Efficient mining of maximal frequent itemsets from databases on a cluster of workstations

作者:Soon M. Chung, Congnan Luo


In this paper, we propose two parallel algorithms for mining maximal frequent itemsets from databases. A frequent itemset is maximal if none of its supersets is frequent. One parallel algorithm is named distributed max-miner (DMM), and it requires very low communication and synchronization overhead in distributed computing systems. DMM has the local mining phase and the global mining phase. During the local mining phase, each node mines the local database to discover the local maximal frequent itemsets, then they form a set of maximal candidate itemsets for the top-down search in the subsequent global mining phase. A new prefix tree data structure is developed to facilitate the storage and counting of the global candidate itemsets of different sizes. This global mining phase using the prefix tree can work with any local mining algorithm. Another parallel algorithm, named parallel max-miner (PMM), is a parallel version of the sequential max-miner algorithm (Proc of ACM SIGMOD Int Conf on Management of Data, 1998, pp 85–93). Most of existing mining algorithms discover the frequent k-itemsets on the kth pass over the databases, and then generate the candidate (k + 1)-itemsets for the next pass. Compared to those level-wise algorithms, PMM looks ahead at each pass and prunes more candidate itemsets by checking the frequencies of their supersets. Both DMM and PMM were implemented on a cluster of workstations, and their performance was evaluated for various cases. They demonstrate very good performance and scalability even when there are large maximal frequent itemsets (i.e., long patterns) in databases.

论文关键词:Parallel data mining, Maximal frequent itemsets, Association rules, Scalability

