Credit Assignment in Rule Discovery Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms

作者:John J. Grefenstette


In rule discovery systems, learning often proceeds by first assessing the quality of the system's current rules and then modifying rules based on that assessment. This paper addresses the credit assignment problem that arises when long sequences of rules fire between successive external rewards. The focus is on the kinds of rule assessment schemes which have been proposed for rule discovery systems that use genetic algorithms as the primary rule modification strategy. Two distinct approaches to rule learning with genetic algorithms have been previously reported, each approach offering a useful solution to a different level of the credit assignment problem. We describe a system, called RUDI, that exploits both approaches. We present analytic and experimental results that support the hypothesis that multiple levels of credit assignment can improve the performance of rule learning systems based on genetic algorithms.

论文关键词:Credit assignment, rule discovery, genetic algorithms, classifier systems, bucket brigade algorithm

