Understanding and predicting attitudes towards computers




Two studies were conducted to assess the ability of the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) to predict computer-related attitudes and behavior. In the first study, 238 participants responded to a questionnaire concerning their intentions to engage in several different computer-related behaviors, and the attitudes and beliefs underlying those intentions. The results indicated that attitudes towards the behaviors were significant predictors of behavioral intentions, and that different beliefs underlay the different kinds of behavioral intentions. In Study 2, belief statements from Study 1 were used in a persuasive communication designed to enhance attitudes towards word processing. Subjects entered these belief statements onto the computer themselves, using a simple word-processing package. Beliefs which had been identified as more salient were more effective in changing attitudes than were less salient beliefs. Results were discussed with regard to their implications for computer training.


论文评审过程:Available online 4 June 2002.
