An Intelligent System to Monitor the Chemical Concentration of Electroplating Process: An Integrated OLAP and Fuzzy Logic Approach
作者:R.W.K. Leung, H.C.W. Lau, C.K. Kwong
To cope with the issue of ``brain drain'' intoday's competitive industrial environment, itis important to capture relevant experience andknowledge in order to sustain the continualgrowth of company business. In this respect,the study in the domain of knowledge learningis of paramount importance in terms ofcapturing and reuse of tacit and explicitknowledge. To support the process of knowledgelearning, a methodology to establish anintelligent system, which consists of bothOn-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) and fuzzylogic principles, is suggested. This paperattempts to propose this approach forintegrating OLAP and fuzzy logic to form anintelligent system, capitalizing on the meritsand at the same time offsetting the drawbacksof the involved technologies. In this system,the values and positions of related fuzzy setsare modified to suit the industrialenvironment, supporting smoother operation withless error. To validate the feasibility of theproposed system, a case study related to themonitoring of chemical concentration of PCBelectroplating process is covered in thepaper.
论文关键词:fuzzy logic, knowledge learning, machine learning, On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)