Mining top−k frequent patterns without minimum support threshold
作者:Abdus Salam, M. Sikandar Hayat Khayal
Finding frequent patterns play an important role in mining association rules, sequences, episodes, Web log mining and many other interesting relationships among data. Frequent pattern mining methods often produce a huge number of frequent itemsets that is not feasible for effective usage. The number of highly correlated patterns is usually very small and may even be one. Most of the existing frequent pattern mining techniques often require the setting of many input parameters and may involve multiple passes over the database. Minimum support is the widely used parameter in frequent pattern mining to discover statistically significant patterns. Specifying appropriate minimum support is a challenging task for a data analyst as the choice of minimum support value is somewhat arbitrary. Generally, it is required to repeatedly execute an algorithm, heuristically tuning the value of minimum support over a wide range, until the desired result is obtained, certainly, a very time-consuming process. Setting up an inappropriate minimum support may also cause an algorithm to fail in finding the true patterns. We present a novel method to efficiently retrieve top few maximal frequent patterns in order of significance without use of the minimum support parameter. Instead, we are only required to specify a more human understandable parameter, namely the desired number itemsets k. Our technique requires only a single pass over the database and generation of length two itemsets. The association ratio graph is proposed as a compact structure containing concise information, which is created in time quadratic to the size of the database. Algorithms are described for using this graph structure to discover top-most and top-k maximal frequent itemsets without minimum support threshold. To effectively achieve this, the method employs construction of an all path source-to-destination tree to discover all maximal cycles in the graph. The results can be ranked in decreasing order of significance. Results are presented demonstrating the performance advantages to be gained from the use of this approach.
论文关键词:Frequent pattern mining, Maximal frequent itemsets, Association ratio, Association ratio graph, All-path-source-destination tree