The Problem of Expensive Chunks and its Solution by Restricting Expressiveness

作者:Milind Tambe, Allen Newell, Paul S. Rosenbloom


Soar is an architecture for a system that is intended to be capable of general intelligence. Chunking, a simple experience-based learning mechanism, is Soar's only learning mechanism. Chunking creates new items of information, called chunks, based on the results of problem-solving and stores them in the knowledge base. These chunks are accessed and used in appropriate later situations to avoid the problem-solving required to determine them. It is already well-established that chunking improves performance in Soar when viewed in terms of the subproblems required and the number of steps within a subproblem. However, despite the reduction in number of steps, sometimes there may be a severe degradation in the total run time. This problem arises due to expensive chunks, i.e., chunks that require a large amount of effort in accessing them from the knowledge base. They pose a major problem for Soar, since in their presence, no guarantees can be given about Soar's performance.

论文关键词:Soar, chunking, explanation-based learning, expensive chunks, restricting expressiveness, utility of learning

