An efficient orientation distance–based discriminative feature extraction method for multi-classification
作者:Bo Liu, Yanshan Xiao, Philip S. Yu, Zhifeng Hao, Longbing Cao
Feature extraction is an important step before actual learning. Although many feature extraction methods have been proposed for clustering, classification and regression, very limited work has been done on multi-class classification problems. This paper proposes a novel feature extraction method, called orientation distance–based discriminative (ODD) feature extraction, particularly designed for multi-class classification problems. Our proposed method works in two steps. In the first step, we extend the Fisher Discriminant idea to determine an appropriate kernel function and map the input data with all classes into a feature space where the classes of the data are well separated. In the second step, we put forward two variants of ODD features, i.e., one-vs-all-based ODD and one-vs-one-based ODD features. We first construct hyper-plane (SVM) based on one-vs-all scheme or one-vs-one scheme in the feature space; we then extract one-vs-all-based or one-vs-one-based ODD features between a sample and each hyper-plane. These newly extracted ODD features are treated as the representative features and are thereafter used in the subsequent classification phase. Extensive experiments have been conducted to investigate the performance of one-vs-all-based and one-vs-one-based ODD features for multi-class classification. The statistical results show that the classification accuracy based on ODD features outperforms that of the state-of-the-art feature extraction methods.
论文关键词:Multi-class classification, Feature extraction, Support vector machine, One-against-all scheme, One-against-one scheme