Boundedness and compactness of an integral-type operator from Bloch-type spaces with normal weights to F(p, q, s) space
The boundedness and compactness of the integral-type operatorLφg(f)(z)=∫01Rf(φ(tz))g(tz)dtt,z∈B,where g is a holomorphic function on the open unit ball B in Cn such that g(0) = 0 and φ is a holomorphic self-map of B, from Bloch-type spaces Bμ and Bμ,0, where μ is a normal weight, to F(p, q, s) space on B are characterized, solving a recent open problem.
论文关键词:Integral-type operator,Bloch-type space,F(p, q, s) space,Normal weight,Unit ball,Boundedness,Compactness
论文评审过程:Available online 30 November 2011.