Exploration of Ordinal Data Using Association Rules
作者:Oliver Büchter, Rüdiger Wirth
The discovery of association rules is a very efficient data mining technique that is especially suitable for large amounts of categorical data. This paper shows how the discovery of association rules can be of benefit for numeric data as well. Based on a review of previous approaches we introduce Q2, a faster algorithm for the discovery of multi-dimensional association rules over ordinal data. We experimentally compare the new algorithm with the previous approach, obtaining performance improvements of more than an order of magnitude on supermarket data. In addition, a new absolute measure for the interestingness of quantitative association rules is introduced. It is based on the view that quantitative association rules have to be interpreted with respect to their Boolean generalizations. This measure has two major benefits compared to the previously used relative interestingness measure; first, it speeds up rule extraction and evaluation and second, it is easier to interpret for a user. Finally we introduce a rule browser which supports the exploration of ordinal data with quantitative association rules.
论文关键词:Quantitative association rules, basket analysis, ordinal data