ijcai 2018 论文列表
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management - 4th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2016, Held at IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 9, 2016, Revised Selected Papers.
Towards Semantic Reasoning in Knowledge Management Systems.
Segmentation of Social Network Users in Turkey.
Internet Platform for City Dwellers Based on Open Source System.
Selection of Free Software Useful in Business Intelligence. Teaching Methodology Perspective.
Highlighting Trend-Setters in Educational Platforms by Means of Formal Concept Analysis and Answer Set Programming.
Conceptual Navigation for Polyadic Formal Concept Analysis.
Dynamic Ontology Supporting Local Government.
Using Ontologies to Access Complex Data: Applications on Bio-Imaging.
Guiding Supervised Learning by Bio-Ontologies in Medical Data Analysis.