Ontology alignment design patterns

作者:François Scharffe, Ondřej Zamazal, Dieter Fensel


Interoperability between heterogeneous ontological descriptions can be performed through ontology mediation techniques. At the heart of ontology mediation lies the alignment: a specification of correspondences between ontology entities. Ontology matching can bring some automation but are limited to finding simple correspondences. Design patterns have proven themselves useful to capture experience in design problems. In this article, we introduce ontology alignment patterns as reusable templates of recurring correspondences. Based on a detailed analysis of frequent ontology mismatches, we develop a library of common patterns. Ontology alignment patterns can be used to refine correspondences, either by the alignment designer or via pattern detection algorithms. We distinguish three levels of abstraction for ontology alignment representation, going from executable transformation rules, to concrete correspondences between two ontologies, to ontology alignment patterns at the third level. We express patterns using an ontology alignment representation language, making them ready to use in practical mediation tasks. We extract mismatches from vocabularies associated with data sets published as linked open data, and we evaluate the ability of correspondence patterns to provide proper alignments for these mismatches. Finally, we describe an application of ontology alignment patterns for an ontology transformation service.

论文关键词:Ontology alignment patterns, Ontology mapping, Ontology alignment, Ontology mediation, Design patterns, Data integration

