Dealing with heterogeneity in the context of distributed feature selection for classification
作者:José Luis Morillo-Salas, Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
Advances in the information technologies have greatly contributed to the advent of larger datasets. These datasets often come from distributed sites, but even so, their large size usually means they cannot be handled in a centralized manner. A possible solution to this problem is to distribute the data over several processors and combine the different results. We propose a methodology to distribute feature selection processes based on selecting relevant and discarding irrelevant features. This preprocessing step is essential for current high-dimensional sets, since it allows the input dimension to be reduced. We pay particular attention to the problem of data imbalance, which occurs because the original dataset is unbalanced or because the dataset becomes unbalanced after data partitioning. Most works approach unbalanced scenarios by oversampling, while our proposal tests both over- and undersampling strategies. Experimental results demonstrate that our distributed approach to classification obtains comparable accuracy results to a centralized approach, while reducing computational time and efficiently dealing with data imbalance.
论文关键词:Feature selection, Distributed learning, Unbalanced data, Oversampling