Join and multi-join processing in data integration systems
Query processing in a data integration system is complicated by a lack of quality statistics about the data, unpredictable and bursty data transfer rates, and slow or unavailable data sources. Conventional query processing algorithms, which are based on a blocking execution model, are no longer attractive because of their long initial response time. Moreover, the execution engine may be stalled by slow data delivery rates or unavailable data sources. In this paper, we adopt a non-blocking execution model for evaluating queries. We propose a symmetric partition-based join algorithm, called AJoin, that can operate with small memory requirement, produce first few answer tuples quickly, and blocks only when all available data have been examined. We also examine heuristics to manage the partitions and address the memory management issues of AJoin. To evaluate multi-join query plans, we also proposed two new strategies, m-AJoin and Pm-AJoin. Both strategies evaluate each join operation using AJoin. While m-AJoin accesses data from remote sources in its entirety, Pm-AJoin accesses remote data in chunks of smaller partitions. Our performance study shows the effectiveness of the proposed approaches for join and multi-join processing in a multi-user data integration system.
论文关键词:Query processing,Blocking execution model,Symmetric hash join,Initial response time,Multi-join,Data integration
论文评审过程:Received 2 May 2001, Revised 1 August 2001, Accepted 5 September 2001, Available online 30 September 2001.