
ijcai 1993 论文列表

Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Chambéry, France, August 28 - September 3, 1993.

ALEPS: The Automated Logistics Element Planning System.
Spoken Language Translation System.
Process Control by an Expert System at The Grandpuits Refinery.
QUALTES: A Domain Specific Tool for Electric Power Stations.
The Use of Geons for Generic 3D Object Recognition.
TELECOM and AI: The Emperors New Clothes?
Instructions: Language and Behavior.
Grand Challenge AI Applications.
Fuzzy Logic and AI.
AI Multimedia and Education.
Action Representation and Purpose: Re-evaluating the Foundations of Computational Vision.
Memory-Based Navigation.
Map Validation and Self-location in a Graph-like World.
Using Local Information in a Non-Local Way for Mapping Graph-Like Worlds.
Making Cognitive Map of Outdoor Environment.
Recognizing 3-D Motion.
An Uncertainty Model of Stereo Vision and its Application to Vision-Motion Planning of Robot.
Rule-Structured Facial Animation System.
Qualitative Recognition of Ongoing Human Action Sequences.
Dynamic Trajectory Planning Path-Velocity Decomposition and Adjacent Paths.
Homing Using Combinations of Model Views.
Selective Attention in Dynamic Vision.
Active Color Image Analysis for Recognizing Shadows.
Solving Geometric Constraint Satisfaction Problems for Spatial Planning.
Qualitative Modeling of RNA Structure.
Towards an Integrated Logic of Space, Time and Motion.
Orientation and Qualitative Angle for Spatial Reasoning.
Fuzzy Causal Simulation in Process Engineering.
A Stochastic Approach to Qualitative Simulation using Markov Processes.
Prioritising Behaviours in Qualitative Simulation.
How Things are Intended to Work: Capturing Functional Knowledge in Device Design.
Symbolic Reasoning with Relative Orders of Magnitude.
Machine-generated Explanations of Engineering Models: A Compositional Modeling Approach.
Model-Based Diagnosis Meets Error Diagnosis in Logic Programs.
Goal-Directed Diagnosis-Diagnostic Reasoning in Exploratory-Corrective Domains.
Diagnosis of Communicating Systems: Dealing with Incompleteness and Uncertainty.
A Formal Modeling Scheme for Continuous Systems: Focus on Diagnosis.
Theory Diagnoses: A Concise Characterization of Faulty Systems.
Diagnosis Process Dynamics: Holding the Diagnostic Trackhound in Leash.
Computer-Aided Creative Mechanism Design.
Compositional Model-Based Design.
Plan Modification versus Plan Generation: A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective.
Complexity Results for SAS+ Planning.
Non-Order-Preserving Evaluation Functions: Recursive Graph-Search Methods for Job Sequencing Problems.
Informedness vs. Computational Cost of Heuristics in Iterative Repair Scheduling.
Reaction-First Search.
Anytime Sensing Planning and Action: A Practical Model for Robot Control.
Planning Using Multiple Execution Architectures.
Characterizing Subgoal Interactions for Planning.
On the Utility of Systematicity: Understanding Tradeoffs between Redundancy and Commitment in Partial-ordering Planning.
Characterizing and Automatically Finding Primary Effects in Planning.
Dynamic Conflict Resolution in a Connectionist Rule-Based System.
Heuristically Expanding Knowledge-Based Neural Networks.
Spatial Reasoning and Connectionist Inference.
A Coincidence Detection Network for Spatio-Temporal Coding: Application to Nominal Composition.
Source Code Informal Information Analysis Using Connectionist Models.
Computing Effect-to-Cause/Cause-to-Effect Diagnoses Within NdL.
Massively Parallel Support for Efficient Knowledge Representation.
Learning to Represent Codons: A Challenge Problem for Constructive Induction.
Interpretation as Exception Minimization.
Integrating Linguistic and Pragmatic Temporal Information in Natural Language Understanding: the case of "When Sentences".
Meeting the Interlocking Needs of LF-Computation Deindexing and Inference: An Organic Approach to General NLU.
Approximating Maximum-Entropy Ratings for Evidential Parsing and Semantic Interpretation.
Example-Based Machine Translation on Massively Parallel Processors.
A Comprehensive and Practical Model of Memory-Based Machine Translation.
Understanding Spoken Natural Language with Omni-Directional Information Flow.
Incorporating Syntactic Constraints in Recognizing Handwritten Sentences.
Structure and Rules in Automated Multimedia Presentation Planning.
Decision-Theoretic Salience Interactions in Language Generation.
Using Device Models to Facilitate the Retrieval of Multimedia Design Information.
Dialogue Cohesion Sharing and Adjusting in an Enhanced Multimodal Environment.
Tense and Aspect: A Mereological Approach.
For an Incremental Computation of Intrasentential Coreference.
Preferences for Model Selection in Explanation.
Generating Concise Discourse that Addresses a Users Inferences.
Joint Utterance: Intrasentential Speaker/Hearer Switch as an Emergent Phenomenon.
Abduction and Dynamic Preference in Plan-Based Dialogue Understanding.
Hypothetically Speaking Default Reasoning and Discourse-Structure.
FASTUS: A Finite-state Processor for Information Extraction from Real-world Text.
Optimizing the Costs and Benefits of Natural Language Generation.
Automatic Documentation Generation: The Rnteraction of Text and Examples.
Verbal Case Frame Acquisition from Bilingual Corpora.
A Symbolic Model for Learning the Past-Tenses of English Verbs.
Symbolic Revision of Theories with M-of-N Rules.
A Methodology for Evaluating Theory Revision Systems: Results with Audrey II.
Sequence Extrapolation.
Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Production.
Combining FOIL and EBG to Speed-up Logic Programs.
An Inductive Approach to Learning Search Control Rules for Planning.
Learning to Achieve Goals.
Learning Finite Automata Using Local Distinguishing Experiments.
The Statistical Learning of Accurate Heuristics.
Rule-Based Regression.
HYDRA: A Noise-tolerant Relational Concept Learning Algorithm.
A Theory of Clausal Discovery.
Avoiding Pitfalls When Learning Recursive Theories.
An Interactive System to Learn Functional Logic Programs.
Multiple Predicate Learning.
Constructive Inductive Logic Programming.
Multi-Interval Discretization of Continuous-Valued Attributes for Classification Learning.
Decision Trees in Numerical Attribute Spaces.
TDIS : an Algebraic Formalization.
Induction of Oblique Decision Trees.
Learning Decision Lists over Tree Patterns and Its Application.
Efficient Pruning Methods for Separate-and-Conquer Rule Learning Systems.
Reducing Ambiguity by Learning Assembly Specific Behaviour.
Learning of Resource Allocation Strategies for Game Playing.
Genetic State-Space Search for Constrained Optimization Problems.
Evolutionary Learning Strategy using Bug-Based Search.
Improving the Design of Induction Methods by Analyzing Algorithm Functionality and Data-Based Concept Complexity.
Complex Concept Acquisition through Directed Search and Feature Caching.
SMART+: A Multi-Strategy Learning Tool.
Integrating Inductive Neural Network Learning and Explanation-Based Learning.
An Analytic Learning System for Specializing Heuristics.
Abstraction via Approximate Symmetry.
Retrieving Cases from Relational Data-Bases: Another Stride Towards Corporate-Wide Case-Base Systems.
Case Retrieval through Multiple Indexing and Heuristic Search.
Estimating the Accuracy of Learned Concepts.
Average-Case Analysis of a Nearest Neighbor Algorithm.
Logical Specification of Real-Time Granular Systems in an Object Oriented Language.
A Parameterised Module System for Constructing Typed Logic Programs.
Representing Concurrent Actions in Extended Logic Programming.
A Metalogic Programming Approach to Reasoning about Time in Knowledge Bases.
On the Acceptability of Arguments and its Fundamental Role in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming.
Conditional Causal Logic: A Formal Theory of the Meaning Generating Processes in a Cognitive System.
A Language for Implementing Arbitrary Logics.
Computers and Thought Award : Challenges of Massive Parallelism.
The Logic of Cognitive Action.
Conceptual Design and Artificial Intelligence.
Consenting Agents: Negotiation Mechanisms for Multi-Agent Systems.
Toward Flexible Intelligence: MITI's New Program of Real World Computing.
The Intelligent Hand: An Experimental Approach to Human Object Recognition and Implications for Robotic Design.
Vision Based Robot Behavior: Tools and Testbeds for Real-World AI Research.
Artificial Thought and Emergent Mind.
Social Knowledge and Social Action: Heterogeneity in Practice.
AI Adventures Worth Writing Home About.
The Range of Applicability of Nonmonotonic Logics for the Inertia Problem.
Deriving Properties of Belief Update from Theories of Action (II).
Soundness and Completeness Theorems for Three Formalizations of Action.
Reasoning About Persistence: A Theory of Actions.
The Equivalence of Model-Theoretic and Structural Subsumption in Description Logics.
Decidable Reasoning in Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems.
Using Classification as a Programming Language.
A Multi-Dimensional Terminological Knowledge Representation Language.
More Notes on "A Clash of Intuitions".
Default Inheritance Reasoning in Hybrid KL-ONE-Style Logics.
How to Prefer More Specific Defaults in Terminological Default Logic.
A Terminological Logic with Defaults: A Definition and an Application.
Path Consistency in a Network of Non-Convex Intervals.
Efficient Temporal Reasoning through Timegraphs.
Inconsistency Management and Prioritized Syntax-Based Entailment.
Curb Your Theory! A Circumspective Approach for Inclusive Interpretation of Disjunctive Information.
Second Order Measures for Uncertainty Processing.
Belief Revision and Updates in Numerical Formalisms: An Overview, with new Results for the Possibilistic Framework.
On the Hardness of Approximate Reasoning.
Average-Case Analysis of a Search Algorithm for Estimating Prior and Posterior Probabilities in Bayesian Networks with Extreme Probabilities.
Quantifying Beliefs by Belief Functions: An Axiomatic Justification.
Generalization of the Dempster-Shafer Theory.
Preference-Based Semantics for Nonmonotonic Logics.
On the Semantics of Supernormal Defaults.
The Power of Beliefs or Translating Default Logic into Standard Autoepistemic Logic.
Statistical Foundations for Default Reasoning.
Notes on Formalizing Context.
Non-Omniscient Belief as Context-Based Resoning.
Syntactic Characterizations of Belief Change Operators.
Connections Between the ATMS and AGM Belief Revision.
The Complexity of Nested Counterfactuals and Iterated Knowledge Base Revisions.
Revision Sequences and Nested Conditionals.
Specification and Generation of Custom-Tailored Knowledge-Acquisition Tools.
A Class Library Implementation of a Principled Open Architecture Knowledge Representation Server with Plug-in Data Types.
TREE: the Heuristic Driven Join Strategy of a RETE-Like Matcher.
Off-line Reasoning for On-line Efficiency.
Test Case Generation using KBS Strategy.
Expert System Validation through Knowledge Base Refinement.
Nonmonotonic Model Inference-A Formalization of Student Modeling.
PHI - A Logic-Based Tool for Intelligent Help Systems.
Constraint Based Automatic Construction and Manipulation of Geometric Figures.
Classification Networks: A Knowledge Representation Scheme for Curriculum Prescription.
Understanding the Role of Negotiation in Distributed Search Among Heterogereous Agents.
Are Many Reactive Agents Better Than a Few Deliberative Ones?
Multi-Agent Planning as a Dynamic Search for Social Consensus.
A Domain Theory for Task Oriented Negotiation.
W - A Logic System Based on the Shared Common Knowledge Views.
Oz - A Programming Language for Multi-Agent Systems.
Elements of a Utilitarian Theory of Knowledge and Action.
A Representationalist Theory of Intention.
Epistemic Extension of Propositional Preference Logics.
All They Know: A Study in Multi-Agent Autoepistemic Reasoning.
Collaborative Plans for Group Activities.
An Approach to Analyzing the Need for Meta-Level Communication.
A Scheme for Agent Collaboration in Open Multiagent Environments.
A Collaboration Mechanism on Positive Interactions in Multi-agent Environments.
Provably Bounded Optimal Agents.
Enhancing Performance of Cooperating Agents in Real-Time Diagnostic Systems.
Liveness and Fairness Properties in Multi-Agent Systems.
A Model-Theoretic Approach to the Verification of Situated Reasoning Systems.
Learning to Coordinate Actions in Multi-Agent-Systems.
Agents Habitats and Routine Behavior.
Satisfiability of Boolean Formulas over Linear Constraints.
Domain-Independent Extensions to GSAT: Solving Large Structured Satisfiability Problems.
Exploiting Interchangeabilities in Constraint-Satisfaction Problems.
Diagnosing and Solving Over-Determined Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Optimistic Parallel biscrete Relaxation.
Domain Filtering can Degrade Intelligent Backtracking Search.
Using Inferred Disjunctive Constraints To Decompose Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Complete Solution of the Eight-Puzzle and the Benefit of Node Ordering in IDA.
Why AC-3 is Almost Always Better than AC4 for Establishing Arc Consistency in CSPs.
Consistency Techniques for Numeric CSPs.
When Functional and Bijective Constraints Make a CSP Polynomial.
Bidirectional Best-First Search with Bounded Error: Summary of Results.
Dynamic Memories: Analysis of an Integrated Comprehension and Episodic Memory Retrieval Model.
A Computational Model of Tractable Reasoning - Taking Inspiration from Cognition.
Using the Affective Reasoner to Support Social Simulations.
AI Models as a Variety of Psychological Explanation.
Perception and Experience in Problem Solving.
ANTLIMA - A Listener Model with Mental Images.
Situation Recognition: Representation and Algorithms.
Explanation in the Situation Calculus.
Exploiting Domain structure to Achieve Efficient Temporal Reasoning.
Automated Trend Detection with Alternate Temporal Hypotheses.
Exploiting Irrelevance Reasoning to Guide Problem Solving.
A Note on Backward Dual Resolution and Its Application to Proving Completeness of Rule-Based Systems.
On the Polynomial Transparency of Resolution.
Difference Unification.
SCOTT: A Model-Guided Theorem Prover.
Bottom-up Abduction by Model Generation.
Combining Induction Axioms by Machine.
Automatic Case Analysis in Proof by Induction.
First-Order Modal Logic Theorem Proving and Functional Simulation.
Cooperation between Direct Method and Translation Method in Non Classical Logics: Some Results in Propositional S5.
Proving Theorems in a Multi-Source Environment.
Extending the Resolution Method with Sorts.
Automatic Generation of Some Results in Finite Algebra.
A New Algorithm for Incremental Prime Implicate Generation.
Semantical and Computational Aspects of Horn Approximations.
A New Logical framework for Deductive Planning.
Focusing Construction and Selection of Abductive Hypotheses.
Critical Reasoning.
An Abductive Framework for General Logic Programs and other Nonmonotonic Systems.
A Tractable Class of Abduction Problems.