Tau-functions, Grassmannians and rank one conditions




In integrable systems, specifically the KP hierarchy, there are functions known as “tau-functions”, closely related to the Schur polynomials in terms of which they are often written. Although they are generally viewed as the solutions to a collection of nonlinear PDEs, in this note they will equivalently be characterized by a quadratic difference equation. Sato's theorem associates tau-functions to the points of a Grassmann manifold. To make that amazing theorem clear to non-experts, we will first show an analogous (but easily understood) example of a linear ODE and its solution from a flow on the xy-plane. In each case the solution is created via a flow generated by a certain linear operator. The question we pose is this: “What other operators could have been used to generate solutions in the same way?” Although the answer is well known in the ODE case, the question in the nonlinear case is the main result of our new paper. We will state the result and discuss its relationship to the “trend” of writing tau-functions in terms of matrices satisfying certain rank one conditions. The elucidation of a geometric interpretation of the Hirota bilinear difference equation (HBDE) is a key feature of the proof and will be briefly described.


论文评审过程:Received 1 March 2005, Revised 13 June 2005, Available online 3 April 2006.
