Second Hankel determinant for bi-starlike and bi-convex functions of order β




In the present investigation the authors obtain upper bounds for the second Hankel determinant H2(2) of the classes bi-starlike and bi-convex functions of order β, represented by and Kσ(β), respectively. In particular, the estimates for the second Hankel determinant H2(2) of bi-starlike and bi-convex functions which are important subclasses of bi-univalent functions are pointed out.

论文关键词:Bi-univalent functions,Bi-starlike functions of order β,Bi-convex functions of order β,Second Hankel determinant

论文评审过程:Received 6 April 2015, Revised 13 August 2015, Accepted 5 September 2015, Available online 28 September 2015, Version of Record 28 September 2015.
