Automated analog circuit design using two-layer genetic programming
Analog circuits are very important in many high-speed applications such as communications. Since the size of analog circuit is becoming larger and more complex, the design is becoming more and more difficult. This paper proposes a two-layer evolutionary scheme based on genetic programming (GP), which uses a divide-and-conquer approach to evolve the analog circuits. Corresponding to the two-layer GP, a new representation of circuit has been proposed here and it is more helpful to generate expectant circuit graphs. This algorithm can evolve the circuits with dynamical size, circuit topology, and component values. The experimental results on the designs of the voltage amplifier and the low-pass filter show that this algorithm is efficient.
论文关键词:Evolutionary computation,Evolvable hardware,Genetic programming,Analog circuit design,Electrical circuits
论文评审过程:Available online 21 August 2006.