recsys 2010 论文列表
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 26-30, 2010.
Context-awareness in recommender systems: research workshop and movie recommendation challenge.
Workshop on user-centric evaluation of recommender systems and their interfaces.
Workshop report: WOMRAD 2010.
2nd workshop on recommender systems and the social web.
Workshop on recommender systems for technology enhanced learning.
Workshop on information heterogeneity and fusion in recommender systems (HetRec 2010).
Workshop on the practical use of recommender systems algorithms & technology.
Topic-based recommendations in enterprise social media sharing platforms.
Identifying and utilizing contextual data in hybrid recommender systems.
Enhanced vector space models for content-based recommender systems.
Design and user issues in personality-based recommender systems.
Integrating broadcast and web video content into personal tv channels.
Reciprocal recommender system for online dating.
Music recommendations with temporal context awareness.
Geolocated movie recommendations based on expert collaborative filtering.
Tagmantic: a social recommender service based on semantic tag graphs and tag clusters.
Active learning driven by rating impact analysis.
Common attributes in an unusual context: predicting the desirability of a social match.
Social navigation for the spoken web.
Modeling recommendation as a social choice problem.
Incremental collaborative filtering via evolutionary co-clustering.
An approach to situational market segmentation on on-line newspapers based on current tasks.
Characterisation of explicit feedback in an online music recommendation service.
On-demand set-based recommendations.
LDA for on-the-fly auto tagging.
On the real-time web as a source of recommendation knowledge.
The network effects of recommending social connections.
Increasing consumers' understanding of recommender results: a preference-based hybrid algorithm with strong explanatory power.
The YouTube video recommendation system.
Towards context-aware personalization and a broad perspective on the semantics of news articles.
MED-StyleR: METABO diabetes-lifestyle recommender.
Time dependency of data quality for collaborative filtering algorithms.
Social networking feeds: recommending items of interest.
Nantonac collaborative filtering: a model-based approach.
List-wise learning to rank with matrix factorization for collaborative filtering.
Iterative voting under uncertainty for group recommender systems.
Recommending structure in collaborative semistructured information systems.
Beyond accuracy: evaluating recommender systems by coverage and serendipity.
A supervised machine learning link prediction approach for academic collaboration recommendation.
Do clicks measure recommendation relevancy?: an empirical user study.
Personalizing the settings for Cf-based recommender systems.
Merging multiple criteria to identify suspicious reviews.
Content-based recommendation in social tagging systems.
Recommending based on rating frequencies.
Hydra: an open framework for virtual-fusion of recommendation filters.
Evaluating the dynamic properties of recommendation algorithms.
Using self-defined group activities for improvingrecommendations in collaborative tagging systems.
A belief propagation based recommender system for online services.
Recommendation analytics: the business view, and the business case.
RECON: a reciprocal recommender for online dating.
Recommending twitter users to follow using content and collaborative filtering approaches.
A lightweight privacy preserving SMS-based recommendation system for mobile users.
Transitive node similarity for link prediction in social networks with positive and negative links.
Recommender algorithms in activity motivating games.
Learning in efficient tag recommendation.
Automatically building research reading lists.
Breaking out of the box of recommendations: from items to packages.
Who is talking about what: social map-based recommendation for content-centric social websites.
A matrix factorization technique with trust propagation for recommendation in social networks.
Interactive recommendations in social endorsement networks.
Group recommendations with rank aggregation and collaborative filtering.
Group-based recipe recommendations: analysis of data aggregation strategies.
Affiliation recommendation using auxiliary networks.
Online evolutionary collaborative filtering.
Collaborative filtering via euclidean embedding.
Multiverse recommendation: n-dimensional tensor factorization for context-aware collaborative filtering.
Fast als-based matrix factorization for explicit and implicit feedback datasets.
Understanding choice overload in recommender systems.
Optimizing multiple objectives in collaborative filtering.
On the stability of recommendation algorithms.
Performance of recommender algorithms on top-n recommendation tasks.
Contests: way forward or detour?
Eye-tracking product recommenders' usage.
Aggregating preference graphs for collaborative rating prediction.
Global budgets for local recommendations.
Will recommenders kill search?: recommender systems - an industry perspective.
Query intent prediction and recommendation.
Tutorial on evaluating recommender systems.