The dynamic influence of emotions on game-based creativity: An integrated analysis of emotional valence, activation strength, and regulation focus
• Influence of emotions on game-based creativity was similar across genders.
• Highly activated positive emotions with a promotion focus facilitated creativity.
• Highly activated negative emotions with a promotion focus hindered creativity.
• Influence of emotions on game-based creativity is dynamic during game playing.
•Influence of emotions on game-based creativity was similar across genders.•Highly activated positive emotions with a promotion focus facilitated creativity.•Highly activated negative emotions with a promotion focus hindered creativity.•Influence of emotions on game-based creativity is dynamic during game playing.
论文关键词:Creativity,Game-based learning,Negative emotion,Positive emotion,Regulation focus
论文评审过程:Received 5 November 2014, Revised 7 October 2015, Accepted 30 October 2015, Available online 13 November 2015, Version of Record 13 November 2015.