Robot Programming by Demonstration (RPD): Supporting the Induction by Human Interaction
作者:H. Friedrich, S. Mnch, R. Dillmann, S. Bocionek, M. Sassin
Programming by Demonstration (PbD) is a programming method that allows software developers to add new functionalities to a system by simply showing them in the form of few examples. In the robotics domain it has the potential to reduce the amount of time required for programming and also to make programming more natural. Just imagine the task of assembling a torch by a manipulator. Wouldn't it be nice to just assemble the torch with one's own hands, watched by video and laser cameras and maybe wearing data gloves, i.e. sensors that provide the data to automatically generate the necessary robot program for the assembly task? And wouldn't it be even nicer to demonstrate the task with few different torches, but achieving an assembly function for all possible variants of them?
论文关键词:Programming by Demonstration (PbD), Robot Programming by Demonstration (RPD), Teaching, Robots, Manipulators, User Intentions, Dialog-Based Learning (DBL)