Effective and efficient classification on a search-engine model
作者:Aris Anagnostopoulos, Andrei Broder, Kunal Punera
Traditional document classification frameworks, which apply the learned classifier to each document in a corpus one by one, are infeasible for extremely large document corpora, like the Web or large corporate intranets. We consider the classification problem on a corpus that has been processed primarily for the purpose of searching, and thus our access to documents is solely through the inverted index of a large scale search engine. Our main goal is to build the “best” short query that characterizes a document class using operators normally available within search engines. We show that surprisingly good classification accuracy can be achieved on average over multiple classes by queries with as few as 10 terms. As part of our study, we enhance some of the feature-selection techniques that are found in the literature by forcing the inclusion of terms that are negatively correlated with the target class and by making use of term correlations; we show that both of those techniques can offer significant advantages. Moreover, we show that optimizing the efficiency of query execution by careful selection of terms can further reduce the query costs. More precisely, we show that on our set-up the best 10-term query can achieve 93% of the accuracy of the best SVM classifier (14,000 terms), and if we are willing to tolerate a reduction to 89% of the best SVM, we can build a 10-term query that can be executed more than twice as fast as the best 10-term query.
论文关键词:Text classification, Search engine, Feature selection, Query efficiency, WAND, Term correlations