
infocom 2009 论文列表

INFOCOM 2009. 28th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, 19-25 April 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Selfish Distributed Compression over Networks.
Capacity Provisioning a Valiant Load-Balanced Network.
Distributed Non-Autonomous Power Control through Distributed Convex Optimization.
A Threshold Based MAC Protocol for Cooperative MIMO Transmissions.
Robust Event Boundary Detection in Sensor Networks - A Mixture Model Based Approach.
PHY Aided MAC - A New Paradigm.
An Empirical Study of Performance Benefits of Network Coding in Multihop Wireless Networks.
Coordinated Channel Access in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Multi-Level Spectrum Opportunity Perspective.
Throughput of Slotted ALOHA with Encoding Rate Optimization and Multipacket Reception.
A Learning-based Multiuser Opportunistic Spectrum Access Approach in Unslotted Primary Networks.
STUMP: Exploiting Position Diversity in the Staggered TDMA Underwater MAC Protocol.
Shadow Prices vs. Vickrey Prices in Multipath Routing.
Server Frequency Control Using Markov Decision Processes.
On Passive One-Way Loss Measurements Using Sampled Flow Statistics.
An Economically-Principled Generative Model of AS Graph Connectivity.
Novel Architectures and Algorithms for Delay Reduction in Back-Pressure Scheduling and Routing.
TDMA Scheduling in Long-Distance WiFi Networks.
Scheduling in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Priorities.
Optimal Scheduling Policies in Small Generalized Switches.
CASE: Connectivity-Based Skeleton Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Topological Data Processing for Distributed Sensor Networks with Morse-Smale Decomposition.
A Localized Multi-Hop Desynchronization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Shape Estimation Using Networked Binary Sensors.
Random vs. Deterministic Deployment of Sensors in the Presence of Failures and Placement Errors.
Experimental Comparison of Bandwidth Estimation Tools for Wireless Mesh Networks.
Opportunistic Routing with Directional Antennas in Wireless Mesh Networks.
Capacity Analysis of Wireless Mesh Networks with Omni or Directional Antennas.
muNet: Harnessing Multiuser Capacity in Wireless Mesh Networks.
Medium Access Control for 60 GHz Outdoor Mesh Networks with Highly Directional Links.
Applying PCA for Traffic Anomaly Detection: Problems and Solutions.
Rome: Performance and Anonymity using Route Meshes.
Privacy in VoIP Networks: A k-Anonymity Approach.
Faster DFAs through Simple and Efficient Inverse Homomorphisms.
Secure Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Randomized Dispersive Routes.
Mining the Web and the Internet for Accurate IP Address Geolocations.
A Fluid Limit for Cache Algorithms with General Request Processes.
Alpha Coverage: Bounding the Interconnection Gap for Vehicular Internet Access.
Scalable Routing Via Greedy Embedding.
On the Exploitation of CDF Based Wireless Scheduling.
Network Bandwidth Allocation via Distributed Auctions with Time Reservations.
Fair and Efficient User-Network Association Algorithm for Multi-Technology Wireless Networks.
Link Scheduling with QoS Guarantee for Wireless Relay Networks.
Fast Resource Allocation for Network-Coded Traffic - A Coded-Feedback Approach.
Sensor Network Localization Using Sensor Perturbation.
A Coverage-Enhancing Method for 3D Directional Sensor Networks.
Using Failure Models for Controlling Data Availability in Wireless Sensor Networks.
A Multi-Poller based Energy-Efficient Monitoring Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
A Generalized Probabilistic Topology Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IP Fast ReRoute: Lightweight Not-Via without Additional Addresses.
Spatial Distribution in Routing Table Design for Sensor Networks.
On the Quality of Triangle Inequality Violation Aware Routing Overlay Architecture.
Multi-VPN Optimization for Scalable Routing via Relaying.
Efficient Geometric Routing in Three Dimensional Ad Hoc Networks.
Large Scale Analysis of the eDonkey P2P File Sharing System.
iPASS: Incentivized Peer-Assisted System for Asynchronous Streaming.
Impacts of Peer Characteristics on P2PTV Networks Scalability.
Diagnosing Network-Wide P2P Live Streaming Inefficiencies.
View-Upload Decoupling: A Redesign of Multi-Channel P2P Video Systems.
Monitoring Time-Varying Network Streams Using State-Space Models.
EnLoc: Energy-Efficient Localization for Mobile Phones.
An Efficient Algorithm for Measuring Medium- to Large-Sized Flows in Network Traffic.
A Framework for Efficient Class-Based Scheduling.
Respondent-Driven Sampling for Characterizing Unstructured Overlays.
Optimal Construction of Redundant Multicast Trees in Directed Graphs.
Guaranteed Delivery for Geographical Anycasting in Wireless Multi-Sink Sensor and Sensor-Actor Networks.
Exploring the Multicast Lifetime Capacity of WANETs with Directional Multibeam Antennas.
Approximation Algorithms for Data Broadcast in Wireless Networks.
A Multi-Burst Sliding Encoding for Mobile Satellite TV Broadcasting.
Topology Formation for Wireless Mesh Network Planning.
A Queueing Model Framework of PCE-Based Inter-Area Path Computation.
Physical Interference Modeling for Transmission Scheduling on Commodity WiFi Hardware.
Application-Specific, Agile and Private (ASAP) Platforms for Federated Computing Services over WDM Networks.
Dimensioning an OBS Switch with Partial Wavelength Conversion and Fiber Delay Lines via a Mean Field Model.
Distributed Construction of Fault Resilient High Capacity Wireless Networks with Bounded Node Degree.
"Not All At Once!" - A Generic Scheme for Estimating the Number of Affected Nodes While Avoiding Feedback Implosion.
Noncooperative Load Balancing in the Continuum Limit of a Dense Network.
Breadcrumbs: Efficient, Best-Effort Content Location in Cache Networks.
Enhanced Spatial Reuse in Multi-Cell WLANs.
Towards Adaptive Beamforming in Indoor Wireless Networks: An Experimental Approach.
D-Scan: Enabling Fast and Smooth Handoffs in AP-Dense 802.11 Wireless Networks.
Proportional Fair Frequency-Domain Packet Scheduling for 3GPP LTE Uplink.
CFP: Cooperative Fast Protection.
Impact of Network Topology Knowledge on Fairness: A Geometric Approach.
Overlay Fault Diagnosis Based on Evidential Reasoning.
Keep Cache Replacement Simple in Peer-Assisted VoD Systems.
Delivery Properties of Human Social Networks.
Towards an Efficient Service Level Agreement Assessment.
Optimum Network Coding for Delay Sensitive Applications in WiMAX Unicast.
Smart Trend-Traversal: A Low Delay and Energy Tag Arbitration Protocol for Large RFID Systems.
Optimizing Energy-Latency Trade-Off in Sensor Networks with Controlled Mobility.
Delay-Limited Cooperative Communication with Reliability Constraints in Wireless Networks.
On the Properties of Giant Component in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks.
Capabilities of Low-Power Wireless Jammers.
A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Consensus Scheme in Cognitive Radios.
AAA: Asynchronous, Adaptive, and Asymmetric Power Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
Capacity of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Incomplete Traffic Specification.
Using Three States for Binary Consensus on Complete Graphs.
IPv6 Lookups using Distributed and Load Balanced Bloom Filters for 100Gbps Core Router Line Cards.
Scalar Prefix Search: A New Route Lookup Algorithm for Next Generation Internet.
Optimal Fast Hashing.
Flash Flooding: Exploiting the Capture Effect for Rapid Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks.
TP-CRAHN: a Transport Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks.
Pacifier: High-Throughput, Reliable Multicast without "Crying Babies" in Wireless Mesh Networks.
An Efficient Filter-based Addressing Protocol for Autoconfiguration of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
A Chain Reaction DoS Attack on 3G Networks: Analysis and Defenses.
Optimal Filtering of Source Address Prefixes: Models and Algorithms.
Adaptive Early Packet Filtering for Defending Firewalls Against DoS Attacks.
Thwarting Blackhole Attacks in Disruption-Tolerant Networks using Encounter Tickets.
Sensor Network Navigation without Locations.
Distributed Progressive Algorithm for Maximizing Lifetime Vector in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Connectivity-Based Sensor Network Localization with Incremental Delaunay Refinement Method.
Beyond Trilateration: On the Localizability of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
Lightweight Coloring and Desynchronization for Networks.
Opportunistic Routing Algebra and its Applications.
Drowsy Transmission: Physical Layer Energy Optimization for Transmitting Random Packet Traffic.
Delay Analysis for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks.
Scheduling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Topology and Channel-State Uncertainty.
Minimum-Latency Beaconing Schedule in Multihop Wireless Networks.
Delay Guarantees for Throughput-Optimal Wireless Link Scheduling.
Dynamic Spectrum Access Protocol Without Power Mask Constraints.
An Experimental Evaluation of Rate Adaptation for Multi-Antenna Systems.
Cooperative Relay for Cognitive Radio Networks.
Optimal Sensing-Transmission Structure for Dynamic Spectrum Access.
Load Balancing for SIP Server Clusters.
FiConn: Using Backup Port for Server Interconnection in Data Centers.
On the Impact of Heterogeneity and Back-End Scheduling in Load Balancing Designs.
Link Gradients: Predicting the Impact of Network Latency on Multitier Applications.
Interference-Resilient Information Exchange.
Locally vs. Globally Optimized Flow-Based Content Distribution to Mobile Nodes.
Time Slicing in Mobile TV Broadcast Networks with Arbitrary Channel Bit Rates.
On Video Multicast in Cognitive Radio Networks.
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scheme against Traffic Analysis Attacks in Network Coding.
TCP/IP Timing Channels: Theory to Implementation.
Blind Detection of Spread Spectrum Flow Watermarks.
Building Covert Channels over the Packet Reordering Phenomenon.
Identity Aware Sensor Networks.
Minimizing the Cost of Mine Selection Via Sensor Networks.
Distributed Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Prize-Collecting Data Fusion for Cost-Performance Tradeoff in Distributed Inference.
XOR-Assisted Cooperative Diversity in OFDMA Wireless Networks: Optimization Framework and Approximation Algorithms.
On the Convergence of Perturbed Non-Stationary Consensus Algorithms.
Cooperative Profit Sharing in Coalition Based Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks.
Coalitional Games for Distributed Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks.
SWIM: A Simple Model to Generate Small Mobile Worlds.
Using NEMO to Support the Global Reachability of MANET Nodes.
The Impact of Mobility on Gossip Algorithms.
Routing Over Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Non-Ergodic Mobility.
A Protocol-Independent Approach for Analyzing the Optimal Operation Point of CSMA/CA Protocols.
Toward Optimal Utilization of Shared Random Access Channels.
Synchronized CSMA Contention: Model, Implementation and Evaluation.
Analysis of Spatial Unfairness in Wireless LANs.
UNAP: User-Centric Network-Aware Push for Mobile Content Delivery.
Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differences in Multipath Transmission with FEC.
Admissible Traces, Stability and Rate Management of Queueing / Switching Service Structures.
Power-Aware Speed Scaling in Processor Sharing Systems.
RADcast: Enabling Reliability Guarantees for Content Dissemination in Ad Hoc Networks.
Towards Economically Viable Infrastructure-Based Overlay Multicast Networks.
Enabling Content Dissemination Using Efficient and Scalable Multicast.
Improving Zap Response Time for IPTV.
Fundamental Limits on Secure Clock Synchronization and Man-In-The-Middle Detection in Fixed Wireless Networks.
ACTION: Breaking the Privacy Barrier for RFID Systems.
Location Cloaking for Safety Protection of Ad Hoc Networks.
On Cooperative Wireless Network Secrecy.
On Optimal Control of Wireless Networks with Multiuser Detection, Hybrid ARQ and Distortion Constraints.
Cross-Layer Hybrid FEC/ARQ Reliable Multicast with Adaptive Modulation and Coding in Broadband Wireless Networks.
Extreme Value FEC for Wireless Data Broadcasting.
Forward Correction and Fountain codes in Delay Tolerant Networks.
Capacity Scaling of Wireless Networks with Inhomogeneous Node Density: Lower Bounds.
The Multicast Capacity Region of Large Wireless Networks.
Capacity of Arbitrary Wireless Networks.
Scaling Laws on Multicast Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks.
Interference-Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks by a Game-Theoretic Approach.
C-MAC: Model-Driven Concurrent Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Soft-TDMAC: A Software TDMA-Based MAC over Commodity 802.11 Hardware.
ST-MAC: Spatial-Temporal MAC Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Networks.
Reducing Packet Losses in Networks of Commodity IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Motes Using Cooperative Communication and Diversity Combination.
Passive Loss Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Network Coding.
Random Linear Network Coding For Time Division Duplexing: When To Stop Talking And Start Listening.
Rateless Coding with Feedback.
Grouping-Based Resilient Statistical En-Route Filtering for Sensor Networks.
Fast Detection of Replica Node Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks Using Sequential Analysis.
Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages.
Fighting Spam with the NeighborhoodWatch DHT.
Convex Partition of Sensor Networks and Its Use in Virtual Coordinate Geographic Routing.
Greedy Routing with Bounded Stretch.
VirtualFace: An Algorithm to Guarantee Packet Delivery of Virtual-Coordinate-Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Visibility-Graph-Based Shortest-Path Geographic Routing in Sensor Networks.
On Fast Optimal STDMA Scheduling over Fading Wireless Channels.
Instability of MaxWeight Scheduling Algorithms.
Delay-Optimal Opportunistic Scheduling and Approximations: The Log Rule.
Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling With Two-Level Channel Probing.
On Combining Shortest-Path and Back-Pressure Routing Over Multihop Wireless Networks.
Joint Transport, Routing and Spectrum Sharing Optimization for Wireless Networks with Frequency-Agile Radios.
Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.
Hyperbolic Embedding and Routing for Dynamic Graphs.
Wi-Sh: A Simple, Robust Credit Based Wi-Fi Community Network.
Spatial SINR Games Combining Base Station Placement and Mobile Association.
Topology Design and Control: A Game-Theoretic Perspective.
Team and Noncooperative Solutions to Access Control with Priorities.
All Bits Are Not Equal - A Study of IEEE 802.11 Communication Bit Errors.
A Measurement Based Rogue AP Detection Scheme.
EtherProxy: Scaling Ethernet By Suppressing Broadcast Traffic.
Analysis of Blocking Probability for First-Fit RWA in Transmission Impaired Optical Networks.
Assessing the Vulnerability of the Fiber Infrastructure to Disasters.
Impairment-Aware Offline RWA for Transparent Optical Networks.
Approximation Algorithms for Grooming in Optical Network Design.
Efficient Algorithms for Leveraging Spatial Reuse in OFDMA Relay Networks.
Power Controlled Scheduling with Consecutive Transmission Constraints: Complexity Analysis and Algorithm Design.
Distributed Strategies for Channel Allocation and Scheduling in Software-Defined Radio Networks.
The Complexity of Channel Scheduling in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Networks.
Defending Mobile Phones from Proximity Malware.
Economic Incentives to Increase Security in the Internet: The Case for Insurance.
Protecting Against Network Infections: A Game Theoretic Perspective.
A Social Network Based Patching Scheme for Worm Containment in Cellular Networks.
Exploiting Internet Delay Space Properties for Selecting Distinct Network Locations.
Distributed Arrays: A P2P Data Structure for Efficient Logical Arrays.
Routing Fairness in Chord: Analysis and Enhancement.
The Stable Configuration of Acyclic Preference-Based Systems.
Distributed Storage Management of Evolving Files in Delay Tolerant Ad Hoc Networks.
Optimal and Scalable Distribution of Content Updates over a Mobile Social Network.
SPARK: A New VANET-Based Smart Parking Scheme for Large Parking Lots.
MobTorrent: A Framework for Mobile Internet Access from Vehicles.
Failure Control in Multipath Route Tracing.
Minimizing Probing Cost for Detecting Interface Failures: Algorithms and Scalability Analysis.
Network Performance Anomaly Detection and Localization.
Fast Recovery from Dual Link Failures in IP Networks.
The Capacity Allocation Paradox.
Fast Algorithms and Performance Bounds for Sum Rate Maximization in Wireless Networks.
Computing the Capacity Region of a Wireless Network.
Maximizing Capacity in Arbitrary Wireless Networks in the SINR Model: Complexity and Game Theory.
Considerations for Sizing Buffers in Optical Packet Switched Networks.
Minimizing Rulesets for TCAM Implementation.
Layered Interval Codes for TCAM-Based Classification.
PEDS: A Parallel Error Detection Scheme for TCAM Devices.
Self-Organizing Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse for Best-Effort Traffic through Distributed Inter-Cell Coordination.
Multiserver Scheduling with Contiguity Constraints.
Downlink MIMO with Frequency-Domain Packet Scheduling for 3GPP LTE.
Mobility-Driven Scheduling in Wireless Networks.
DP2AC: Distributed Privacy-Preserving Access Control in Sensor Networks.
Lightweight Remote Image Management for Secure Code Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Time Valid One-Time Signature for Time-Critical Multicast Data Authentication.
Null Keys: Limiting Malicious Attacks Via Null Space Properties of Network Coding.
Tracking with Unreliable Node Sequences.
Sensor Placement for Detecting Propagative Sources in Populated Environments.
Opportunistic Processing and Query of Motion Trajectories in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Dynamic Node Collaboration for Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks.
Tuning Skype's Redundancy Control Algorithm for User Satisfaction.
MIX-Crowds, an Anonymity Scheme for File Retrieval Systems.
P2P Second Life: Experimental Validation Using Kad.
NetTube: Exploring Social Networks for Peer-to-Peer Short Video Sharing.
Performance Comparison of Weather Disruption-Tolerant Cross-Layer Routing Algorithms.
Decentralized Stochastic Control of Delay Tolerant Networks.
An Evaluation of Weak State Mechanism Design for Indirection in Dynamic Networks.
The Accordion Phenomenon: Analysis, Characterization, and Impact on DTN Routing.
Measuring Complexity and Predictability in Networks with Multiscale Entropy Analysis.
Understanding Fairness and its Impact on Quality of Service in IEEE 802.11.
Assessing the Fidelity of COTS 802.11 Sniffers.
Isolating Physical PER for Smart Rate Selection in 802.11.
A Case for Decomposition of FIFO Networks.
Competitive Scheduling of Packets with Hard Deadlines in a Finite Capacity Queue.
An Information-Theoretic Characterization of Weighted alpha-Proportional Fairness.
Online Bipartite Perfect Matching With Augmentations.
Diverse Routing in Networks with Probabilistic Failures.
Circuits/Cutsets Duality and a Unified Algorithmic Framework for Survivable Logical Topology Design in IP-over-WDM Optical Networks.
Cross-Layer Survivability in WDM-Based Networks.
On Monitoring and Failure Localization in Mesh All-Optical Networks.
TRUST: A General Framework for Truthful Double Spectrum Auctions.
Network Pricing and Rate Allocation with Content Provider Participation.
Distributed Power Allocation Algorithm for Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio Networks with QoS Guarantee.
On Mechanism Design without Payments for Throughput Maximization.
FDAC: Toward Fine-Grained Distributed Data Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Dependable and Secure Sensor Data Storage with Dynamic Integrity Assurance.
Secure Range Queries in Tiered Sensor Networks.
ElliPS: A Privacy Preserving Scheme for Sensor Data Storage and Query.
VISA: Virtual Scanning Algorithm for Dynamic Protection of Road Networks.
Barrier Information Coverage with Wireless Sensors.
Obstacle Discovery in Distributed Active Sensor Networks.
Event Recognition in Sensor Networks by Means of Grammatical Inference.
Understanding the Performance Gap Between Pull-Based Mesh Streaming Protocols and Fundamental Limits.
Minimum Maximum Degree Publish-Subscribe Overlay Network Design.
FS2You: Peer-Assisted Semi-Persistent Online Storage at a Large Scale.
apt-p2p: A Peer-to-Peer Distribution System for Software Package Releases and Updates.
SLAW: A New Mobility Model for Human Walks.
Encounter-Based Routing in DTNs.
Fair Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks.
Exact Analysis of Latency of Stateless Opportunistic Forwarding.
Tracking Cardinality Distributions in Network Traffic.
Identifying High Cardinality Internet Hosts.
Estimating Hop Distance Between Arbitrary Host Pairs.
Quantifying the Importance of Vantage Points Distribution in Internet Topology Measurements.
Virtual Network Embedding with Coordinated Node and Link Mapping.
Hardness and Approximation of the Survivable Multi-Level Fat Tree Problem.
Fault Management Using the CONMan Abstraction.
On Efficient Content Matching in Distributed Pub/Sub Systems.
A Dynamic Frame Sizing Algorithm for CICQ Switches with 100% Throughput.
SDL Constructions of FIFO, LIFO and Absolute Contractors.
The Crosspoint-Queued Switch.
Emulation and Approximation of a Flexible Delay Line by Parallel Non-Overtaking Delay Lines.
Seven Years and One Day: Sketching the Evolution of Internet Traffic.
OneClick: A Framework for Measuring Network Quality of Experience.
On the Effectiveness of Measurement Reuse for Performance-Based Detouring.
Controlling False Alarm/Discovery Rates in Online Internet Traffic Flow Classification.
ALDO: An Anomaly Detection Framework for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks.
Determining the Number of Attackers and Localizing Multiple Adversaries in Wireless Spoofing Attacks.
Detecting Selfish Exploitation of Carrier Sensing in 802.11 Networks.
Packet Classification Algorithms: From Theory to Practice.
Hermes: Fast and Energy Efficient Incremental Code Updates for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Energy Efficient TDMA Sleep Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Energy-Efficient Clustering/Routing for Cooperative MIMO Operation in Sensor Networks.
Optimal Anycast Technique for Delay-Sensitive Energy-Constrained Asynchronous Sensor Networks.
LayerP2P: A New Data Scheduling Approach for Layered Streaming in Heterogeneous Networks.
Minimizing Average Finish Time in P2P Networks.
BitTorrent: An Extensible Heterogeneous Model.
Absence of Evidence as Evidence of Absence: A Simple Mechanism for Scalable P2P Search.
Scalable Content-Based Routing in Pub/Sub Systems.
Polynomial Time Approximations for Multi-Path Routing with Bandwidth and Delay Constraints.
Searching for Stability in Interdomain Routing.
Traffic Engineering vs. Content Distribution: A Game Theoretic Perspective.
Towards Efficient Large-Scale VPN Monitoring and Diagnosis under Operational Constraints.
Robust Counting Via Counter Braids: An Error-Resilient Network Measurement Architecture.
Fast Multiset Membership Testing Using Combinatorial Bloom Filters.
Fit a Spread Estimator in Small Memory.
Structured Admission Control Policy in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Mesh Underlay.
A Theory of QoS for Wireless.
Statistical QoS Provisionings for Wireless Unicast/Multicast of Layered Video Streams.
Duty-Cycle-Aware Broadcast in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Nuclei: GPU-Accelerated Many-Core Network Coding.
An Evolutionary Approach To Inter-Session Network Coding.
Layered Multicast with Inter-Layer Network Coding.
On Effectiveness of Application-Layer Coding.
Rule-Based Anomaly Detection on IP Flows.
Variable-Stride Multi-Pattern Matching For Scalable Deep Packet Inspection.
An Efficient Scheme for Securing XOR Network Coding against Pollution Attacks.
Accelerating Multi-Patterns Matching on Compressed HTTP Traffic.
Full-Coverage and k-Connectivity (k=14, 6) Three Dimensional Networks.
More is More: The Benefits of Denser Sensor Deployment.
Bi-Criteria Approximation Algorithms for Power-Efficient and Low-Interference Topology Control in Unreliable Ad Hoc Networks.
A New Distributed Algorithm for Even Coverage and Improved Lifetime in a Sensor Network.
Budget-Based Self-Optimized Incentive Search in Unstructured P2P Networks.
A Sybilproof Indirect Reciprocity Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks.
On the Market Power of Network Coding in P2P Content Distribution Systems.
Analysis of Adaptive Incentive Protocols for P2P Networks.
BGP-Aware IGP Link Weight Optimization in Presence of Route Reflectors.
Path Diversity Aware Interdomain Routing.
MARA: Maximum Alternative Routing Algorithm.
Graceful Network Operations.
Network Coding Meets TCP.
On the Trade-Off Between Control Rate and Congestion in Single Server Systems.
DiffQ: Practical Differential Backlog Congestion Control for Wireless Networks.
A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows.
Information Propagation Speed in Mobile and Delay Tolerant Networks.
To Cache or Not To Cache?
Reliable Broadcast of Safety Messages in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
SEER: Metropolitan-Scale Traffic Perception Based on Lossy Sensory Data.
Effective Delay Control in Online Network Coding.
Throughput-Delay Tradeoffs in Large-Scale MANETs with Network Coding.
Minimizing Delay for Multicast-Streaming in Wireless Networks with Network Coding.
Cooperative Network Coding-Aware Routing for Multi-Rate Wireless Networks.
Monotonic Optimization for Non-Concave Power Control in Multiuser Multicarrier Network Systems.
Near Optimal Multicriteria Spanner Constructions in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
An Adaptive Link Layer for Range Diversity in Multi-Radio Mobile Sensor Networks.
Dynamic Power Allocation Under Arbitrary Varying Channels - An Online Approach.
Trap Coverage: Allowing Coverage Holes of Bounded Diameter in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Barrier Coverage of Line-Based Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks.
Double Mobility: Coverage of the Sea Surface with Mobile Sensor Networks.
Surface Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks.
P2P-TV Systems under Adverse Network Conditions: A Measurement Study.
CPM: Adaptive Video-on-Demand with Cooperative Peer Assists and Multicast.
Distilling Superior Peers in Large-Scale P2P Streaming Systems.
Queuing Network Models for Multi-Channel P2P Live Streaming Systems.
Routing Metric Designs for Greedy, Face and Combined-Greedy-Face Routing.
On Leveraging Partial Paths in Partially-Connected Networks.
Minimizing End-to-End Delay: A Novel Routing Metric for Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks.
Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks.
Is the ''Law of the Jungle'' Sustainable for the Internet?
Stochastic Analysis of Scalable TCP.
Congestion Control using Efficient Explicit Feedback.
RAPID: Shrinking the Congestion-Control Timescale.