Evaluating tacit knowledge diffusion with algebra matrix algorithm based social networks



• Algebra matrix method integrates the structural factor and the state information of social networks.

• Monte Carlo simulation experiments verify the effectiveness of the algebra matrix evaluation.

• The evaluation deviations of diffusion threshold are shown best performance comparing with three popular mean field methods.

• The weighted average strategy is proposed as applications.


•Algebra matrix method integrates the structural factor and the state information of social networks.•Monte Carlo simulation experiments verify the effectiveness of the algebra matrix evaluation.•The evaluation deviations of diffusion threshold are shown best performance comparing with three popular mean field methods.•The weighted average strategy is proposed as applications.

论文关键词:Tacit knowledge diffusion,Tacit knowledge owner,Explicit knowledge carrier,Threshold of diffusion

论文评审过程:Received 18 December 2021, Revised 19 March 2022, Accepted 24 March 2022, Available online 28 April 2022, Version of Record 28 April 2022.
