An insight into multimodal databases for social signal processing: acquisition, efforts, and directions

作者:A. Ěerekoviæ


The importance of context-aware computing in understanding social signals gave a rise to a new emerging domain, called social signal processing (SSP). SSP depends heavily on the existence of comprehensive multimodal databases containing the descriptors of social context and behaviors, such as situational environment, roles and gender of human participants. In the recent paper SSP community has emphasized how current research lacks of the adequate data, for the greatest part because acquisition and annotation of large multimodal datasets are time- and resource-consuming for the researchers. This paper aims to collect the existing work in this scope and to deliver the key aspects and clear directions for managing the multimodal behavior data. It reviews some of the existing databases, gives their important characteristics and draws the most important tools and methods conducted in capturing and managing social behavior signals. Summarizing the relevant findings it also addresses the existing issues and proposes fundamental topics that need to be investigated in the future research.

论文关键词:Artificial social intelligence, Cognitive computation, Behavior acquisition, Tools and methods of annotation, Multimodal behavior databases, Social signal processing

