Towards an Intelligent Tutoring System Architecture that Supports Remedial Tutoring

作者:Julika Siemer, Marios C. Angelides


For successful teaching to take place an intelligenttutoring system has to be able to cope with anystudent errors that may occur during a tutoringinteraction. Remedial tutoring is increasingly viewedas a central part of the overall tutoring process, andrecent research calls for adaptive remedial tutoring. This paper discusses the issues of remedial tutoringthat have been proposed or implemented to supportefficient remedial tutoring. These issues serve touncover any underlying principles of remediation thatgovern remedial tutoring with intelligent tutoringsystems. In order to incorporate these principles ofremediation into intelligent tutoring systemsdevelopment processes this paper continues with thedevelopment of a model that can be employed in thedevelopment of an intelligent tutoring system that iscapable of offering remedial tutoring according tothese principles. This model is a formalisation ofremedial interventions with intelligent tutoringsystems. To demonstrate how the model can be employed indeveloping an intelligent tutoring system, INTUITION,the implementation of an existing business simulationgame, has been developed. This paper concludes with anillustration of how the model for remedial operationsprovides for remedial tutoring within INTUITION. Theevaluation of INTUITION shows that the model forremedial operations is a useful method for providingefficient remedial tutoring.

论文关键词:business management gaming-simulation, education, intelligent tutoring systems, remedial tutoring

