS.
Preferred Subtheories: An Extended Logical Framework for Default Reasoning.
Representations of Assembly Sequences.
Motion Planning of Multi-Joint Robotic Arm with Topological Dimension Reduction Method.
Neuroplanners and Their Application to Eyes/Head/Neck Coordination.
A Maneuvering-Board Approach to Path Planning with Moving Obstacles.
Constraint Satisfiability Algorithms for Interactive Student Scheduling.
A Reactive Scheduling Agent.
A Planning/Scheduling Methodology for the Constrained Resource Problem.
The Dynamics of Action Selection.
A Model for Projection and Action.
Solving Time-Dependent Planning Problems.
Decision-Making in an Embedded Reasoning System.
Minimal Change and Maximal Coherence: A Basis for Belief Revision and Reasoning about Actions.
Goal Ordering in Partially Ordered Plans.
Time for Action: On the Relation Between Time, Knowledge and Action.
A Model of Planning for Plan Efficiency: Taking Advantage of Operator Overlap.
Control of Refitting during Plan Reuse.
Towards a Theory of Conflict Detection and Resolution in Nonlinear Plans.
Ordering Problem Subgoals.
Ascribing Plans to Agents.
On Cooperation in a Multi-Entity Model.
Negotiation and Task Sharing Among Autonomous Agents in Cooperative Domains.
Temporal Projection and Explanation.
A Parallel Algorithm for Statistical Belief Refinement and its use in Causal Reasoning.
Filter Preferential Entailment for the Logic of Action in Almost Continuous Worlds.
Temporally Coarse Representation of Behavior for Model-based Troubleshooting of Digital Circuits.
Constraint Posting for Verifying VLSI Circuits.
Constraint Satisfaction with Delayed Evaluation.
A Formal Account of Self-Knowledge and Action.
Things That Change by Themselves.
Sometimes Updates Are Circumscription.
Towards Friendly Concept-Learners.
The Minimum Description Length Principle and Its Application to Online Learning of Handprinted Characters.
A Critique of the Valiant Model.
Concept Formation by Incremental Conceptual Clustering.
Noise-Tolerant Conceptual Clustering.
Chemical Analogies: Two Kinds of Explanation.
Concept Learning and the Problem of Small Disjuncts.
Building Robust Learning Systems by Combining Induction and Optimization.
Generating Better Decision Trees.
Noise-Tolerant Instance-Based Learning Algorithms.
An Empirical Comparison of ID3 and Back-propagation.
An Empirical Comparison of Pattern Recognition, Neural Nets, and Machine Learning Classification Methods.
An Experimental Comparison of Symbolic and Connectionist Learning Algorithms.
Hierarchical Genetic Algorithms Operating on Populations of Computer Programs.
Training Feedforward Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms.
Alternatives for Classifier System Credit Assignment.
Representation and Hidden Bias II: Eliminating Defining Length Bias in Genetic Search via Shuffle Crossover.
Incorporating Redundant Learned Rules: A Preliminary Formal Analysis of EBL.
Utilization Filtering: A Method for Reducing the Inherent Harmfulness of Deductively Learned Knowledge.
Eliminating Expensive Chunks by Restricting Expressiveness.
The Effect of Rule Use on the Utility of Explanation-Based Learning.
An Integrated Characterization and Discrimination Scheme to Improve Learning Efficiency in Large Data Sets.
Detecting and Correcting Errors of Omission After Explanation-Based Learning.
Induction in an Abstraction Space: A Form of Constructive Induction.
Discovering Admissible Heuristics by Abstracting and Optimizing: A Transformational Approach.
Lazy ExplanationBased Learning: A Solution to the Intractable Theory Problem.
Acquiring Recursive Concepts with Explanation-Based Learning.
Abstraction in Problem Solving and Learning.
Rule Creation and Rule Learning Through Environmental Exploration.
Learning Novel Domains Through Curiosity and Conjecture.
Coping With Uncertainty in Map Learning.
Improving Efficiency by Learning Intermediate Concepts.
Principled Constructive Induction.
Constructive Induction On Decision Trees.
Learning DNF by Decision Trees.
Comparing the Conceptual Systems of Experts.
On the Road to Automatic Knowledge Engineering.
A Problem Space Approach to Expert System Specification.
A Study of Empirical Learning for an Involved Problem.
Learning Subgoal Sequences for Planning.
Selective Learning of Macro-operators with Perfect Causality.
Towards a General Framework for Composing Disjunctive and Iterative Macro-operators.
Using and Refining Simplifications: Explanation-Based Learning of Plans in Intractable Domains.
Automated Synthesis of Constrained Generators.
A Probabilistic Approach to Marker Propagation.
Neural-Net Implementation of Complex Symbol-Processing in a Mental Model Approach to Syllogistic Reasoning.
Focusing Attention for Observational Learning: The Importance of Context.
Learning to Diagnose by Doing.
The Correction Machine: Formulating Explanations for User Misconceptions.
Simulating Student Programmers.
Defining Salience in Case-Based Arguments.
Generating Facts From Opinions with Information Source Models.
Combining Case-Based and Rule-Based Reasoning: A Heuristic Approach.
Argumentation: Planning Other Agents' Plans.
An Adaptive Model of Decision-Making in Planning.
Opportunistic Memory.
Focus of Control Through Goal Relationships.
Generating Causal Explanation from a Cardio-Vascular Simulation.
The Generation of 'Critical Problems' by Abstract Interpretations of Student Models.
A Computational Framework for Granularity and its Application to Educational Diagnosis.
Circumscribing Equality.
A Theorem Prover for Prioritized Circumscription.
How to Represent Opaque Sentences in First Order Logic.
Maximum Entropy in Nilsson's Probabilistic Logic.
Extending Reflective Architectures.
Modal Theorem Proving: An Equational Viewpoint.
Lock, Linear Lambda-Paramodulation in Operator Fuzzy Logic.
An Approximate Solver for Symbolic Equations.
On the Decidability of Formulae Involving Continuous and Closed Functions.
On Wu's Method for Proving Constructive Geometric Theorems.
The Specialization and Transformation of Constructive Existence Proofs.
Explanation Based Program Transformation.
Reducing the Derivation of Redundant Clauses in Reasoning Systems.
Logic Programming with General Clauses and Defaults Based on Model Elimination.
Program Derivation Using Analogy.
A Computational Structure for the Propositional Calculus.
Structuring Computer Generated Proofs.
Abstract Theorem Proving.
Recognizing Unnecessary Inference.
A Rational Reconstruction and Extension of Recursion Analysis.
And-Or Graphs Applied to RUE Resolution.
Preprocessing Search Spaces for Branch and Bound Search.
Conspiracy Numbers and Caching for Searching And/Or Trees and Theorem-Proving.
On Optimal Game-Tree Search using Rational Meta-Reasoning.
Generalized Game Trees.
The Reason for the Benefits of Minimax Search.
Multi-Dimensional Heuristic Searching.
Constrained Heuristic Search.
Towards Finding Optimal Solutions with Non-Admissible Heuristics: A New Technique.
Fast Recursive Formulations for Best-First Search That Allow Controlled Use of Memory.
A Comparison of ATMS and CSP Techniques.
An Algebraic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Partial Constraint Satisfaction.
Experimental Evaluation of Preprocessing Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Node Aggregation for Distributed Inference in Bayesian Networks.
Real-Time AI Systems: A Definition and An Architecture.
Input Data Management in Real-Time AI Systems.
Intelligent Monitoring and Control.
Minimizing Response Times in Real Time Planning and Search.
Rapid Retrieval Algorithms for Case-Based Reasoning.
Knowledge Base Compilation.
The Implementation of Expert, Knowledge-Based Systems.
The ELINT Application on Poligon: The Architecture and Performance of a Concurrent Blackboard System.
Neural Computing on a One Dimensional SIMD Array.
Experiences Implementing a Parallel ATMS on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor.
Integrating Knowledge-Based System and Neural Network Techniques for Robotic Skill Acquisition.
Beyond PDP: The Frequency Modulation Neural Network Architecture.
Generation, Local Receptive Fields and Global Convergence Improve Perceptual Learning in Connectionist Networks.
On Multi-Layered Connectionist Models: Adding Layers vs. Increasing Width.
Unsupervised Learning by Backward Inhibition.
A Sequential View of AND-Parallelism Through Partial AND-Processes.
Unrestricted And-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs with Dependency Directed Backtracking.
A Vectorization Technique for Prolog without Explosion.
Adaptation-Based Explanation: Extending Script/Frame Theory to Handle Novel Input.
Reconstructive Explanation: Explanation as Complex Problem Solving.
A New Metaphor for the Graphical Explanation of Forward-Chaining Rule Execution.
Call-Graph Caching: Transforming Programs into Networks.
Chart Parsing of Flowgraphs.
A Knowledge-Based Software Information System.
Contexts: Dynamic Identification of Common Parameters in Distributed Analysis of Complex Devices.
A Technique for Customizing Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation Systems, With An Application to Network Problem Management.
The Search Ahead Conflict Resolution for Parallel Firing of Production Systems.
An Evaluation of DRete on CUPlD for OPSS Matching.
A Framework for Network Modeling in Prolog.
Simulation of Hybrid Circuits in Constraint Logic Programming.
Explaining Prolog Based Expert Systems Using a Layered Meta-Interpreter.
A Universal Programming Language.
Domain Dependence in Parallel Constraint Satisfaction.
Platypus: A Constraint-Based Reasoning System.
Searching Game Trees in Parallel Using SSS.
Single-Agent Parallel Window Search: A Summary of Results.
Correct Parallel Status Assignment for the Reason Maintenance System.
Parallel Iterative A* Search: An Admissible Distributed Heuristic Search Algorithm.
Execution Architectures and Compilation.
A Symbol Is Not a Symbol.
Symbols and Subsymbols for Representing Knowledge: A Catalogue Raisonné.