Learning large-alphabet and analog circuits with value injection queries
作者:Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Jiang Chen, Lev Reyzin
We consider the problem of learning an acyclic discrete circuit with n wires, fan-in bounded by k and alphabet size s using value injection queries. For the class of transitively reduced circuits, we develop the Distinguishing Paths Algorithm, that learns such a circuit using (ns)O(k) value injection queries and time polynomial in the number of queries. We describe a generalization of the algorithm to the class of circuits with shortcut width bounded by b that uses (ns)O(k+b) value injection queries. Both algorithms use value injection queries that fix only O(kd) wires, where d is the depth of the target circuit. We give a reduction showing that without such restrictions on the topology of the circuit, the learning problem may be computationally intractable when s=n Θ(1), even for circuits of depth O(log n). We then apply our large-alphabet learning algorithms to the problem of approximate learning of analog circuits whose gate functions satisfy a Lipschitz condition. Finally, we consider models in which behavioral equivalence queries are also available, and extend and improve the learning algorithms of (Angluin in Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp. 584–593, 2006) to handle general classes of gate functions that are polynomial time learnable from counterexamples.
论文关键词:Value injection queries, Learning circuits, Query learning