Complexity parameters for first order classes

作者:Marta Arias, Roni Khardon


We study several complexity parameters for first order formulas and their suitability for first order learning models. We show that the standard notion of size is not captured by sets of parameters that are used in the literature and thus they cannot give a complete characterization in terms of learnability with polynomial resources. We then identify an alternative notion of size and a simple set of parameters that are useful for first order Horn Expressions. These parameters are the number of clauses in the expression, the maximum number of distinct terms in a clause, and the maximum number of literals in a clause. Matching lower bounds derived using the Vapnik Chervonenkis dimension complete the picture showing that these parameters are indeed crucial.

论文关键词:Inductive logic programming, Learning theory, First-order logic, VC-dimension, Query learning

