
ijcai 1999 论文列表

Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 99, Stockholm, Sweden, July 31 - August 6, 1999. 2 Volumes, 1450 pages.

Reasoning with Cause and Effect.
Agent-Based Computing: Promise and Perils.
Electronic Commerce: From Economic and Game-Theoretic Models to Working Protocols.
Was the Title of This Talk Gernerated Automatically? Prospects on Intelligent Interfaces and Language.
The Multilingual Generation Game: Authoring Fluent Texts in Unfamiliar Languages.
A Brief Introduction to Boosting.
Model-based Diagnosis in the Real World: Lessons Learned and Challenges Remaining.
Robotics in the Home, Office, and Playing Field.
Incremental Learning in a Fuzzy Intelligent System.
Towards a Possibilistic Logic Handling of Preferences.
Reinforcement Algorithms Using Functional Approximation for Generalization and their Application to Cart Centering and Fractal Compression.
Solving Non-Markovian Control Tasks with Neuro-Evolution.
Variable Resolution Discretization for High-Accuracy Solutions of Optimal Control Problems.
Bounding the Suboptimality of Reusing Subproblem.
Computing Factored Value Functions for Policies in Structured MDPs.
A Sparse Sampling Algorithm for Near-Optimal Planning in Large Markov Decision Processes.
Multi-Value-Functions: Efficient Automatic Action Hierarchies for Multiple Goal MDPs.
Computing Near Optimal Strategies for Stochastic Investment Planning Problems.
Learning Probabilistic Relational Models.
Exploratory Interaction with a Bayesian Argumentation System.
On the Role of Context-Specific Independence in Probabilistic Inference.
Continual Computation Policies for Allocating Offline and Real-Time Resources.
Pre-sending Documents on the WWW: A Comparative Study.
Reactive Control of Dynamic Progressive Processing.
A New Framework for Reasoning about Points, Intervals and Durations.
Managing Temporal Uncertainty Through Waypoint Controllability.
Scalable Temporal Reasoning.
Rights, Duties and Commitments between Agents.
Behavior Networks for Continuous Domains using Situation-Dependent Motivations.
Designing Comprehensible Agents.
Genetic Heuristic for Search Space Exploration.
Coevolution, Memory and Balance.
Optimizing Recursive Information-Gathering Plans.
An Experimental Study of Phase Transitions in Matching.
Improvements to the Evaluation of Quantified Boolean Formulae.
A Divide and Conquer Bidirectional Search: First Results.
Switching from Bidirectional to Unidirectional Search.
Search in a Small World.
Tracking Many Objects with Many Sensors.
Markov Localization using Correlation.
A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social Robot.
A Spatiotemporal/Spatiotemporal-Frequency Interpretation of Apparent Motion Reversal.
State Space Construction by Attention Control.
Physical Constraints on Human Robot Interaction.
Multiple Path Coordination for Mobile Robots: A Geometric Algorithm.
Structured Modeling Language for Automated Modeling in Causal Networks.
Automatic Diagnosis of Student Programs in Programming Learning Environments.
Utilizing Device Behavior in Structure-Based Diagnosis.
Diagnosis as a Variable Assignment Problem: A Case Study in a Space Robot Fault Diagnosis.
Monitoring Piecewise Continuous Behaviors by Refining Semi-Quantative Trackers.
Debugging Functional Programs.
Qualitative and Quantitative Representations of Locomotion and their Application in Robot Navigation.
Qualitative Outline Theory.
Acquisition of Qualitative Spatial Representation by Visual Observation.
Generalized Physical Networks for Automated Model Building.
A Qualitative-Fuzzy Framework for Nonlinear Black-Box System Identification.
Semi-Quantitative Comparative Analysis.
An Iterative Sampling Procedure for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Time Windows.
Cyclic Scheduling.
Real-Time Problem-Solving with Contract Algorithms.
Highly Reactive Decision Making: A Game with Time.
A Possibilistic Planner that Deals with Non-Determinism and Contingency.
To Encode or Not to Encode - Linear Planning.
Improving Graphplan's Search with EBL & DDB Techniques.
Reachability, Relevance, Resolution and the Planning as Satisfiability Approach.
SHOP: Simple Hierarchical Ordered Planner.
From Interaction Data to Plan Libraries: A Clustering Approach.
The Detection and Exploitation of Symmetry in Planning Problems.
Computational Complexity of Planning and Approximate Planning in Presence of Incompleteness.
Dealing with Geometric Constraints in Game-Theoretic Planning.
How Latent is Latent Semantic Analysis?
Towards Multi-paper Summarization Using Reference Information.
Combining General Hand-Made and Automatically Constructed Thesauri for Query Expansion in Information Retrieval.
Relational Learning for NLP using Linear Threshold Elements.
An Evaluation of Criteria for Measuring the Quality of Clusters.
Learning in Natural Language.
FACILE: Classifying Texts Integrating Pattern Matching and Information Extraction.
Combining Weak Knowledge Sources for Sense Disambiguation.
The Role of Saliency in Generating Natural Language Arguments.
Lean Semantic Interpretation.
Situated Grounded Word Semantics.
Hybrid Thematic Role Processor: Symbolic Linguistic Relations Revised by Connectionist Learning.
Processing Symbols at Variable Speed in DUAL: Connectionist Activation as Power Supply.
Preference Moore Machines for Neural Fuzzy Integration.
Generalized Connectionist Associative Memory.
Improved Classification for a Data Fusing Kohonen Self Organizing Map Using A Dynamic Thresholding Technique.
SARDSRN: A Neural Network Shift-Reduce Parser.
A Potts Spin MFT Network Solving Multiple Causal Interactions.
Efficient SQL-Querying Method for Data Mining in Large Data Bases.
Towards Efficient Metaquerying.
Efficient Mining of Statistical Dependencies.
Automatic Concept Formation in Pure Mathematics.
Finding Relations in Polynomial Time.
Discovering Admissible Model Equations from Observed Data Based on Scale-Types and Identity Constrains.
A Neural Reinforcement Learning Approach to Learn Local Dispatching Policies in Production Scheduling.
Confidence Based Dual Reinforcement Q-Routing: An adaptive online network routing algorithm.
Convergence of Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximators.
Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Factored MDPs.
A Near-Optimal Poly-Time Algorithm for Learning a class of Stochastic Games.
Leave-One-Out Support Vector Machines.
Transduction with Confidence and Credibility.
Process-Oriented Estimation of Generalization Error.
Constructive Induction: A Version Space-based Approach.
Decision Tree Grafting From the All Tests But One Partition.
Conceptual Grouping in Word Co-Occurrence Networks.
Latent Class Models for Collaborative Filtering.
The Cluster-Abstraction Model: Unsupervised Learning of Topic Hierarchies from Text Data.
Learning Rules for Large Vocabulary Word Sense Disambiguation.
Domain-Specific Keyphrase Extraction.
A Machine Learning Approach to Building Domain-Specific Search Engines.
Using Focus Rules in Requirements Elicitation Dialogues.
A Case Based Approach to the Generation of Musical Expression.
Visual Planning: A Practical Approach to Automated Presentation Design.
Integrating Problem-Solving Methods into CYC.
Discovering Chronicles with Numerical Time Constraints from Alarm Logs for Monitoring Dynamic Systems.
Verifying Integrity Constraints on Web Sites.
Knowledge Modeling and Reusability in ExClaim.
A Distributed Case-Based Reasoning Application for Engineering Sales Support.
An Effective Ship Berthing Algorithm.
GIB: Steps Toward an Expert-Level Bridge-Playing Program.
Decomposition Search: A Combinatorial Games Approach to Game Tree Search, with Applications to Solving Go Endgames.
Domain-Dependent Single-Agent Search Enhancements.
Temporal Coherence and Prediction Decay in TD Learning.
Speeding Up Ascending-Bid Auctions.
Taming the Computational Complexity of Combinatorial Auctions: Optimal and Approximate Approaches.
An Algorithm for Optimal Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions.
Algorithms for Optimizing Leveled Commitment Contracts.
Sequential Auctions for the Allocation of Resources with Complementarities.
Efficiency and Equilibrium in Task Allocation Economies with Hierarchical Dependencies.
Be Patient and Tolerate Imprecision: How Autonomous Agents can Coordinate Effectively.
Shopbots and Pricebots.
Risk Control in Multi-agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third Party.
Towards Flexible Multi-Agent Decision-Making Under Time Pressure.
A Protocol-Based Semantics for an Agent Communication Language.
Sequential Optimality and Coordination in Multiagent Systems.
Constraint Propagation and Value Acquisition: Why we should do it Interactively.
A New Method to Index and Query Sets.
Path Consistency on Triangulated Constraint Graphs.
Maximal Tractable Fragments of the Region Connection Calculus: A Complete Analysis.
A New Tractable Subclass of the Rectangle Algebra.
Improving Search Using Indexing: A Study with Temporal CSPs.
Branch and Bound with Mini-Bucket Heuristics.
The Symmetric Alldiff Constraint.
The Difference All-Difference Makes.
Extending Consistent Domains of Numeric CSP.
Solving Strategies for Highly Symmetric CSPs.
A Comparison of Structural CSP Decomposition Methods.
Modeling the Basic Meanings of Path Relations.
Diagrammatic Proofs.
Computer Aided Tracing of Children?s Physics Learning: a Teacher Oriented View.
Investigating the Emergence of Speech Sounds.
Using a Cognitive Architecture to Plan Dialogs for the Adaptive Explanation of Proofs.
Reasoning About Actions in Narrative Understanding.
Autonomous Concept Formation.
An Anthropocentric Tool for Decision Making Support.
Temporal Planning with Mutual Exclusion Reasoning.
Unifying SAT-based and Graph-based Planning.
The LPSAT Engine & Its Application to Resource Planning.
On the Use of Integer Programming Models in AI Planning.
SAT-Encodings, Search Space Structure, and Local Search Performance.
Using Walk-SAT and Rel-Sat for Cryptographic Key Search.
Compiling Knowledge into Decomposable Negation Normal Form.
Two Fielded Teams and Two Experts: A RoboCup Challenge Response from the Trenches.
An assessment of submissions made to the Predictive Toxicology Evaluation Challenge.
Adaptive Web Sites: Conceptual Cluster Mining.
A Lattice Machine Approach to Automated Casebase Design: Marrying Lazy and Eager Learning.
Toward a Probabilistic Formalization of Case-Based Inference.
PEBM: A Probabilistic Exemplar Based Model.
Remembering to Add: Competence-preserving Case-Addition Policies for Case Base Maintenance.
Dynamic Refinement of Feature Weights Using Quantitative Introspective Learning.
Demand-Driven Discovery of Adaptation Knowledge.
Maximization of the Average Quality of Anytime Contract Algorithms over a Time Interval.
Exploiting a Common Property Resource under a Fairness Constraint: a Case Study.
Programming Resource-Bounded Deliberative Agents.
An Inconsistency Tolerant Model for Belief Representation and Belief Revision.
Postulates for Conditional Belief Revision.
Considerations on a Similarity-Based Approach to Beleif Change.
A Logic of Intention.
Expressive Reasoning about Action in Nondeterministic Polynomial Time.
Projection Using Regression and Sensors.
Automata Theory for Reasoning About Actions.
Logic-Based Subsumption Architecture.
The Ramification Problem in the Event Calculus.
Axiomatic Foundations for Qualitative/Ordinal Decisions with Partial Preferences.
Query Evaluation and Progression in AOL Knowledge Bases.
Preferential Semantics for Causal Systems.
On the Relation of Resolution and Tableaux Proof Systems for Description Logics.
Multi-Dimensional Description Logics.
Computing Least Common Subsumers in Description Logics with Existential Restrictions.
Reasoning with Concrete Domains.
Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics with Fixpoints based on Automata on Infinite Trees.
Model Checking for Nonmonotonic Logics: Algorithms and Complexity.
Stable Model Checking Made Easy.
On the Complexity of Model Checking for Propositional Default Logics: New Results and Tractable Cases.
On the Relations between Probabilistic Logic and p-CMS.
Maximum Entropy and Variable Strength Defaults.
Abducing Priorities to Derive Intended Conclusions.
Preferred Arguments are Harder to Compute than Stable Extension.
Credulous Nonmonotonic Inference.
Complexity Results for Propositional Closed World Reasoning and Circumscription from Tractable Knowledge Bases.
UPML: A Framework for Knowledge System Reuse.
Cooperation of Heterogeneous Provers .
Lemma Generation for Model Elimination by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Inference.