Multivariate Frobenius–Padé approximants: Properties and algorithms




The aim of this paper is to construct rational approximants for multivariate functions given by their expansion in an orthogonal polynomial system. This will be done by generalizing the concept of multivariate Padé approximation. After defining the multivariate Frobenius–Padé approximants, we will be interested in the two following problems: the first one is to develop recursive algorithms for the computation of the value of a sequence of approximants at a given point. The second one is to compute the coefficients of the numerator and denominator of the approximants by solving a linear system. For some particular cases we will obtain a displacement rank structure for the matrix of the system we have to solve. The case of a Tchebyshev expansion is considered in more detail.

论文关键词:15A99,33C45,41A20,41A21,41A63,42C05,42C10,65F05,65F30,Multivariate Padé approximants,Tchebyshev series,Orthogonal polynomials,Orthogonal expansions,Rational approximation,Displacement rank structure

论文评审过程:Received 24 June 2005, Revised 3 March 2006, Available online 8 May 2006.
