Genetic Algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem: A Review of Representations and Operators

作者:P. Larrañaga, C.M.H. Kuijpers, R.H. Murga, I. Inza, S. Dizdarevic


This paper is the result of a literature study carried out by the authors. It is a review of the different attempts made to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem with Genetic Algorithms. We present crossover and mutation operators, developed to tackle the Travelling Salesman Problem with Genetic Algorithms with different representations such as: binary representation, path representation, adjacency representation, ordinal representation and matrix representation. Likewise, we show the experimental results obtained with different standard examples using combination of crossover and mutation operators in relation with path representation.

论文关键词:Travelling Salesman Problem, Genetic Algorithms, binary representation, path representation, adjacency representation, ordinal representation, matrix representation, hybridation

