Expertise-based peer selection in Peer-to-Peer networks
作者:Peter Haase, Ronny Siebes, Frank van Harmelen
Peer-to-Peer systems have proven to be an effective way of sharing data. Modern protocols are able to efficiently route a message to a given peer. However, determining the destination peer in the first place is not always trivial. We propose a model in which peers advertise their expertise in the Peer-to-Peer network. The knowledge about the expertise of other peers forms a semantic topology. Based on the semantic similarity between the subject of a query and the expertise of other peers, a peer can select appropriate peers to forward queries to, instead of broadcasting the query or sending it to a random set of peers. To calculate our semantic similarity measure, we make the simplifying assumption that the peers share the same ontology. We evaluate the model in a bibliographic scenario, where peers share bibliographic descriptions of publications among each other. In simulation experiments complemented with a real-world field experiment, we show how expertise-based peer selection improves the performance of a Peer-to-Peer system with respect to precision, recall and the number of messages.
论文关键词:P2P, Routing, Semantic overlays, Ontologies