Traveling time prediction in scheduled transportation with journey segments




Urban mobility impacts urban life to a great extent. To enhance urban mobility, much research was invested in traveling time prediction: given an origin and destination, provide a passenger with an accurate estimation of how long a journey lasts. In this work, we investigate a novel combination of methods from Queueing Theory and Machine Learning in the prediction process. We propose a prediction engine that, given a scheduled bus journey (route) and a ‘source/destination’ pair, provides an estimate for the traveling time, while considering both historical data and real-time streams of information that are transmitted by buses. We propose a model that uses natural segmentation of the data according to bus stops and a set of predictors, some use learning while others are learning-free, to compute traveling time. Our empirical evaluation, using bus data that comes from the bus network in the city of Dublin, demonstrates that the snapshot principle, taken from Queueing Theory, works well yet suffers from outliers. To overcome the outliers problem, we use Machine Learning techniques as a regulator that assists in identifying outliers and propose prediction based on historical data.

论文关键词:Traveling time prediction,Queue mining,Machine learning

论文评审过程:Received 1 December 2014, Revised 18 October 2015, Accepted 8 December 2015, Available online 19 December 2015, Version of Record 20 December 2016.
