Oscillation and nonoscillation of solutions of second order linear dynamic equations with integrable coefficients on time scales
We obtain Willett–Wong-type oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for second order linear dynamic equations with integrable coefficients on a time scale. The results obtained extend and are motivated by oscillation and nonoscillation results due to Willett [20] and Wong [21] for the second order linear differential equation. As applications of the new results obtained, we give the complete classification of oscillation and nonoscillation for the difference equations andfor . We also improve a nonoscillation result of Mingarelli [17] and extend an oscillation result of Del Medico and Kong [7].
论文关键词:Oscillation,Nonoscillation,Dominant solution,Dynamic equations,Time scales
论文评审过程:Available online 20 August 2009.