Using an ICA representation of local color histograms for object recognition
This paper applies a Bayesian classification scheme to the problem of object recognition through probabilistic modeling of local color histograms. In this context, the density estimation is generally performed via nonparametric kernel methods and the high dimensionality does not allow precision in the results. We propose a local independent component analysis (ICA) representation of the data. Within this representation, the components can be assumed statistically independent and, for this particular problem, sparsity of the independent components is observed. We show how these two characteristics simplify and add accuracy to the density estimation and develop a Bayesian decision scheme within this representation. We propose a set of possible density estimations for supergaussian densities, the density type associated with a sparse representation. Two experiments were performed. The first one illustrates the properties of the ICA representation for local color histograms. The second experiment tests the ICA classification model for a large set of pharmaceutical products and compares this scheme with a nonparametric technique based on Gaussian Kernels, two nearest-neighbor techniques and global histogram approach.
论文关键词:Independent component analysis,Density estimation,Bayesian classification,Statistical pattern recognition,Color histograms
论文评审过程:Author links open overlay panelM.BressanPersonEnvelopeD.GuillametEnvelopeJ.VitriàEnvelope