
ijcai 1977 论文列表

Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, MA, USA, August 22-25, 1977.

Computers and Thought Lecture: The Ubiquity of Discovery.
Plain Talk about Neurodevelopmental Epistemology.
Model Representations and Control Structures in Image Understanding.
Artificial Intelligence Systems That Understand.
Putting Theories Together to Make Specifications.
Epistemological Problems of Artificial Intelligence.
The Formation of Composite Hypotheses in Diagnostic Problem Solving: An Exercise in Synthetic Reasoning.
The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Themes and Case Studies of Knowledge Engineering.
Natural Language Processing.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
AI and Pattern Recognition.
Knowledge Representation.
Computer Game Playing.
Speech Understanding and AI/AI and Speech Understanding.
Artificial Intelligence in Western Europe.
History of Artificial Intelligence.
Federal Programs in Artificial Intelligence.
OPS, A Domain-Independent Production System Language.
Less Than General Production System Architectures.
Meta-Level Knowledge: Overview and Applications.
Heuristico-Conceptual Programming.
PRUF - A Language for the Representation of Meaning in Natural Languages.
TELOS, A Language for Building Well-Structured AI Models.
NLG - Natural Language Graphics.
A Display Oriented Programmer's Assistant.
ROBOT: A High Performance Natural Language Data Base Query System.
An Intelligent Information System for Criminal Case Management in the Federal Courts.
Electrical Design: A Problem for Artificial Intelligence Research.
Generating Project Networks.
Knowledge Base Management for Experiment Planning in Molecular Genetics.
A Simple Model for Handwriting.
Application of Fuzzy Heuristic Techniques to Computer Network Design.
Ghosts in the Machine: An AI Treatment of Medieval History.
The Analysis and Synthesis of Jazz by Computer.
A Two-dimensional Trim-Loss Problem with Sequencing Constraints.
An Antibiotic Therapy Selector which Provides for Explanations.
Computer Understanding of Mathematical Proofs.
Inductive Reasoning in Mathematics.
Structuring Mathematical Knowledge.
Automated Theory Formation in Mathematics.
A Model-Based Consultation System for the Long-Term Management of Glaucoma.
A Digitalis Therapy Advisor with Explanations.
EXAMINER: A System Using Contextual Knowledge for Analysis of Diagnostic Behavior.
Delayed Interpretation Using Processing Notes.
Program Inference from Traces using Multiple Knowledge Sources.
Levels of Pattern Description in Learning.
A Retrospective View of the Hearsay-II Architecture.
An Automated Consultant for MACSYMA.
The Use of Models in a Rule-Based Consultation System.
The FLOW Tutor: A Schema-Based Tutorial System.
A System Which Allows Students to Explore Algorithms.
Structured Planning and Debugging.
A Variable Capacitance Touch Sensor.
GOALEM from Prague.
A Random Access Picture Digitizer, Display, and Memory System.
A Scanning Laser Rangefinder for a Robotic Vechicle.
A Model for Motor Control and Learning.
Autonomous Guidance and Control of a Roving Robot.
Workpiece Orientation Correction with a Robot Arm Using Visual Information.
The Navigation System of the JPL Robot.
Collision Detection and Avoidance in Computer Controlled Manipulators.
Robot Learning and Error Correction.
Recent Work with the AL System.
A Practical Manipulator System.
Force Control in Coordination of Two Arms.
LAMA: A Language for Automatic Mechanical Assembly.
Toward Consistent Descriptions in Vision Systems.
Computation of Immediate Texture Discrimination.
Rapid Computation of Fourier Texture Descriptors.
Range Data Understanding Guided by a Junction Dictionary.
Detection of Elliptic and Linear Edges by Searching Two Parameter Spaces.
Knowledge-Base Driven Analysis of Cinecardioangiograms.
Automatic Rib Detection in Chest Radiographs.
Experiments in Map-Guided Photo Interpretation.
Image Segmentation Technique for Locating Automotive Parts on Belt Conveyors.
An Automatic Position Recognition Technique for LSI Assembly.
Model-Based Vision System for Scenes Containing Multiple Parts.
A Computer System for Visual Recognition Using Active Knowledge.
An Approach to Knowledge-Directed Image Analysis.
Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching.
Image Compression and Reconstruction Using Feature Extraction.
Recognition and Depth Perception of Objects in Real World Scenes.
Human Vision Paradox Implicates Relaxation Model.
Three-Dimensional Modeling.
Towards a Science of Image Understanding.
Between Regions and Objects - Surfaces and Volumes.
Model-Building in the Visions System.
Segmentation Processes in the VISIONS System.
A Cooperative Algorithm for Determining Surface Orientation from a Single View.
Reconstruction of Curved-Surface Bodies from a Set of Imperfect Projections.
A Methodology for Real Time Scene Analysis.
Analysing Sequences of TV-Frames.
Change Detection and Analysis in Multispectral Images.
Separating Non-Stationary from Stationary Scene Components in a Sequence of Real World TV Images.
Some Notes on Motion Understanding.
Understanding a Simple Cartoon Film by a Computer Vision System.
Computer Interpretation of PEANUTS Cartoons.
Generation of Descriptions for Line Drawings.
On Reading Sketch Maps.
A 'Recognition Cone' Perceptual System: Brief Test Results.
Steps Towards the Representation of Complex Three-Dimensional Objects.
The LOCUS Model of Search and its Use in Image Interpretation.
Recognition Using Semantic Constraints.
Towards Automatic Visual Obstacle Avoidance.
A System for Stereo Computer Vision with Geometric Models.
A Stereo Vision System for an Autonomous Vehicle.
Verification Vision for Programmable Assembly.
A Mechanized Proof Procedure for Free Intensional Logics.
Theorem Proving in Type Theory.
In Defense of Logic.
A Proof-Checker for Dynamic Logic.
Formal Grammars as Models of Logic Derivations.
Theorem Proving with Structure Sharing and Efficient Unification.
Theorem Proving by Covering Expressions.
A Theorem Prover for Elementary Set Theory.
A Hierarchical Approach to Theorem-Proving.
Unification of Idempotent Functions.
An Algorithm for Reasoning About Equality.
Improving the Efficiency of Higher Order Unification.
A Lemma Driven Automatic Theorem Prover for Recursive Function Theory.
Set Variables.
Representing Semantic Information In Pulley Problems.
Failure Handling in a Dialogue System.
ThingLab - An Object-Oriented System for Building Simulations Using Constraints.
Can Domain Specific Knowledge Be Generalized?
The Coordination of Multiple Goal Satisfaction.
Using and Re-Using Partial Plans.
Subgoal Protection and Unraveling During Plan Synthesis.
Plan Recognition Using A Hypothesize and Revise Paradigm.
Planning in the World of the Air Traffic Controller.
The Contract Net: A Formalism for the Control of Distributed Problem Solving.
The Role of Preprocessing in Problem Solving Systems.
WHISPER: A Problem-Solving System Utilizing Diagrams and a Parallel Processing Retina.
Generality and Computational Cost.
A General Backtrack Algorithm That Eliminates Most Redundant Tests.
A Theory for the Complete Mechanization of a GPS-Type Problem Solver.
A Comparsion of Three Problem-Solving Methods.
Exactly How Good Are Heuristics?: Toward a Realistic Predictive Theory of Best-First Search.
Experiences in Evaluation with BKG - A Program that Plays Backgammon.
EG - A Case Study in Problem Solving with King and Pawn Endings.
Predicate Logic: A Calculus for the Formal Derivation of Programs.
SISP/1: An Interactive System Able to Synthesize Functions from Examples.
The Automatic Synthesis of Systems of Recursive Programs.
The Use of a Domain Model in Understanding Informal Process Descriptions.
Meta-Evaluation as a Tool for Program Understanding.
Informality in Program Specifications.
A Knowledge-Based System for Automatic Program Construction.
A Summary of the PSI Program Synthesis System.
Toward Automatic Debugging of Compilers.
Automatic Program Annotation.
Understanding and Improving LISP Programs.
Modelling Distributed Systems.
Strategies for Mechanizing Structural Induction.
Knowledge Acquisition from Structural Descriptions.
Induction of Relational Productions in the Presence of Background Information.
Analysis of an Extended Concept-Learning Task.
Concept Decomposition as a Method of Concept Formation.
Learning Simple Arithmetic.
Analogical Reasoning in Problem Solving.
BACON: A Production System That Discovers Empirical Laws.
A Model for Learning Systems.
Problems in Building an Instructable Production System.
An Interactive Program for Conversational Elecitation of Decision Structures.
The Reformulation Approach to Building Expert Systems.
Interactive Transfer of Expertise: Acquisition of New Inference Rules.
A System of Programs for Computer-Aided Induction: A Summary.
Knowledge Guided Learning of Structural Descriptions.
Annotated Production Systems: A Model for Skill Acquisition.
Version Spaces: A Candidate Elimination Approach to Rule Learning.
Multiple Representations of Knowledge in a Mechanics Problem-Solver.
Modeling Spatial Knowledge.
Representations of Knowledge in a Program for Solving Physics Problems.
Specification Overlays: An Application of Partitioned Semantic Networks.
Representing Numbers in Semantic Networks: Prolegomena.
An Overview of a Procedural Approach to Semantic Networks.
Towards a Combined Representation for Spacial and Temporal Reference.
IRIS: A System for the Propogation of Inferences in a Semantic Net.
Inferences in Quantified Semantic Networks.
Representation of Actions That Have Side-Effects.
A Procedural Model of Recognition.
NUDGE, A Knowledge-Based Scheduling Program.
The Declarative Representation and Procedural Simulation of Causality in Physical Mechanisms.
A Structure for the Representation of Knowledge: A Proposal for a Micro-Actor.
Truth Maintenance Systems for Problem Solving.
A Network-Based Knowledge Representation and Its Natural Deduction System.
Vocabularies for Problem Solver State Descriptions.
A State Logic for the Representation of Natural Language Based Intelligent Systems.
Reasoning About Knowledge and Action.
Experience with KRL-0: One Cycle of a Knowledge Representation Language.
Approximate Responses from a Data Base Query System: An Application of Inferencing in Natural Language.
SPARK: A System for Parallel Representation of Knowledge.
Deductive Methods for Large Data Bases.
Language Access to Distributed Data with Error Recovery.
Presupposition-Based AI Natural Language System.
The Use of Dynamically Extracted Context for Anaphoric Reference Resolution.
Augmenting ATNS.
Advantages of a Transformational Grammar for Question Answering.
Human Engineering for Applied Natural Language Processing.
Two Semantic Worlds: A Data Base System with Provision for Natural Language Input.
A Simplified Heuristic Version of Raviv's Algorithm for Using Context in Text Recognition.
FOUL-UP: A Program that Figures Out Meanings of Words from Context.
Maximal Consistent Interpretations of Errorful Data in Hierarchically Modeled Domains.
A Conceptual Theory of Question Answering.
Knowledge Structures and Language Boundaries.
Writing a Natural Language Data Base System.
Generating Noun Phrases to Identify Nodes in a Semantic Network.
Language Generation: The Linguistics Component.
From Conversations to Stories: An Analysis of Differences Between Oral and Written Language Comprehension.
A Note on Representing Adjectives and Adverbs.
Conceptual Analysis of Noun Groups in English.
Anaphora and Logical Form: On Formal Meaning Representations for Natural Language.
The Generation of Continuous Semantic Constraints from Semantic Propositions.
Overview of 'Planning Speech Acts'.
Automatic Abstracting of Textual Material.
Coherence and Interpretation in English Texts.
COMEX: A Commodities Support System.
Frames-based Text Processing.
On Semantic Nets, Frames and Associations.
TALE-SPIN, An Interactive Program that Writes Stories.
Using Process Knowledge in Understanding Task-Oriented Dialogs.
Making Inferences in Natural Language Dialogs.
Modelling Simple Dialogs.
A Comprehension Model for Human Dialogue.
The Representation and Use of Focus in a System for Understanding Dialogs.
A Deductive Question Answering System on Relational Data Bases.
The Use of a Semantic Network in a Deductive Question-Answering System.
Levels of Complexity in Discourse for Anaphora Disambiguation and Speech Act Interpretation.
Procedures for Integrating Knowledge in a Speech Understanding System.
Focus of Attention in the Hearsay-II Speech Understanding System.
Shortfall and Density Scoring Strategies for Speech Understanding Control.
Controlling Inference in Story Understanding.
Skimming Newspaper Stories by Computer.
PAM - A Program That Infers Intentions.
How to Learn/What to Learn.
Ms. Maloprop, A Language Comprehension Program.