infocom 2013 论文列表
Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013.
Improving AS relationship inference using PoPs.
SpamTracer: How stealthy are spammers?
Gaining insight into AS-level outages through analysis of Internet background radiation.
Analysis and applications of smartphone user mobility.
Ego networks in Twitter: An experimental analysis.
Detecting encrypted botnet traffic.
Trade-off analysis of multi topology routing based IP fast reroute mechanisms.
Network emulation testbed for DTN applications and protocols.
A reverse transmission mechanism for surveillance network in smart grid.
Robust privacy-preserving authentication scheme for communication between electric vehicle as power energy storage and power stations.
A novel method to detect bad data injection attack in smart grid.
Performance evaluation of time-critical communication networks for smart grids based on IEC 61850.
Elderberry: A peer-to-peer, privacy-aware smart metering protocol.
Advanced metering and demand response communication performance in Zigbee based HANs.
10 Gbit line rate packet-to-disk using n2disk.
Botnet detection revisited: Theory and practice of finding malicious P2P networks via Internet connection graphs.
Rogue femtocell owners: How Mallory can monitor my devices.
Self-learning classifier for Internet traffic.
Finding critical regions in a network.
The strength of vicinity annexation in opportunistic networking.
Inferring cellular user demographic information using homophily on call graphs.
Exploring venue popularity in Foursquare.
COBRA: A framework for the analysis of realistic mobility models.
Into the Moana1 - Hypergraph-based network layer indirection.
Applying software-defined networking to the telecom domain.
AliasCluster: A lightweight approach to interface disambiguation.
Smart data pricing: Lessons from trial planning.
Pricing algorithms for the day-ahead electricity market with flexible consumer participation.
Tiered billing scheme for residential load scheduling with bidirectional energy trading.
Economics of WiFi offloading: Trading delay for cellular capacity.
Economics of mobile data offloading.
To the Moon and back: Are Internet bufferbloat delays really that large?
Fighting the bufferbloat: On the coexistence of AQM and low priority congestion control.
Troubleshooting slow webpage downloads.
New generation satellite broadband Internet services: Should ADSL and 3G worry?
Surviving in a competitive market of information providers.
On the impact of global information on diffusion of innovations over social networks.
Information diffusion in heterogeneous networks: The configuration model approach.
Emergence of equilibria from individual strategies in online content diffusion.
Improving the discovery of IXP peering links through passive BGP measurements.
The BGP visibility scanner.
DRAGO: Detecting, quantifying and locating hidden routers in Traceroute IP paths.
Cost-aware optimization models for communication networks with renewable energy sources.
A cross-layer perspective on energy harvesting aided green communications over fading channels.
Real-time welfare-maximizing regulation allocation in aggregator-EVs systems.
Economic models of sponsored content in wireless networks with uncertain demand.
On the CDN pricing game.
On the interaction between content-oriented traffic scheduling and revenue sharing among providers.
SpeedGate: A smart data pricing testbed based on speed tiers.
Pricing for demand shaping and proactive download in smart data networks.
Real time market models and prosumer profiling.
Sustainable energy consumption monitoring in residential settings.
The twofold nature of autonomous systems: Evidence combining stock market data with topological properties.
Robust QoS-guaranteed network engineering in interference-aware wireless networks.
Trapping botnets by DNS failure graphs: Validation, extension and application to a 3G network.
Modeling DNS agility with DNSMap.
Check-Repeat: A new method of measuring DNSSEC validating resolvers.
DHT-based traffic localization in the wild.
On the usage patterns of multimodal communication: Countries and evolution.
Modeling and characterization of vehicular density at scale.
Optimal dynamic power control for full-duplex bidirectional-channel based wireless networks.
Approximate online learning for passive monitoring of multi-channel wireless networks.
Predicting length of stay at WiFi hotspots.
Gap Sense: Lightweight coordination of heterogeneous wireless devices.
O(ε)-Approximation to physical world by sensor networks.
RSS-Ratio for enhancing performance of RSS-based applications.
OTrack: Order tracking for luggage in mobile RFID systems.
Towards omnidirectional passive human detection.
Fast and practical secret key extraction by exploiting channel response.
Mutual privacy-preserving regression modeling in participatory sensing.
PIPAC: Patient infusion pattern based access control scheme for wireless insulin pump system.
Is random walk truly memoryless - Traffic analysis and source location privacy under random walks.
n-CD: A geometric approach to preserving location privacy in location-based services.
Checking in without worries: Location privacy in location based social networks.
Truthful incentive mechanisms for k-anonymity location privacy.
A game-theoretic approach for achieving k-anonymity in Location Based Services.
When heavy-tailed and light-tailed flows compete: The response time tail under generalized max-weight scheduling.
Low-latency and high bandwidth TCP/IP protocol processing through an integrated HW/SW approach.
Does it hurt when others prosper?: Exploring the impact of heterogeneous reordering robustness of TCP.
Receiver-based flow control for networks in overload.
ZiFind: Exploiting cross-technology interference signatures for energy-efficient indoor localization.
Energy efficient neighborhood maintenance and medium access with Wake on Idle.
Minimizing charging delay in wireless rechargeable sensor networks.
RaSMaLai: A Randomized Switching algorithm for Maximizing Lifetime in tree-based wireless sensor networks.
Public auditing for shared data with efficient user revocation in the cloud.
DAC-MACS: Effective data access control for multi-authority cloud storage systems.
Outsourcing privacy-preserving social networks to a cloud.
Protecting cloud data using dynamic inline fingerprint checks.
Stability analyses of static greedy link schedulings in MC-MR wireless networks.
CEDAR: An optimal and distributed strategy for packet recovery in wireless networks.
Streaming codes for channels with burst and isolated erasures.
Interference coordination in wireless networks: A flow-level perspective.
ZOOM: Scaling the mobility for fast opportunistic forwarding in vehicular networks.
Compressive sensing based monitoring with vehicular networks.
Connectivity in two-dimensional lattice networks.
A performance analysis of CSMA based broadcast protocol in VANETs.
Secrecy capacity maximization for secure cooperative ad-hoc networks.
Countering selfish misbehavior in multi-channel MAC protocols.
Analysis on perfect location spoofing attacks using beamforming.
Characterizing privacy leakage of public WiFi networks for users on travel.
Search me if you can: Privacy-preserving location query service.
Location privacy in database-driven Cognitive Radio Networks: Attacks and countermeasures.
Extend your journey: Introducing signal strength into location-based applications.
WheelLoc: Enabling continuous location service on mobile phone for outdoor scenarios.
How much can large-scale Video-on-Demand benefit from users' cooperation?
Impact of flow-level dynamics on QoE of video streaming in wireless networks.
Optimizing stored video delivery for mobile networks: The value of knowing the future.
Capacity of P2P on-demand streaming with simple, robust and decentralized control.
Link Scanner: Faulty link detection for wireless sensor networks.
Measurement and analysis on the packet delivery performance in a large scale sensor network.
I2C: A holistic approach to prolong the sensor network lifetime.
PSR: Practical synchronous rendezvous in low-duty-cycle wireless networks.
Efficient privacy-preserving biometric identification in cloud computing.
Prometheus: Privacy-aware data retrieval on hybrid cloud.
Privacy-preserving data aggregation without secure channel: Multivariate polynomial evaluation.
Privacy preserving cloud data access with multi-authorities.
Throughput-optimal wireless scheduling with regulated inter-service times.
Channel assignment in dense MC-MR wireless networks: Scaling laws and algorithms.
Improving the delay performance of CSMA algorithms: A Virtual Multi-Channel approach.
Performance of low-complexity greedy scheduling policies in multi-channel wireless networks: Optimal throughput and near-optimal delay.
CCR: Capacity-constrained replication for data delivery in vehicular networks.
On-road ads delivery scheduling and bandwidth allocation in vehicular CPS.
Integrity-oriented content transmission in highway vehicular ad hoc networks.
Horizon on the move: Geocast in intermittently connected vehicular ad hoc networks.
Rejecting the attack: Source authentication for Wi-Fi management frames using CSI Information.
YouSense: Mitigating entropy selfishness in distributed collaborative spectrum sensing.
Secure crowdsourcing-based cooperative pectrum sensing.
ARTSense: Anonymous reputation and trust in participatory sensing.
APT: Accurate outdoor pedestrian tracking with smartphones.
Beyond convex relaxation: A polynomial-time non-convex optimization approach to network localization.
Theory underlying measurement of AOA with a rotating directional antenna.
FreeLoc: Calibration-free crowdsourced indoor localization.
To send or not to send: Reducing the cost of data transmission.
Online packet scheduling with hard deadlines in multihop communication networks.
Delay optimal policies offer very little privacy.
Capacity provisioning for schedulers with tiny buffers.
ERCD: An energy-efficient clone detection protocol in WSNs.
Efficient distributed multiple-message broadcasting in unstructured wireless networks.
On the security vulnerabilities of the virtual force approach to mobile sensor deployment.
Compact conformal map for greedy routing in wireless mobile sensor networks.
VoteTrust: Leveraging friend invitation graph to defend against social network Sybils.
A genealogy of information spreading on microblogs: A Galton-Watson-based explicative model.
Enterprise social network analysis and modeling: A tale of two graphs.
How to Optimally allocate your budget of attention in social networks.
A graph minor perspective to network coding: Connecting algebraic coding with network topologies.
Analysis and construction of functional regenerating codes with uncoded repair for distributed storage systems.
Cooperative pipelined regeneration in distributed storage systems.
Wireless network coding with partial overhearing information.
Wi-Fi sensing: Should mobiles sleep longer as they age?
Homing spread: Community home-based multi-copy routing in mobile social networks.
Self-Interest-Driven incentives for ad dissemination in autonomous mobile social networks.
A privacy-preserving social-assisted mobile content dissemination scheme in DTNs.
Fast secret key generation in static wireless networks: A virtual channel approach.
Extracting secret key from wireless link dynamics in vehicular environments.
OPFKA: Secure and efficient Ordered-Physiological-Feature-based key agreement for wireless Body Area Networks.
Exchanging pairwise secrets efficiently.
Scheduling of sequential periodic sensing for cognitive radios.
QuickSense: Fast and energy-efficient channel sensing for dynamic spectrum access networks.
Performance bounds of energy detection with signal uncertainty in cognitive radio networks.
Did you also hear that? Spectrum sensing using Hermitian inner product.
When the cure is worse than the disease: The impact of graceful IGP operations on BGP.
Traffic engineering in software defined networks.
Endhost-based shortest path routing in dynamic networks: An online learning approach.
Reactive planar spanner construction in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks.
A localized backbone renovating algorithm for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks.
SINUS: A scalable and distributed routing algorithm with guaranteed delivery for WSNs on high genus 3D surfaces.
Topology dependent space filling curves for sensor networks and applications.
Minimizing flow completion times in data centers.
Intra-data-center traffic engineering with ensemble routing.
A cooperative game based allocation for sharing data center networks.
On the impact of packet spraying in data center networks.
Scalable algorithms for wireless link schedulings in multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks.
Wireless scheduling for network utility maximization with optimal convergence speed.
Distributed cross-layer optimization in wireless networks: A second-order approach.
Distributed CSMA with pairwise coding.
TOUR: Time-sensitive Opportunistic Utility-based Routing in delay tolerant networks.
Characterizing link connectivity for opportunistic mobile networking: Does mobility suffice?
Providing probabilistic guarantees on the time of information spread in opportunistic networks.
Wakeup scheduling for energy-efficient communication in opportunistic mobile networks.
On finding an optimal TCAM encoding scheme for packet classification.
A difference resolution approach to compressing Access Control Lists.
Turbo covert channel: An iterative framework for covert communication over data networks.
Combining supervised and unsupervised learning for zero-day malware detection.
Groupon in the Air: A three-stage auction framework for Spectrum Group-buying.
Balance of revenue and social welfare in FCC's spectrum allocation.
Hybrid pricing for TV white space database.
Core-selecting combinatorial auction design for secondary spectrum markets.
Maximizing submodular set function with connectivity constraint: Theory and application to networks.
2.5K-graphs: From sampling to generation.
Towards scalable network emulation: Channel accuracy versus implementation resources.
A digital watermarking approach to secure and precise range query processing in sensor networks.
Low-latency SINR-based data gathering in wireless sensor networks.
Mobile data gathering with Wireless Energy Replenishment in rechargeable sensor networks.
Optimizing the collection of local decisions for time-constrained distributed detection in WSNs.
Resource placement and assignment in distributed network topologies.
Optimal bounds for online page migration with generalized migration costs.
FCD: Fast-concurrent-distributed load balancing under switching costs and imperfect observations.
Scheduling jobs with unknown duration in clouds.
Trading off distortion for delay for video transmissions in wireless networks.
Comparison of routing metrics in 802.11n wireless mesh networks.
GaS: A gateway scheduling-based handoff scheme in single-radio infrastructure wireless mesh networks.
Capacity gain through power enhancement in multi-radio multi-channel wireless networks.
Economic-robust transmission opportunity auction in multi-hop wireless networks.
A (min, ×) network calculus for multi-hop fading channels.
Double Regression: Efficient spatially correlated path loss model for wireless network simulation.
Content-centric wireless networks with limited buffers: When mobility hurts.
PPBD: A piracy preventing system for BT DHT networks.
A traceback attack on Freenet.
Cardinality change-based early detection of large-scale cyber-attacks.
An optimized design of reconfigurable PSD accelerator for online shrew DDoS attacks detection.
Minimum-delay overlay multicast.
Unstructured P2P link lifetimes redux.
Can P2P networks be super-scalable?
Hybrid client-server and peer-to-peer caching systems with selfish peers.
Capacity scaling of cognitive networks: Beyond interference-limited communication.
On optimal communication strategies for cooperative cognitive radio networking.
Socially-optimal multi-hop secondary communication under arbitrary primary user mechanisms.
Mobile Access of Wide-Spectrum Networks: Design, deployment and experimental evaluation.
Decentralizing network inference problems with Multiple-Description Fusion Estimation (MDFE).
Event detection using customer care calls.
Evaluating anycast in the domain name system.
Inferring the periodicity in large-scale Internet measurements.
ε-Approximation to data streams in sensor networks.
Data loss and reconstruction in sensor networks.
Application-aware data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Bundling mobile base station and wireless energy transfer: Modeling and optimization.
Improving ReduceTask data locality for sequential MapReduce jobs.
Coupling task progress for MapReduce resource-aware scheduling.
Map task scheduling in MapReduce with data locality: Throughput and heavy-traffic optimality.
A new analytical technique for designing provably efficient MapReduce schedulers.
Delay analysis and study of IEEE 802.11p based DSRC safety communication in a highway environment.
Virtual MISO triggers in Wi-Fi-like networks.
Distributed spectrum assignment for home WLANs.
CUTS: Improving channel utilization in both time and spatial domains in WLANs.
Diff-Max: Separation of routing and scheduling in backpressure-based wireless networks.
An efficient DoF scheduling algorithm for multi-hop MIMO networks.
MaxWeight vs. BackPressure: Routing and scheduling in multi-channel relay networks.
Exploring the inefficiency and instability of Back-Pressure algorithms.
Resource pricing game in geo-distributed clouds.
A framework for truthful online auctions in cloud computing with heterogeneous user demands.
An efficient distributed algorithm for resource allocation in large-scale coupled systems.
The constrained Ski-Rental problem and its application to online cloud cost optimization.
Event-driven spectrum-aware clustering in cognitive radio sensor networks.
FMAC: A fair MAC protocol for coexisting cognitive radio networks.
Channel quality prediction based on Bayesian inference in cognitive radio networks.
Virtual backbone construction for cognitive radio networks without common control channel.
Near-optimal approximate membership query over time-decaying windows.
2-State (semi-)Markov processes beyond Gilbert-Elliott: Traffic and channel models based on 2nd order statistics.
Network utilization: The flow view.
Pegasus: Precision hunting for icebergs and anomalies in network flows.
Efficient 3G budget utilization in mobile participatory sensing applications.
Optimal incentive-driven design of participatory sensing systems.
Dynamic switching-based reliable flooding in low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks.
Fault tolerant complex event detection in WSNs: A case study in structural health monitoring.
WiFi-BA: Choosing arbitration over backoff in high speed multicarrier wireless networks.
HoWiES: A holistic approach to ZigBee assisted WiFi energy savings in mobile devices.
Selfish misbehavior detection in 802.11 based wireless networks: An adaptive approach based on Markov decision process.
Cooperative packet recovery in enterprise WLANs.
Distributed approximation algorithms for maximum link scheduling and local broadcasting in the physical interference model.
On interference alignment for multi-hop MIMO networks.
On the throughput-delay trade-off in large-scale MANETs with a generalized i.i.d. mobility model.
On the capacity of wireless CSMA/CA multihop networks.
NEST: Locality-aware approximate query service for cloud computing.
RapidRAID: Pipelined erasure codes for fast data archival in distributed storage systems.
To offload or not to offload? The bandwidth and energy costs of mobile cloud computing.
An ensemble of replication and erasure codes for cloud file systems.
Leveraging load migration and basestaion consolidation for green communications in virtualized Cognitive Radio Networks.
Exploiting self-interference suppression for improved spectrum awareness/efficiency in cognitive radio systems.
To stay or to switch: Multiuser dynamic channel access.
Non-parametric passive traffic monitoring in cognitive radio networks.
Compressing forwarding tables.
A trie merging approach with incremental updates for virtual routers.
FIFA: Fast incremental FIB aggregation.
A Benes packet network.
On wireless network coverage in bounded areas.
Approximations for Minimum Connected Sensor Cover.
Adaptive approximation algorithms for hole healing in hybrid wireless sensor networks.
When target motion matters: Doppler coverage in radar sensor networks.
Optimal budget deployment strategy against power grid interdiction.
A contract-based approach for ancillary services in V2G networks: Optimality and learning.
Adaptive electricity scheduling in microgrids.
Smoothing the energy consumption: Peak demand reduction in smart grid.
The case for re-configurable backhaul in cloud-RAN based small cell networks.
Competitive ratio analysis of online algorithms to minimize packet transmission time in energy harvesting communication system.
Practical algorithm for power efficient DRX configuration in next generation mobiles.
Stochastic analysis of energy savings with sleep mode in OFDMA wireless networks.
Optimal pricing for local and global WiFi markets.
Content-peering dynamics of autonomous caches in a content-centric network.
Economic analysis of 4G network upgrade.
Offering supplementary wireless technologies: Adoption behavior and offloading benefits.
Cross-domain password-based authenticated key exchange revisited.
Protocol-level hidden server discovery.
SybilShield: An agent-aided social network-based Sybil defense among multiple communities.
Drifting Keys: Impersonation detection for constrained devices.
Network control without CSI using rateless codes for downlink cellular systems.
Location patterns of mobile users: A large-scale tudy.
RAT selection games in HetNets.
Optimization of HTTP adaptive streaming over mobile cellular networks.
Energy-efficient cognitive heterogeneous networks powered by the smart grid.
Cooperative multi-hop relaying via network formation games in cognitive radio networks.
Dynamic Chinese Restaurant Game in cognitive radio networks.
Maximizing social welfare in operator-based Cognitive Radio Networks under spectrum uncertainty and sensing inaccuracy.
Tunable QoS-aware network survivability.
Router virtualization for improving IP-level resilience.
Providing protection in multi-hop wireless networks.
P-MTI: Physical-layer Missing Tag Identification via compressive sensing.
ZOE: Fast cardinality estimation for large-scale RFID systems.
An efficient tag search protocol in large-scale RFID systems.
An efficient protocol for RFID multigroup threshold-based classification.
Fast Mencius: Mencius with low commit latency.
On arbitrating the power-performance tradeoff in SaaS clouds.
On the steady-state of cache networks.
Joint request mapping and response routing for geo-distributed cloud services.
On the nature of revenue-sharing contracts to incentivize spectrum-sharing.
Profit incentive in a secondary spectrum market: A contract design approach.
SPRING: A Strategy-proof and Privacy preserving spectrum auction mechanism.
An economic analysis of regulating security investments in the Internet.
NetworkProfiler: Towards automatic fingerprinting of Android apps.
Privacy-preserving spatiotemporal matching.
D2Taint: Differentiated and dynamic information flow tracking on smartphones for numerous data sources.
Cooperative cell outage detection in Self-Organizing femtocell networks.
Using Poisson processes to model lattice cellular networks.
Exploiting double opportunities for deadline based content propagation in wireless networks.
iDEAL: Incentivized dynamic cellular offloading via auctions.
Alternate hop-and-wait channel rendezvous method for cognitive radio networks.
Scaling network-based spectrum analyzer with constant communication cost.
Understanding Blackholes in large-scale Cognitive Radio Networks under generic failures.
DISCERN: Cooperative whitespace scanning in practical environments.
Shortest path versus multi-hub routing in networks with uncertain demand.
Bounded-reorder packet scheduling in optical cut-through switch.
Network protection with guaranteed recovery times using recovery domains.
Toward practical MAC design for underwater acoustic networks.
Environment aware connectivity for wireless underground sensor networks.
M-FAMA: A multi-session MAC protocol for reliable underwater acoustic streams.
Reducing information gathering latency through Mobile Aerial Sensor Network.
Optimizing data access latencies in cloud systems by intelligent virtual machine placement.
PACE: Policy-Aware Application Cloud Embedding.
Dependable virtual machine allocation.
Shadow-routing based dynamic algorithms for virtual machine placement in a network cloud.
A contribution to analyzing and enhancing Darknet routing.
Proof-carrying cloud computation: The case of convex optimization.
Verifiable private multi-party computation: Ranging and ranking.
An upper bound on the convergence time for quantized consensus.
Bidirectional energy trading for residential load scheduling and electric vehicles.
Impact of battery degradation on optimal management policies of harvesting-based wireless sensor devices.
Prototyping energy harvesting active networked tags (EnHANTs).
When simplicity meets optimality: Efficient transmission power control with stochastic energy harvesting.
Polynomial-complexity, low-delay scheduling for SCFDMA-based wireless uplink networks.
QoS satisfaction games for spectrum sharing.
A spectrum-sharing rewarding framework for co-channel hybrid access femtocell networks.
Defeating heterogeneity in wireless multicast networks.
Modular architectures of optical multi-stage switching networks.
NSFIB construction & aggregation with next hop of strict partial order.
Palette: Distributing tables in software-defined networks.
Optimal pricing in stochastic scalable video coding multicasting system.
Evolutionary coalitional games for random access control.
Load balance vs energy efficiency in traffic engineering: A game Theoretical Perspective.
SPECIAL: A strategy-proof and Efficient multi-channel Auction mechanism for wireless networks.
The answer is blowing in the wind: Analysis of powering Internet data centers with wind energy.
Characterizing the impact of the workload on the value of dynamic resizing in data centers.
Schedule first, manage later: Network-aware load balancing.
FREDI: Robust RSS-based ranging with multipath effect and radio interference.
EV-Human: Human localization via visual estimation of body electronic interference.
Towards accurate acoustic localization on a smartphone.
Footprints elicit the truth: Improving global positioning accuracy via local mobility.
Adaptive device-free passive localization coping with dynamic target speed.
TriggerCas: Enabling wireless consrucive collisions.
Reduction algorithm for simplicial complexes.
Barrier coverage in wireless sensor networks: From lined-based to curve-based deployment.
Cut graph based information storage and retrieval in 3D sensor networks with general topology.
Beyond interference avoidance: Distributed sub-network scheduling in wireless networks with local views.
Low-latency multi-flow broadcasts in fading wireless networks.
Beneficial cooperation ratio in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks.
IPAD: An incentive and privacy-aware data dissemination scheme in opportunistic networks.
Cutting without pain: Mitigating 3G radio tail effect on smartphones.
AMUSE: Empowering users for cost-aware offloading with throughput-delay tradeoffs.
A bandwidth trading marketplace for mobile data offloading.
Proactive call drop avoidance in UMTS networks.
DataSpotting: Exploiting naturally clustered mobile devices to offload cellular traffic.
Adversarial VNet embeddings: A threat for ISPs?
Resolve the virtual network embedding problem: A column generation approach.
Moving big data to the cloud.
Exact cooperative regenerating codes with minimum-repair-bandwidth for distributed storage.
A predictive and incremental grooming scheme for time-varying traffic in WDM networks.
Multipath de-fragmentation: Achieving better spectral efficiency in elastic optical path networks.
On routing and spectrum allocation in spectrum-sliced optical networks.
On achieving all-optical failure restoration via monitoring trails.
Near field authentication for smart devices.
Fast and secure rendezvous protocols for mitigating control channel DoS attacks.
OpenSesame: Unlocking smart phone through handshaking biometrics.
Disambiguation of residential wired and wireless access in a forensic setting.
Almost optimal virtual machine placement for traffic intense data centers.
Multicast fat-tree data center networks with bounded link oversubscription.
Coordinated resource provisioning and maintenance scheduling in cloud data centers.
Data center energy cost minimization: A spatio-temporal scheduling approach.
Distributed admission control without knowledge of the capacity region.
Call admission control for real-time applications in wireless network.
On the insensitivity of user distribution in multicell networks under general mobility and session patterns.
Criticality of large delay tolerant networks via directed continuum percolation in space-time.
R3: Optimizing relocatable code for efficient reprogramming in networked embedded systems.
Efficient data gathering using Compressed Sparse Functions.
Medial axis construction and applications in 3D wireless sensor networks.
Effective epidemic control and source tracing through mobile social sensing over WBANs.
Differential estimation in dynamic RFID systems.
A quantitative framework for guaranteeing QoE of video delivery over wireless.
Fairness and efficiency tradeoffs for user cooperation in distributed wireless networks.
DARA: Estimating the behavior of data rate adaptation algorithms in WLAN hotspots.
Coding Opportunity Aware Backbone metrics for broadcast in wireless networks.
Untraceability of mobile devices in wireless mesh networks using linear network coding.
Rateless resilient network coding against byzantine adversaries.
Wireless network coding: Deciding when to flip the switch.
Content-aware network data compression using joint memorization and clustering.
Effectively minimizing redundant Internet streaming traffic to iOS devices.
Dynamic in-network caching for energy efficient content delivery.
Experimental evaluation of content distribution with NDN and HTTP.
Predicting user dissatisfaction with Internet application performance at end-hosts.
Exploring the cloud from passive measurements: The Amazon AWS case.
Mixture models of endhost network traffic.
Understanding user behavior in Spotify.
Video source identification in lossy wireless networks.
PASSAGES: Preserving Anonymity of Sources and Sinks against Global Eavesdroppers.
Data confidentiality and availability via secret sharing and node mobility in UWSN.
Is link signature dependable for wireless security?
eTime: Energy-efficient transmission between cloud and mobile devices.
Energy-efficient scheduling policy for collaborative execution in mobile cloud computing.
Joint design of Dynamic Scheduling and Pricing in wireless cloud computing.
TAMES: A Truthful Auction Mechanism for heterogeneous spectrum allocation.
Cooperative relay selection in cognitive radio networks.
Multicast throughput stability analysis for cognitive cooperative random access.
Utility-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheduling in cognitive radio networks.
Quick construction of data-driven models of the short-term behavior of wireless links.
DAMson: On distributed sensing scheduling to achieve high Quality of Monitoring.
Medium access control protocol design for sensors powered by wireless energy transfer.
LCS: Compressive sensing based device-free localization for multiple targets in sensor networks.
Concurrent channel access and estimation for scalable multiuser MIMO networking.
Maximizing wireless network capacity with linear power: Breaking the logarithmic barrier.
Beam scheduling and relay assignment in wireless relay networks with smart antennas.
Multi-point to multi-point MIMO in wireless LANs.
Achieving air-ground communications in 802.11 networks with three-dimensional aerial mobility.
Approaching reliable realtime communications? A novel system design and implementation for roadway safety oriented vehicular communications.
How shadowing hurts vehicular communications and how dynamic beaconing can help.
A-VIP: Anonymous verification and inference of positions in vehicular networks.
Cooperative caching through routing control in information-centric networks.
NameFilter: Achieving fast name lookup with low memory cost via applying two-stage Bloom filters.
αRoute: A name based routing scheme for Information Centric Networks.
A network calculus for cache networks.
A technique for counting DNSSEC validators.
Understanding geolocation accuracy using network geometry.
Toward composable network traffic measurement.
ROOM: Rule Organized Optimal Matching for fine-grained traffic identification.
Effect of constraints on superpeer topologies.
An adaptive approximation algorithm for community detection in dynamic scale-free networks.
Video requests from Online Social Networks: Characterization, analysis and generation.
Video sharing propagation in social networks: Measurement, modeling, and analysis.
HBaseMQ: A distributed message queuing system on clouds with HBase.
Dache: A data aware caching for big-data applications using the MapReduce framework.
DPack: Disk scheduler for highly consolidated cloud.
Profit-maximizing virtual machine trading in a federation of selfish clouds.
Data dissemination bounds in people-centric systems.
A simple approximate analysis of floating content for context-aware applications.
Efficient dynamic spectrum sharing through rate compensation and spectrum handoff.
On the impact of disorder on dynamic network navigation.
Electricity cost efficient workload mapping.
MAC-aware routing metrics for low power and lossy networks.
Distributed scheduling for scalable P2P video streaming with network coding.
Energy-harvesting WSNs for structural health monitoring of underground train tunnels.
Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation.
Enhancing traffic sampling scope and efficiency.
Impact of a sleep schedule on the AODV convergence time in WSNs.
Efficient caching in content-centric networks using OpenFlow.