Wave propagation in a generalized thermoelastic material with voids




The governing equations for two-dimensional homogeneous, isotropic generalized thermoelastic half-space with voids are solved in context of Lord–Shulman theory. Three compressional waves and a shear vertical (SV) wave are shown to exist. The reflection phenomena of compressional or shear wave from the free surface of a thermoelastic solid with voids is considered. The boundary conditions at stress-free thermally insulated surface are satisfied to obtain a system of four equations in the reflection coefficients of various reflected waves. These reflection coefficients depend on the angle of incidence of striking wave, void, thermo-void and other elastic parameters. Numerical values of the complex modulus of the reflection coefficients are also visualized graphically to observe the effects of void parameters.

论文关键词:Thermoelasticity,Voids,Compressional,Reflection,Reflection coefficients,Thermal relaxations

论文评审过程:Available online 18 January 2007.
